Walt Disney World (FL)

The Hidden Pascals of Fantasyland — A Checklist

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TouringPlans is pleased to welcome back Daria Griffis.

In the Rapunzel Bathrooms area of the Magic Kingdom, arguably the best bathrooms on property, there’s a semi-hidden secret that could easily be a fun, free hunt for kids and families, or adults equally: hidden pascals! Rumor says that around the little creek and the bathrooms themselves, there are 10 pascals hidden, however the 10th Pascal seems to be hiding very well, and no one (the author included!) seems to be able to find it. If you want a detailed guide on where to find each Pascal, then keep on reading, but if you want to attempt the challenge yourself (and use this to check your work), then stop reading here!

Pascal #1: This Pascal is nestled in the rocks on the stroller parking side of the creek, he’s stone-grey, and is best seen from the bridge into Liberty Square. Look for the crease of his forehead to pick him out from the rocks!

Pascal #2: Right underneath the bridge, hidden in the rocks and plants, is a green-gray Pascal, his red eyes are a stark contrast and help to distinguish him from the rocks!


Pascal #3: Stay in the same place, the next Pascal isn’t too far away! Across the creek, on the side of the Memento Mori building, is a pale green pascal, easy to find against the rocks, water, and moss.


Pascal #4: Nearby (or in the same place again) look up, and on the Memento Mori building, you’ll find three flower boxes. Look in the shadow of the middle one. A yellow/tan pascal is hiding beneath the box!

Pascal #5 and #6: Alright, now head toward the path to the Haunted Mansion. You’ll want to stop around the creek area, across from the rocks next to the bathrooms. Look in the corner of the Memento Mori building for 5, and on the tree for 6. The one on the tree can be difficult to find, but look for a disruption in the tree’s natural pattern.

Pascal #7: This one is in the area again. Go to the fence against the creek and look down. A dark grey Pascal, again contrasted by red eyes, is amongst the rocks near the creek.

Pascal #8: Backtracking a little now, back to the stroller section, near where we were earlier, on one of the lantern posts, is a brown pascal. Look for a bump on the top of the post, and that’s Pascal!


Pascal #9: This one is the only one that’s actually immediately near the bathrooms, it is up in one of the window boxes above some of the posters. This Pascal is green, and his eyes once again differentiate him from the flowers.

Pascal #10 is the one that’s evaded me over multiple times of looking. I wish I could give any indication where the last one might be, but I’m not able to. If you do find that last Pascal, consider yourself a serious sleuth! Good luck, and happy hunting!

Daria Griffis is a life-long Disney fanatic and Type 1 Diabetic. She is currently pursuing a B.A in Technical Theater, with an Emphasis in Lighting Design. She’s been writing all her life, and is overjoyed for the opportunity to join the TouringPlans Team!


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5 thoughts on “The Hidden Pascals of Fantasyland — A Checklist

  • I just found number ten it was very hard thank you for the hints it was very fun finding the chameleons with my daughter

  • The tenth one, you cannot get a front view of pascal. There is too much overgrowth. The last one is also by the river bed sandwiched between two rocks.

  • I had no idea there were hidden Pascals. I can’t wait to go looking for them on my next trip!

  • Well, I confess I don’t know what a Pascal is haha. Looks like a frog.

    • Pascal is the name of Rapunzel’s pet chameleon in the Disney movie “Tangled.”


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