American Idol Experience Replacement – Poll

Rumors abound that the American Idol Experience at Disney’s Hollywood Studios will be closing January 3, 2015. The attraction opened, even as it was obvious that the American Idol phenomenon in the U.S. had peaked, in 2009 and plays at the Superstar Television Theater at the Studios.
This is a huge footprint in the park, and has been the set of many great interactive shows at the Studios. While the closing is probably not seen as that big a deal by the many guests who were not flocking to see the attraction, eventually something will need to take its place.
What do you think should replace the American Idol Experience if it is indeed closing?

Take down American Idol, Sounds Dangerous and Indiana Jones and make Star Wars Land. Maybe Honey I Shrunk playground and the buildings alongside Indiana Jones (50’s Primetime) can also come down and it can all be Star Wars. I can picture 50’s being a Star Wars restaraunt and I’m sure business would BOOM there. Leave Muppets alone. If anything, take down Pizza Planet and Al’s Toy Barn and make a Muppets area too. Pixar Place should be expanded by taking down Prince Caspian.
StarWarsLand. Period. No-brainer.
Would love to order a blue drink at the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Or do a speeder (or pod) race, or attack the Death Star.
A whole slew of sim rides on the order of Star Tours would rock,
especially if one could “experience” hyper-space.
An under-water ride thru Naboo could harken back to 20,000 leagues,
but be much more modern.
Interactive Droids like the the trash can that used to frequent
tomorrowland would be nifty. The technology is there now.
Combine all this space with the rumoured demise of Indiana Jones,
and the possibilities are enormous… the whole thing could be
Star Wars has a “timeless classic” quality about it.
Now that Disney owns it…
While a skating rink seems cute, it is really not practical. Ice skating rinks need to be kept at a cold temperature and I don’t see people wanting to drag around sweaters and pants and even hats to spend an hour on ice. It would be a huge time eater in DHS. But the idea of an ice show with characters is great! The shows here in NJ always sell out and with a show schedule similar to that of Lights Motor, Action, would be a wonderful idea!
Hmm… honestly, I wouldn’t mind a walk-through attraction— I think the one about Walt Disney is very well done, and frankly, I enjoyed the walk-through part of it much more than the movie. If anything, move— and rehaul— Legend of Jack Sparrow into something more interesting and y’know, actually interactive, and put a store or counter-service restaurant in that tiny space instead.
But I see people’s points. HS needs more in the way of *rides*, and they definitely need more… I don’t know how to phrase this, but ‘Disney-ness’. There’s too much now that’s just lackluster— Art of Animation, Jack Sparrow, American Idol, the sound stage… I don’t know that I’d want anything from Frozen, because it would just sort of feel shoe-horned in, but I love the idea of the Incredibles! That could easily be turned into a headliner ride. Bolt, as an obscure one, I think could also fit well with the theming, but the question is what would they do with it?
Really, I think anything they do from here (American Idol) is an improvement.
Although I will say— the idea that was mentioned about a Frozen ice show/skating rink is fantastic!
How about something that will show off the creativity of the current batch of Imagineers. They could do a walk thru featuring grown up Disney child stars like Miley and Lindsey…
This attraction has to go in the record books of worst attractions built by the Disney and I’m amazed it was not a original attraction of DCA. I do think this closer is the first step in the reimaginering of DHS. Well what will go in, that I don’t know. I do hope this will be a interactive show.
Anything Star Wars!!!!
I think of Hollywood Studios as the Pixar park, so I’d love to see something Pixar related (how about an “Incredibles” interactive experience where you can try out different super powers and fight villains??). Either that or level it and build the Indiana Jones ride like they have at Disneyland…
There’s a lot of empty, unused real estate in this park and Epcot that needs to be funded and Imagineered. And I don’t want to see a commercial walk-through of props, or a game show (…especially from another network!), or another princess meet & greet. (I love those, but we have enough, thanks.) Let’s do what Disney does best throughout the parks.
Three words:
Wipeout: The Experience
Frozen the ride. Make it your typical auto loader continuous ride. Dhs needs one of these anyway.
Frozen the ice skating rink!! Shows and skate rentals at different times.
Or maybe something like bumper cars but on ice
I like the ice skating and bumper cars ideas. Either one would be cool.
No more game shows/contest shows. What would be awesome is a Disney variety show of classic movie songs, maybe even performed by people dressed as the characters from the movies.
If they want to keep it themed to family-friendly interactive ABC TV shows, how about Wipeout: The Stage Show?
What about an interactive Minute-to-Win-it?
Bring back Superstar Television. Doesn’t have to be the same shows but I think people would still enjoy watching and/or participating in the process.
Would also be interested in “Millionaire” returning.
How about a show based on part of the movie Frozen? Sort of a preview of what will inevitably be the Broadway show.
What about a game show “pavilion”? Where they have different game shows throughout the day?
Level it as part of Star Wars/LucasLand. Take out this area, and leave the Muppets alone. 🙂
I’m with you. Bulldoze it along with half of the other attractions in the Studios and replace it with Star Wars.
If you get rid of the sound stage next to toy story, the sounds dangerous theater and the American idol theater, you’d make a ton of space. Total demolition for an actual ride would be much better than nothing and would alleviate congestion elsewhere or increase attendance significantly. Star wars themed would be awesome.