
New Unofficial Guide Podcast Available: Tomorrowland With Sam Gennawey

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In the last podcast of our walk around the Magic Kingdom, we discuss the retro-future of Tomorrowland with Sam Gennawey. Here’s the link on iTunesAnd here’s the direct MP3.

Look for more episodes with Jim Hill in the month of July. And thanks very much for your reviews and feedback on iTunes.

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Len Testa

Len Testa is the co-author of the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, and has contributed to the Disneyland and Las Vegas Unofficial Guides. Most of his time is spent trying to keep up with the team. Len's email address is len@touringplans.com. You can also follow him on BlueSky: @lentesta.

9 thoughts on “New Unofficial Guide Podcast Available: Tomorrowland With Sam Gennawey

  • @ Len I just saw that there are two new episodes and I’m so happy!! I really LOVE these long episode. Jim had me cracked up when he STARTED his first anecdote of episode 15 with “Again…”.
    Thanks for making these!

  • Is there an online podcast archive? i would like to listen to them all, and i cant get itunes at work.

  • Hey Len, any way you can give the direct mp3 link for the fantasyland and adventureland episodes. I can’t access itunes at work. Thanks

  • Did I hear that right? Did he say that in the future, as imagined by Disney, we will have to manufacture all plants (ie the metal palm trees)? Wow… that makes Tomorrowland more depressing than magical. Yuck.

  • Love Len and Sam Gennawey together. They are both funny and upbeat with great information. Great podcast.

  • Len,

    This series of podcasts was great. Looking forward to hearing Jim again in July as well as Sam discussing the Leave a Legacy thing at Epcot 🙂

    A pity about the models though. They would have been very interesting to see.


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