Ask It: How Often Do You Vacation to Walt Disney World?

As the old saying goes, the best cure for the post-Disney vacation blues is setting a date for the next Disney vacation. Many factors can contribute to how soon that next vacation will come, however. Cost, vacation time, life circumstances, desire to see other places, and more mean that your next trip may or may not be right around the corner. This week, we’re asking:
How often do you vacation to Walt Disney World?
- Every 2-4 years (41%, 569 Votes)
- Once a year (31%, 434 Votes)
- More than once a year (20%, 278 Votes)
- Every 5+ years (8%, 109 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,390

Posting is live here and on Twitter, and feel free to share what helps you determine how often you make a Walt Disney World vacation happen in the comments.
I’m on the every 10 year plan! Took my first trip in 1998 as did my wife (who I had not met at the time but turns out we were at Disney at the same time!) and then again in 2008 with my wife and then 10 and 9 year old sons. We are going again in 2018 with same sons and our soon-to-be 9 year old daughter.
Every 4 years for us. We are from the UK and the cost (in dollars) for 2 weeks on site is almost 5 figures. We can’t afford or justify going more frequently than that.
We found that every 2-3 years is perfect for capturing the “magic”. We did back-to-back trips one year, and while it was fun, it was missing something . . .
I would like to vote but there is no option for people like me who has never gone. Who can’t afford a disney trip no matter how much I save.
Iger out now!
If I try to save up to the price today, it’s going to be double when I have the money.
Please stop commenting here.
Dear Brian,
Instead of saving for a WDW vacation might I suggest instead that you save for GED classes?
Just a thought. 😉
We tend to do one Disney trip and one universal trip per year, which works out great!
For the past 6-8 years we averaged 2-3 times per year. But with the prices going up every year, the crowds growing like crazy and nothing new coming out, I know Pandora just opened but we made this decision during our last trip in November, we are taking some time off. Next year will be a Universal year for us and then in 2019 we will look at Disney again once all the new lands will hopefully be opened. Might get delayed to 2020 or even further depending on any delays for Star Wars land.
Went 5 years in a row, staying about 2 weeks each time, great times. After 2 years with FP+ we started going to Universal, Kids don’t want to go back to Disney, much better at Uni with Express Passes (and Less Expensive), more relaxed Vacation. Maybe do Disney one more time a year after Star Wars opens to see all the new stuff, other than that we are done with the Mouse.
We try to go every other year – We alternate big Disney trips with beach trips
Since 2009, we have gone every other year. We stay for 10 days and normally stay at Ft. Wilderness. This year we will be heading to WDW in November. However, since our daughter starts 9th grade and our 3 boys are starting 6th, 4th and 1st, we may have to change it to every 3 years.
We usually go once or twice a year; in the spring for Flower & Garden, this year we went the last week in Marc, and fall for F&W. We’ll be back in Sept.
It WAS yearly (sometimes twice a year) for a good 7 years. We just got back a couple of weeks ago. Due to the crowds and the insane price increases over the last few years, we won’t be back for a long time. I can’t say we will never go back, but it will be years before we plan another trip. Makes me sad but the value is no longer there for our family. First world problems, I know.
When DD was younger, we were visiting at least once a year. Now that she is in college, we don’t have a trip planned in the foreseeable future. Once college is paid for, maybe we will start going back, but DH is not as big a fan as DD or I. If we get back to WDW in the next 5 years or so, it might end up being our last trip until (or if) grandkids come along.
Hard to justify going annually given the large and always-increasing cost (flights, tickets, hotel), especially since so little of it changes year-to-year. Going every 2 or 3 years seems to be our rhythm.
We take one big vacation a year and a few small long weekend type trips in between. In the past 9 years our big trip has been to Walt Disney World with the exception of one year when we went to Disneyland! This year we were going to do ‘something different’ and the kids (all teenagers) were disappointed they kept asking how could we do something different AND go to Walt Disney World. We settled on 4 days in Miami and 7 days in Walt Disney World! We know the kids are getting older and before we know it family vacations will be a thing of the past, until then we go to Disney!