Bad Weather and Rainy Days at Universal Orlando
Don’t let rain or inclement weather ruin your day at the Universal Orlando! In this article we will share our tips on touring the parks in the rain and how to stay dry.

Rain and Inclement Weather in Orlando
Orlando, Florida receives 51 inches of rain a year, over 30% more than the average city in the United States. Rain storms predominately come from the Gulf of Mexico which cause mid-day to early evening rain showers, but all-day rain in the summer months is not unheard of. Florida is the lightning capital of the USA and lightning strikes within a set area will cause rides and pools to close. Hail is uncommon unless a hurricane warning is in effect. Speaking of hurricanes, the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season lasts from June to November with most storms hitting Orlando between August and October.
Some rides at Universal Orlando Resort will not operate under 50° F, for more information on cold weather touring at Universal Orlando read Touring Universal Orlando in Cold Weather (Blog Link).
Weather Report Sources
Before a visit check the Orlando weather report on the website Weather Underground (no association with the 1970s terrorist group) or a similar service. Also, update your weather apps on your phone to Orlando or automatically update based on your location for accurate weather reports and alerts. I use the weather app Carrot Weather (iOS & Android) on my iPhone for rain alert push notifications, letting me duck into a shop before the heavens open. For local weather news and updates on severe weather check the free Emergency Weather coverage from TV station WESH and the Orlando Sentinel newspaper.
Touring Parks in Inclemete Weather & Rain
Review the weather forecast before leaving for the parks and pack a day bag accordingly. I always carry an umbrella for when I have to stand in the sun and for walking in light rain. Ponchos come in handy for heavy rain and when there is wind using an umbrella prevents rain patter on your head and some rain is so heavy you might want to switch to quick dry footwear. Purchase disposable ponchos and umbrellas before your trip, you will save money ($12 each at the parks vs $15 for 10 on Amazon) and easier to pick out your party in clear ponchos than the opaque Universal Orlando ones.
Universal Studios Florida
With its large sound stage attractions and indoor shows, Universal Studios Florida is the best Universal park to tour when there is rain or inclement weather. All attractions operate in the rain at USF except for Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit, Kang and Kodos Twirl n’ Hurl, and Trolls Trollercoaster. The best rides for rain are ones with large, indoor queues, long attraction run times, and a large post-attraction space to seek shelter. Good options for rainy days include:
- The Bourne Stuntacular
- Horror Make-Up Show
- Revenge of the Mummy
- Men in Black Alien Attack
- Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts
Diagon Alley is particularly well-suited for bad weather with multiple covered streets and large stores shielded from the rain.

Islands of Adventure
Universal overcorrected the indoor attractions at Universal Studios Florida with Islands of Adventure’s large outdoor attraction lineup, great for tourists but not when it rains. Most attractions in the park close for lightning and heavy rain except for the following:
- The Cat in the Hat
- Caro-Suess-el
- Hogwarts Express
- Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
- Skull Island Reign of Kong
- The Amazing Adventures of Spider-man
- Storm Force Acceleration
If you choose to hunker down for a storm there are a few good dining locations and shops to choose from:
- Island Merchantile store in Port of Entry
- Kingpin’s Arcade in Marvel Super Hero Island
- Jurassic Park Discovery Center
Volcano Bay
Volcano Bay operates like any outdoor pool – it will remain open in light rain, possibly close in havier rain, and the park will shut down during severe storms or lightning in the area. Watch the weather forecast for the day, a light rain can scare away guests but lighting will shut down the park and leave you stranded.
Hurricanes & You
Florida’s hurricane season runs from June to November, with most storms making landfall and impacting the theme parks between August and October. Universal Orlando will shut down the theme parks once a Hurricane Warning is issued for the resort, usually 36 hours before the storm makes landfall per the NOAA. Theme parks, shopping districts, dining areas, and more will shut down and some guests might be moved to other resort areas for safety. For more information on what to know and what to do when a hurricane strikes your vacation visit Universal’s hotels will extend their rebooking and fee-free cancellation policies when a hurricane or tropical storm shuts down the theme parks. For more information read our blog post What to Know if a Hurricane Might Impact Your Orlando Vacation (Blog Link).

- Raining? Go to the theme parks anyway and pick Universal Studios Florida for their indoor attractions.
- If you are caught in the rain in Islands of Adventure make your way to Kingpin’s Arcade, Jurassic Park Discovery Center, or Isle Merchantile. These are large covered spaces with seating, entertainment, and air conditioning.
- Purchase ponchos and umbrellas before your trip to save money.
Have any rainy day tips you swear by? Leave them in the comments below!