Crowd Blog

Schools’ Make-up Days

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2014-11-26 at 14-02-42This winter, cities from the Southwest to Northeast had extreme winter weather, leading school districts to cancel school due to snow or frigid temperatures. Each school district has its own plan to make-up the missed days.

Most school districts already had extra days in their school schedules or added days during the regular school calendars, making it unnecessary to extend their school years. In addition, to avoid extending the school year, some school districts have held school on Saturdays, on teacher work days, or during parts of their spring breaks.

Here is a list of the schools districts that we track that are extending their school years:

  • Chicago, IL – added 3 days (June 17, 18, and 19)
  • Montgomery, MD (DC area) – added 2 days (June 12 and 15)
  • Louisville, KY – added 4 days (May 29 – June 5)
  • Greensboro, NC – added 2 days (June 12 and 15)
  • Boston, MA – added 6 days (June 22-29)

The make-up days are well distributed across the country, and we do not expect an impact on crowd levels.

Are your kids having to make-up school days? Did it affect your vacation plans?

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Steve Bloom

By helping continue to reach the most accurate crowd level predictions, Steve finally found a way to meld his training in statistical analysis with a lifelong passion for Disney. He first visited the Magic Kingdom in 1972, just a few months after it opened. Now he enjoys frequent trips with his two kids. At age four his son insisted on wearing cowboy boots to reach the height requirement for Test Track, and his daughter believes that a smoked turkey leg and Dole Whip make a perfectly balanced meal. Even though she doesn't quite get it, Steve's wife is supportive of his Disney activities.

12 thoughts on “Schools’ Make-up Days

  • Honestly, do these make up days really matter? I know the districts are legally obligated; but this seems like a waste of time and resources. I seriously doubt any serious learning is happening then.

    And as for MoCo, MD, they have already announced that big budget cuts are likely coming. This will result in, among other things, larger class sizes. In already crowded schools.

    To me, these extra days are just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  • A lot of Central CT – but not all districts will have a last day of June 19.
    Some districts in CT had more snow days and will go as late as 6/26/15.

  • For public schools in Louisville, KY the last day of school is June 5. We made up a few of those days throughout the year. Thanks!

  • Many of the suburbs around Chicago start way before CSD–our district added three days too, and will get out on June 3rd instead of May 29.

  • In Louisville, we had 2 bad storms in February/March. My kids are in private schools and started online curriculum during these days so there are no make up days. We get out May 23rd and are heading to Disney.

  • Nashville Metro school year ends on May 27. They did not add any days to the end of the school year, they added 2 days during their Spring Break.

  • Just a note: Memphis has not added any days to its school year and does not plan to…

    • Thanks for the update. So May 21, 2015 is the last day of school for Shelby County. I’ll update the post.

  • We live in Northwest Indiana and our last day was supposed to be June 3rd, but five days were added on to the calendar, making June 10th the new last day of school. We are still planning on leaving for Disney on June 6th. My second grader is very excited about the trip and getting to get out of school three days early!

  • We only added 3 days to the end of the calendar (Lafayette, Indiana), which is better than last year. Last year the weather was so bad that we added a week, plus the state gave us a waiver to not make up an extra 3 days on top of that due to extreme cold/snow, in addition to not making up the days missed due to schools damaged/destroyed by a tornado. This school year has nothing on last school year, weather wise!!

  • Thankfully Ohio has changed the teacher union agreements to require a minimum number of hours, not days. Most school districts already teach many more than the minimum. This allows us to not worry about make- up days. My children’s district was able to adopt the new policy this year, most will have new contracts in place for the 2015-16 school year. I still would rather we not have the snow. 🙂


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