Crowd BlogWalt Disney World (FL)

Crowd Calendar Update For March Coming Soon

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Our monthly Crowd Calendar update for March is coming soon, a little later than normal. We expect to publish the next update by Monday, March 9.

January and February were very different this year than in years past.  So far in 2020, 3 out of every 10 days are a crowd level ’10’. That is unprecedented. Our wait time models recognize this latest trend, but we need to comb through our 12 months of forecasts to make sure they make sense. The March update may include an adjustment to the Crowd Calendar thresholds as well. These thresholds are the rules that define the relationship between average wait time and crowd level.

Our predictions for wait times have already been updated, so it is recommended that you refresh your touring plans, especially if you are visiting the parks soon.

Happy Touring!

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Fred Hazelton

Fred Hazelton maintains the crowd calendar, theme park wait time models and does hotel rate analysis for the Unofficial Guides. He's also done the models for the new mobile wait times product Lines. Fred Hazelton is a professional statistician living in Ontario, Canada. His email address is You can also follow him on Twitter: @DisneyStatsWhiz.

6 thoughts on “Crowd Calendar Update For March Coming Soon

  • I keep checking Disney hours for March 16-20, during which everyday is a 9 or 10 in all parks. Why isn’t Disney increasing hours?

  • How many times over the years has Touring Plans adjusted it’s threshold for a 10? I assume with crowds up over 50% in 15 years (according to TEA), what constitutes a 10 has changed a lot?

    Said differently, a 2006 “10” is equal to a 2020 what?

  • So you’re saying 10 going forward is going to be one louder?

  • Any adjustments based on the Corona virus? It must be difficult to predict.

    • We don’t have any reason to believe that the corona virus is affecting wait times at the theme parks. Any adjustment at this point would be a guess. We will wait and monitor our usual indicators for economic and travel trends.


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