Introducing Lines, Your Unofficial Guide To Wait Times
Today, we’re launching a preview version of Lines, a mobile website for the iPhone that displays estimates of wait times for every attraction at Walt Disney World.
For the past 10 years we’ve been obsessively researching wait times at Walt Disney World, collecting and processing a massive amount of data along the way. We’ve launched products such as Touring Plans and the Crowd Calendar to help you efficiently tour the parks and avoid the crowds.
In designing Lines, we thought a lot about the experiences we’ve had touring the parks: we’re standing in Frontierland and want to know how long the line is at Space Mountain. Is Soarin’ really a ninety minute wait? Will there be FASTPASSes left at Toy Story Mania if we get there at noon?
Lines was built to solve these problems, and we’re really excited to give you a sneak peek. There are many mobile applications doing wait times (Disney included), and accurate estimates are particularly challenging. We’re eager to see how accurate we can be.
Here are some of the ways Lines is different:
We independently estimate wait times
Ever wait in line for 20 minutes when the standby sign said 5? Or vice versa? Yeah, we have too. For Lines we use thousands of historical data points and a myriad of statistical models (prepared by a professional statistician) to estimate how long you’ll actually wait in line.
We love user data, but don’t require it
You can submit wait times via your iPhone (and you would be awesome for doing so!)–but we do not depend on it. Our product is useful on Day One, regardless of how many people are submitting times.
We predict… the future!
We estimate future standby times, when FASTPASS will be gone for the day, and when the peak wait times will be. Want to know if FASTPASS will still be available after dinner? We’ve got you covered.
Much, much more
Crowd calendar data, park hours, refurbishments, an attraction closure reporting system, all now available on your phone!
To give it a go, grab an iPhone and navigate to (other mobile platforms are on the way). You’ll need a subscription to use Lines during this preview. Lines is free to use for a limited time. UPDATE:: Lines has graduated Beta and is now a fully featured member of the product suite! Click here for more.
UPDATE:: We’re now supporting Android and Palm Pre/Pixi phones!
UPDATE x2!! We’re pleased to now support BlackBerry phones as well! Read more here.
does “lines” include wait times for character m&g?
Hey Canucks! It depends on your service provider but generally the US data add-ons are pretty reasonable. I get a US data roaming add-on from Rogers for $20 per trip and it is usually enough to do all the browsing, emailing and Lines App use I need. It is worth noting that I use the app a lot as part of our research as well.
The data use for Lines is fairly small, something akin to sending a few emails here and there.
I suggest you call your provider and ask for a reasonable add-on.
Hi Fred, any chance of providing more specific records of how much data you’re using on this app on site?
I usually purchase an add on and turn off data unless actively using when I go to the US, but it can be hard to guess which pack to buy (Rogers here as well) and I’m trying to figure out if this app will be constantly transmitting data etc.
At home I have a 500 mb plan, and go a little over my limit once every 3-4 months with pretty basic use (reading news, bit of web surfing / searching, lots of email but never any streaming on non wifi). My data usage seems to have gone up since getting an iPhone 4s (from 3GS).
Thanks for any further info / input from fellow Canadians.
As a fellow Canadian here is my two cents on data usage in the USA and roaming fees. I simply use a US SIM card and avoid roaming fees all together.
1) Unlock your phone. (If you have a NEXUS branded Android device, it is already unlocked. If you don’t, there are plenty of website online where you can purchase the unlock code for a reasonable price. ~$20)
2) Research which major US carrier your phone is compatible with. If you have a new iphone or a newer Android phone that are “pentaband” then your phone will work will just about any carrier in the world.
3) Once you know which carrier your phone will work with, go to that carriers store when you land and buy a pre-paid SIM card. For myself my phone is compatable with AT&T. A one month unlimited US calling SIM card is $25. You can then buy 1gb of data for another $25. For $50 I get a phone that I can US to make calls in the US and I get a large amount of data to surf the web (enable your hotspot and share with your laptop/tablet), and I can also use my phone as a GPS (I’ve used google maps navigate feature in many cities throughout the US and it has worked great. Just head to Best Buy or Future Shop and buy yourself the Rocket Fish smart phone holder to hang your phone from the windshield.)
4) If you want to make long distance phone calls to Canada, you’ll need to load some additional money on, as those calls are 10 cents a minute, or you can buy 250 minutes for $10.
At the very most you would pay $60 for the month…..which is a bit steep if you’re just gone for a week….but it is significantly cheaper than any roaming plan Telus/Bell/Rogers would give you. (Bell charges $40 for 100mb of US roaming data, and $40 for 100 minutes of US roaming.)
There are cheaper options with T-mobile, and AT&T. Just do some research online with their webpages.
When land back in Canada, swap your SIM cards back and pat yourself on the back for beating the huge roaming fees you would have been saddled with from a Canadian cell phone company.
We are going to Disney World and we have downloaded the Lines App. Do you have an estimate on what the data usage is to use this app? We are from Canada and our roaming fees are expensive so I need to “size” our data requirements. Any advice on this and roaming for Canadians would be appreciated.
Second this……also from Canada and roaming fees can be huge $$$$$ while in the US. This information would be helpful! Thanks!
Purchased the Lines application for use during our visit to the Disney World parks last week. I was very disappointed in the inaccuracies of the reported wait times. Not only was the application extremely slow, the reported times seemed to be about 1/2 of the actual wait times. For instance, they reported FASTPASS distribution times of 2:00 PM when they were actually printing at 4:05 PM and the Rockin’ Roller Coaster standby wait was 40 minutes when we waited >75 minutes. I still enjoy the “Unofficial Guide” and touring plans, which I also purchased and have used for many years, however the application was a waste of time and money. Cannot recommend.
Question. I am coming from Canada and I don’t own a smartphone but my Samsung has browsing capabilities. Because I live in Canada, data can be expensive in the US, so I am wondering how much data needs to be streamed via the website to the phones? I would love to be able to see the line times on my phone, but I have to be careful I don’t have a hugh bill when I get back. Thanks.
Please create a Windows Phone 7 app or at least add support for the mobile app.
Thank you,
I just received kindle fire and was trying to find the touring plan app, have a trip to WDW in less than three weeks. Have faithfully toured the parks with the tear out sheets, plans, and love the phone app. Does it work on the kindle? I would love to leave the phone at home during vacation and just have the plans with me. Thank you
I would think it should work fine on the Kindle Fire as long as you can navigate to I know that the Fire’s browser is homebrewed by Amazon, so that would be my only concern. There’s no reason though that you couldn’t test it now at home just to make sure before making the switch.
Pretty please, with personalized mouse ears on top – WINDOWS PHONE APP!!!!! I have carried and shared and recommended your books and website ever since my first trip to Disneyland at age 36. I have been back twice in the past 6-months alone (and, nope…I don’t live in California!). The moment there’s a WP7 App, I’ll subscribe and post it to my FB page and tweet it and spread the word. I promise to give you the top tile on my opening screen! M-I-C (let’s C this app on WP7) K-E-Y (Y? Because we LIKE YOU) MO-*USE-WP7!* Thanks! You rock!
Thanks Allison! It’s our company policy not to do native apps. They require investment in specialized coding skills that, as a small shop, we don’t want. And second, we think the open Web is good for everyone in the long run.
I admit to still having a ‘thing’ for MASM and the MSFT C++ compiler. Good stuff. 🙂
Lines works great on my Windows Phone in the mobile IE browser. Used it on the trip last summer, no problems. It might not hurt to note something to that effect above to save you from getting spammed by us Windows Phone fanatics!
I am confused by your comment. It appears that there are iPhone, BlackBerry and Android Apps. How can you have these native apps and hav a policy of not doing native apps?
I’m guessing that Android and the iPhone apps are written in Java and the Windows phone cannot use the same Java code.
I was under the impression that the iPhone did not support Java.
The iPhone and Android apps are wrappers for the web – we haven’t written any native code for them, it’s just formatted and put on the stores for easy access. At this point we haven’t created any pure native apps for any platform.
Please.. How about a Windows Phone app. The demand is obviously there 🙂
Especially with Nokia pushing this now.. They are a top platform and Gartner even predicts they will pass iPhone.
Yet another request for a Windows Phone 7 version of the app.
Hi there, love the web browser based version but it would be even better if you guys released a version for Windows Phone 7.
Keep up the great work.
Heading down in a couple weeks with our Windows 7 phone….soooo sad there is no app yet:( Hope it’s next in line for your dev team! THANKS!!!
Yet another vote for WindowsPhone.
Here’s another vote for a Windows Phone native app. Have we convinced you?
Another vote for a Windows Phone native app. There are more apps available for WP now than for Blackberry…just sayin’… 🙂
REALLY Need to get a Windows 7 app!!! I am a travel agent and frequest visitor to the Disney Parks! Would LOVE LOVE LOVE this app if I could get it on my Windows 7 phone!
I got the Lines app for my new iPhone 4, and it looks great! We are going next month, and I can’t wait to try it out.
I have a question about a feature I would love to have in Lines, but I couldn’t find it so I assume it doesn’t exist. Do you have a place where you can favorite the Touring Plans that you like so that it is easier to find them once you are actually there on vacation? Or even a favorites on the website account? It is so wonderful to have all those plans, but I don’t need to access all of them when actually there. How great would it be to have a couple of “favorites” for each park that I can quickly access when I need to?!?! 🙂
Anyway, just wondering if that was something that had been considered, and thanks again for the great app!
Just another vote for a Windows Phone 7 app, and my phone is dev unlocked, so I’m happy to beta test too. 🙂
I would love a Windows Phone 7 application. While ports are generally slower than writing from scratch there are API mapping tools that you can use from your iOS or Android codebase.
I will dev unlock my WP7 phone and test out a build from y’all when I am at DLR next weekend of you like 🙂
Waiting for Windows Phone 7 app. =)
Great App. Been using it for a year now. Would LOVE to see a Win Phone 7 App. Noticed quite a few others asking for it too.
If I buy a subscription to Touring Plans, can both my husband and I use the subscription on our iPhones, AND the iPad? Or would we have to get three separate subscriptions to access it from each of our devices???
Well, I am not sure what the official response is, but I can tell you that I’ve been logged into the same account on my PC and my phone at the same time, so it looks to me like you would probably just need the one account.
Just want to echo the other comments for a Win Phone 7 native app. Going to WDW in August…maybe it will be ready by then? 🙂
I have signed up for this, my question is ……… is this an actual application I can download on my Blackberry Torch or do I have to use a browser signin etc to use it, I’m hoping from what I’ve read its an actual browser I just haven’t quite figured out how to do that yet, ho hum.
Any plans for Windows phone support?
What about the Nokia E71, and the like, running the Symbian OS? It’s a hugely popular phone on Straight Talk, so much so that it rarely stays in stock! Lines would be excellent on that line of phones!
Hi! I LOVE this app!
I am using an iPhone and I was wondering if there was a way to sort the reported wait times? Perhaps by name or location, as opposed to having to scroll through the list and search for the ride/attraction i want by when it was last updated…
hahaha…just kidding, i found what i was looking for 😛
I have an HTC Wildfire Android smartphone through Alltel. I cannot get Lines on the Android Market, nor can I download it from the website. I was able to install it on an Android tablet (a rooted NookColor), but I can’t get it on my phone. What gives?
I have exactly the same problem. I’ve contacted touringplans directly about this, but as yet have had no response. My guess (and it is only a guess) is that the app would work if only the HTC Wildfire were able to install it, and that the problem is with the specified requirements for the app, rather than the app itself.
Okay, I found a workaround for this problem: I took the apk file from another Android device where Lines had been successfully installed ( and copied it directly to the /data/app folder of my HTC Wildfire (I used the app “Root Explorer” to do this). Now, Lines works perfectly on my HTC phone! I don’t know why we can’t get the app through the Android Market, but it does work on HTC phones. Maybe Henry Work can make the apk file available as a direct download for those of us who can’t get it on the Android Market?
Thanks, Timothy. It’s good to know that my guess was correct – but a pity that the application is unavailable to Wildfire users when it actually works. I’m not sure I’ll have the ‘courage’ to try your solution (I don’t want to risk messing up my phone at this stage), so I guess I’ll just use the browser version.
I cannot access touring plans from my Bell Samsung A860 mobile phone.
any chance it will work by April 2, 2011?
Hi, I just want to ask if the app needs a data plan to activate the app. I would be travelling from Canada, so I am not sure whether my data plan would work on Florida.
I’m wondering same thing ………..
I am an online subscriber to Touring Plans and would like full access to Lines on my Android phone. How do I get it to recognize that I already have a subscription? I don’t see a place to log in once I download the app to my phone and since my subscription is good for another couple of months, I don’t need to renew my subscription yet.
Thanks for the help!
Any plans to support windows mobile phones?
I, too, would like to see the app for Windows Phone 7.
Will you ever include a map of the park with your app? I love the app but wish I had a map too.
How about a version for Windows Phone 7?
I have an early generation iPhone, bought the subscription and loaded the app, but itunes is saying it can’t load it. Is there any way around this?
Please support windows phone seven!
That’s two votes for WP7.
I’d be happy to help. I have a developer account.
i have a nokia e71. Its a smart phone but apparently cant get lines app. Im going end of may. Is there any hope???????? Thanks-love the site
Hey margrit! While we don’t have an official app or officially support the Nokia e71, you can try it out for free by just loading and seeing how it works!
It sounds like a wonderful app and as a swubsciber to the website I would love to use it for our trip later this year but I have one problem: It is not available in the Swiss itunes store. Tried to get it from the US store but not allowed to purchase from abroad. Can anyone help?
Many thanks and keep up the brilliant work
Hey Mairi,
Can you try this link?
That should work!
Thank you so much – that is amazing (and speedy) service. I will think of you in summer as I beat the queues.
Thanks again
I am a huge fan of the Unoffical Guide and crowd calendar. Thank You!!!
When wil there be a version of lines for Windows Phone 7?
Best Wishes – Eric
Thanks, Eric!
Thanks Angela! Your blog isienrps me to keep finding quality content for mine. :*) I’ll be checking out Google Reader, too, that’s for sure
Great application! I’d just like to put in my vote for a native Windows Phone 7 application (although the browser based application works fairly well).
Cool, thanks Gordon!
Just wondering when and if you are going to make a stand alone APP for the Blackberry?
Hey Corey,
It’s not in our current roadmap, but if we get enough nudges on it, we’ll consider! Thanks!
How about a native b-berry app and not just the crappy browser? If you did an Android app then porting over to native b-berry is pretty simple.
Nice app – even in the b-berry browser.
Hey Beren,
This is something I want too. Will take it as another nudge to do so!
I’m looking into a very inexpensive prepaid phone with internet capability. This phone would be used exclusively for LINES. I’ve chatted with AT&T, and they suggested using the Nokia 2720 ($11) plus 200MB ($20). This phone uses Opera Mini as its internet browser (which is now an approved browser on the iPhone). Should this work?
Hey JD, this *should* work, but I really can’t say. Please do this at your own risk!!
So do we report the actual time we waited in line or the time that Disney says? Going next week.
The time that Disney says! We work these into our estimates. Thanks!
I just want to know if your programs would work with my phone it is a Palm treo 755p
thank you
Ben Campbell
Hey Ben! We don’t officially support it, but you can check for yourself! Just navigate to and try it out a “lite” version of the app.
Lets just hope you port IE9 to WP7 soeonr rather than later. IE for Windows Mobile has been implemented terribly in the past. I’m really concerned that users won’t be able to change the default browser in WP7.We want a mobile browser like IE9 that supports standards as well as flash and silverlight. It needs to run quickly and show embeded video.
Do you support the Palm Centro?
Hey Lara,
We don’t support it officially, but you can find out what it looks like by navigating to on your Centro and seeing what it looks like in demo mode. If you can click around and see the wait times reasonably well, odds are it’ll work fine for you in the parks!
I just looked at lines for the first time. I can’t tell how to look at the forecasts for the next day. Can anyone give me a hand?
Hey Jim,
If you click on an attraction, there should be a link to “See Full Forecast” which should have the forecasts on it.
Hi, does anyone know if you can Lines via the iPad?
Seeing as they had a contest for the first usage of iPad in WDW and seeing that it was developed for iPhone originally, I would say yes! You would have to get the data plan though because there is no wifi in the park.
You can download the app without a subscription. As such, it will tell you the park hours for the day and like … wait times for one of the rides in the park/ some other similar function that will show you if it works on your phone.
Lines can also be accessed via going to which works for sure with the safari browser. <– a suggestion for if your phone has browsing abilities but does reject the app.
I would assume your are correct about the garuntee, it sounds like that is exactly why it is in place.
Hi, I have the HTC Ozone through Verizon and was looking to download this app for our trip to WDW June 3-6. I see there is a money-back guarantee- so if my phone is not supported (which I’m assuming I will have to subscribe to find out?), then will I be able to get a refund?
I think I messed up by posting a new comment instead of a response. >.<
What about iPod Touch? It’s 90% iPhone. It only supports wi-fi. So, can I ‘load-up’ my Lines app off my hotel room’s wireless before heading out for the day? I realize I won’t receive user-submitted times and won’t be able to submit times myself. But taking with me whatever’s current just before heading out the door would be great.
Hey Shawn, you cannot currently, but it’s something we can look into. The real issue is that most of the disney hotels don’t offer wifi!
Is wi-fi available throughout the parks anywhere?
Hi! Sorry, no wifi in the parks! It’s a total bummer, I know!
I like the changes you’ve made and the descriptions explaining the diff’t times.
I’m currently accessing the data via my PC and I’m having trouble w/ what I’m seeing. OK, around 7:30 the actual standyby wait time was listed as 53 minutes with posted at 60. Someone submitted the standby time as 120mins. Which do I believe? The model saying 53….the posted at 60 or the user w/ 120? Do you verify the 120??? That is does a user say I’m in line, I’m at the ride, and UG calculates the time and verifies they’re really in line? Or is someone just saying it took 2hrs to throw things off? Sorry for the long post, I think this is a GREAT app, just want to know where to put the most credibility. One more thing, just want to make sure when you’re comparing prior yrs I hope it isn’t strictly by the date (i.e. 3/28/09 and 3/28/10) b/c with Easter moving around that makes a HUGE difference in spring crowds this yr, compared to last. Look forward to a reply. Thank you!
They are very particular about their crowd ratings, they do not just go based off of the numerical date. They take more than just history into account: they also look at school schedules, local events (conventions), park events, etc.
A 120 wait time (when it should be 53) is likely that the ride was closed earlier in the day. They do have back ups for credibility and they will ban naughty users. You can check a person’s history to see how credible that individual is (ie- if they’re a regular, or if this is their first time posting), in order to help make a judgement call.
The upside is that the line would only be 120 minutes if the park were busy… which means that if someone were to lie, someone else would come along and correct that lie. People posting wait times that are outrageously outside of the predicted estimation, puts up a red flag for those users and does not effect Touringplan’s current nor future predictions.
Wait times are almost always shorter than posted times. Touringplans has done so much research that they know what the ratio is, so they know what the true wait times are.
Thank you. That helps me to understand the data!!
Also go check out the topic (presently it’s on page two of the blog) “Disney Reacts To Large Crowds By Increasing Park Hours At The Magic Kingdom
by Fred Hazelton on March 16, 2010”
For last year’s Spring Break, DisneyWorld and TouringPlans underestimated the crowds. That could also be what’s going on.
You should be able to tell if this is true by seeing if it’s not just one ride, but all headliner attractions that are suffering.
Hi again, It’s like TSMM today. Lines is saying it’s a 50 and now 60 min standy wait. But 3 ppl have posted the actual posted standby as 120mins. Which is what I would expect, the week leading up to Easter. That’s why I was asking about the model assumptions.
I’m not saying this isn’t VERY difficult. Years ago I had a similar disc’ns w/ Len when UG first expanded their daily crowd level predictions. I empathize there are MANY factors to be considered in developing the model and the goal is to generate a good predictor not hit actual every time.
But intuitively, don’t you think a crowd level 10 day, at THE hotest ride in the park, the week leading up to Easter, would have a wait time of 120 mins by now vs the predicted 60??? The forecast for the day never predicts higher than 82 mins. It just doesn’t make sense. And yes, Disney expanded hours….they usually do the week or so before a heavy travel period. And they add in more shows. Wouldn’t you factor that into your assumptions and generate diff’t forecasts?
I don’t mean to sound snippy, I really LOVE UG and just want to help make this app the best it can be!
K0tjny qmjwhsjcyjur
Hey Janet, we chatted via email. Sorry for not keeping up the comments here better!
I have T-Mobile’s HTC Touch Pro2 and wondered if you will offer support for it.
Hey Marcia,
It should work! Let me know what it looks like. No official support, but it should at least be functional. Thanks!
Will there ever be a version of Lines for Disneyland?
Not sure, Paul! But we appreciate the suggestion!
Just want to let you know that you have made ALOT of improvements since I test drove it in September of 2009. I can hardly wait to use it again in August 2010!
Thanks Johnnie! Can’t wait to see our improvements then!
Just downloaded in preparation for an upcoming trip and it looks fantastic. But one quick question: When adding wait times I see how to enter the posted and Fast Pass info, and I reckon you can add your wait time as well, but do I have to know it? In other words will I have to remember when I got in line so I can calculate how long I waited, because I won’t (I ain’t that smart! 🙂 ). It would be nice to hit a button saying “I’m in line” and another that says “I’m riding” and have the app compute the wait time. Or maybe that already exists and I missed it? Anyway, can’t wait to use this in the parks! Thanks.
Yes. That would be awesome. Click “I’m in line” and then click “I’m riding”
Hey Lee, Lindy–good suggestion! Haven’t done this yet, so we’re currently sticking to Posted times as inputs (and we’ll spit out our own estimates).
Can I view current wait times via internet, but without using a smart phone? i.e. can I check them from home or from my hotel room at any given point in time from my PC?
Yes, via Safari web browser.
Yeap! Thanks, Samantha!
Saved the URL onto my Nokia 5800 here in the UK and works great (with a few refresh problems).
Roll on 1st April when I can use it for real! 🙂
Woo, you’re probably on vacation right now! Hope you’re having fun and using Lines!
My family will be heading to WDW in September. Hope it works for Samsung Impression by then!!!
Hey! You should try it out now, let me know how it looks.
Another vote for WinMo. I have an HTC Touch Pro 2. Would have been nice to have this during our Disneyland trip at Thanksgiving.
Hey Raivyn, thanks for the suggestion!
OMT…my daughter has an ITouch…can she use the app?
She can! But unfortunately, not in the parks (no wifi).
I have a verizon/lg EnvTouch. I can get to the website on the phone…but only get the splash page…am I doing something wrong?
Hey David, should be settled now (three months later!!)
Just got back and used Lines on my Palm Pre 12/14 – 12/21. Great job! It was a big help…especially accurate in MK for most of the trip…but might have been a little behind the crowds over the weekend. Thanks!
Very cool, thanks Jimbo! Hope you get a chance to return soon.
Lines looks great. I have an iPod Touch. Headed to MK in January and I will bring it along if there are any wi-fi spots in the park.
Do you know if there are?
Unofficially and uncommonly (due to the connections likely being temporarily unsecured), people have been able to leach wifi off in some locations. So, no… there’s aren’t any really.
Yeah, no official hotspots, unfortunately!
After 3 days of using lines at 3 parks (MK, EP and AK), it rocks! So far, the estimates have been close to actuals except for 12/9 at EPCOT when Soarin’ suddenly was about twice the estimates…
Best part of lines is the ability to check wait times before walking across the park. When others are also adding wait times, you can be sure of what you’ll find. Also like the list of projections for the rest of the day along with projected peak.
Yeah, there are weird peaks (like Primal Whirl right after Nemo lets out or the effect of a rain shower). So far, estimates are pretty close.
Hey David, thanks again for trying this out for us back in December. And it was great meeting you!
I am going to WDW in mid February, and am hoping that I can get wait times on my Samsung Omnia, any chance of that?
Hey Scott–did you get a chance to try it out?
I worked very well. Going again in October.
Hey What Changed?. Yesterday I was able to take a look at the wait times from my laptop and today I am not able to see them. Did the URL Change?
Hey Will,
Probably just a blip, let me know if you’re still having issues.
Just another vote for an application for Samsung (Rogue) phones after you finish Blackberrys and Windows Mobile. In time for April 1 would be even better! It sounds like a great site! Wish I could see it 🙁
Hey Cathleen–you might be on your trip right now! Did you get a chance to check it out?
You are the best!!! This is spectactular.
Thank you.
Caroline 😉
Thanks Caroline!
Another vote for Blackberry Curve….I can not wait! UG ROCKS!
Thanks Ellie! Did you get a chance to try it out?
Ditto on the Storm. We leave January 30th so I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Hey Jennifer, what did you think?
Anouther Blackberry Storm here. We leave December 4th and have been checking back daily to see if you had anything for us blackberrys out there. Any chance you even have a test version for our trip?
Hey Roger, hope you had a great trip!
Another BB Storm user here! We leave in 8 days – Can I test it for you while I am there?
Hey Janet–hope you had a great trip! Lines should be working snappy on BB now.
Add one more to the bb storm list.
Gotcha covered 🙂
Hello! Blackberry Storm please???!! We’ll be in the World in two weeks! Can’t wait to use Lines!
Hey Robert,
Did you get a chance to try it out? Should have had BB support by then.
I am looking into getting an anroid phone, specifically for my wdw trip. Am I correct at reading this supports all androids? I am looking at the my touch or Cliq.
Hey Amanda, hope you got a chance to try it out! All Android phones 1.5+ should be supported.
Another vote here for BB Storm! I head to DW in early May – I think this is great!
Hey Jay–have you tried it out?
It looks good!
Please let me know when it’s available for Windows Mobile 6.5.
Hey Frank, should be working there as well now, too! Let me know.
I LOVE this program! We are going in mid January and I am wondering if it is possible to see line times for that far in the future.
Thanks for this!
Hey Jane, sorry to answer the question late! Hope you had a great trip. We’re now estimate times out for today and tomorrow!
I read somewhere above that this works on Safari browser and I just logged in with my MacBook! It’s too big to carry around at the parks, but I will definitely look at this a bunch before my trip in March!! Can’t wait for Blackberry to be available!
Hey Jenn,
Did you try it out on your BlackBerry? Should be fully supported now.
I have an HTC TouchPro. We are leaving on Dec. 4th…. what are my chances of being able to access this info on my phone? U guys ROCK!
Hey Kate,
Can’t promise anything-sorry! We’re working on Blackberry at the moment, and hope to do Windows Mobile soon after. Thanks!
(Err… I can’t find my prior post to tap this onto, but: )
I just got my iPhone 3GS in the mail and we’ll be heading down to WDW TONIGHT!
26: MK/BB/MK ; 27: AK/MK ; 28: E/MK ; 29: MK/HS ; 30: E
Thank you so much for giving me the confidence to go during a busy season.
(I suppose I should wait until afterwards to use praise though, eh? 😛 )
Do we still submit pictures of Fastpass tickets? Or, just fully switch over to this system?
How long does it take to time out of the system?
El problemo:
Once someone marks something as “offline”, we’re dependent on someone else as marking it back as “online”.
(Side question: If a ride is offline, do they stop giving out fastpasses? And, how much does a ride going offline effect the future wait times?)
When at AK today, in the morning the single rider to Expedition Everest was closed the first hour, so I marked it as such. Every time thereafter, I tried marking it as open, but the system wouldn’t take it.
The wait times for today were WAY off, especially for Everest (3 or 4 times higher) and Dinosaur (walk on when listed to be ~20ish). Fastpass distribution seemed to be more accurate (by an hour or so).
Hey Samantha,
Thanks for the feedback–sorry for the off estimates! Definitely have a lot more work to do for AK, and all the non-MK parks. Really appreciate the data and your time checking it out. Hope to make it through these teething pains!
Hey Samantha,
Just to answer this one as well, hope you’re braving the crowds! No need to submit pictures since you have access to the app. Should be pretty easy to submit times this way.
As for the offline problem, we’ve thought a lot about this. We don’t hide our estimate, just list the app as red. Red means “double check with a cast member to see if this attraction is open”. If it is, submit a new time!
If an attraction is offline, aka ‘101’ in cast member lingo, they do stop distributing FASTPASSes typically until the attraction returns to operation. They then open up the FASTPASS distribution again and flip the return windows up accordingly. When an attraction goes down, it will affect the wait times afterwards as there will be a swell when it comes back up. Typically it dissipates after an hour if the attraction hasn’t been down for too long.
Henry, I’m sure you guys have thought of many features but here are a few suggestions I’ve heard about or thought of that I would like to see in a down-loadable app. 1)tie user submitted wait times to GPS and web time stamp to verify when and where they were when the wait time was submitted. 2)Have a built in stopwatch that will allow a user to pick an attraction, start the timer when they enter the queue, and remind them every few minutes so they don’t forget to stop the timer when they load the ride. The wait time can then be uploaded by the user once they exit.
And there should be wait times for Beaches & Cream!
I look forward to more upgrades. Thanks.
Hey Loren,
Nifty ideas! We’re definitely thinking about GPS and how to best use it. Thankfully, more and more phones are making GPS available to its mobile browsers.
Like the stopwatch idea! Generally we’re trying not to burden the users of Lines–but we could make something like this available to volunteers!
10-4 on the BnC wait times 🙂
Thanks for input!
We’ve been watching wait times on Lines now for a week or so since we just got our iphone. Some days wait times seemed logical, other days way off. Can user submitted wait times influence the estimated wait time for that day or are the user submissions only for “real time” informational purposes?
Hey Loren,
Sorry that you’ve seen some off estimates! Please let me know at if you notice anything odd. We’re working on updating our models constantly (and have already fixed a bunch of bugs). Hence the “Preview” version!
As for user submissions, we currently factor in FP data heavily, but are not using standby times on the day for our own estimates (we do use it, however, for following days). However, any data put into the system becomes available to other users when they click on an attraction. This is particularly useful when dealing with attraction closures!
I’m going to WDW in exactly one month and nearly wet my pants when I saw this! LOL. Anyway, my phone’s web browser goes to and am signed in but I don’t see the live app. So am I doing something wrong or is it just not gonna work on my phone? (Samsung Instinct). Too bad I can’t just borrow someone’s iphone for a couple days 🙁
Hey Sherry,
We’re currently not supporting any Samsung phones–sorry! We’ll definitely keep you updated as to which phones we’re working on via this blog.
Anyone tried this on a Nokia N95? Will it work now or any time in the future ? Thanks.
Hey Simone, haven’t tried it personally on the N95 series. I’ll make a note to try to going forward, however!
I just ordered an iPhone. Haha!
Rush delivery, too.
I’ve had a Sony Ericsson for the past half decade, and THIS is what put me over the edge.
I can’t wait to use “Lines”!!!
“Free for a limited time”, eh? Afterwards, will it be included for the paid subscribers? Will the rate increase because of this?
Excellent!! When we put up a testimonials page, we’ll include this!
And yes, free during this preview period, and then will be a service for premium subscribers (inc. book). We have no immediate plans to increase the rate.
ANy chance of an iphone app rather than it being web based?
Hey Scott,
We’re solely focused on bringing the web app to as many platforms as possible right now. It’s possible we’ll do a native app in the future for (my beloved) iPhone, but I can’t say when or if! Be sure to try out the app though, we think it’s pretty darn close to the native experience in terms of look and feel.
This sounds amazing. Any thoughts or intentions of releasing a similar app for Disneyland/DCA?
Hey RenMan,
Definitely planning on it, but I can’t give you a timeline just yet. If you’re headed to the parks in the next couple of weeks, ping me though (, we may have a private beta available at that point.
Wow, cool! I was expecting you to say that you guys only focus on WDW and that someone else would have to create such an app for Disneyland Resort. Do you know folks there that are gathering similar data?
I don’t have plans on visiting anytime soon, but I’ll check back here if/when I do!
Hey RenMan, there are some iPhone-only apps out there that do similar things. You can check them on the app store. But I think our system will have a number of advantages.
Thanks for the question! Feel free to help spread the word 🙂
Yay! We like to visit both parks and look forward to trying the DL version in April! 3 weeks until we try the WDW version! =)
Excellent! Eager to have you guys test it out in the parks 🙂
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O’Neal, if he wrote informative atirecls.
This is great! Works like a charm on my Droid. I was disappointed last week when Verizon’s Mobile Magic launch did not support smartphones. I will using this every day for my trip in two weeks. You guys saved the day.
Nice, thanks TJ!! Would love some data as well 🙂 Hope you have a great trip!
I have a Samsung Rogue, that I would LOVE to have this for. Any thoughts? Great idea guys! Thanks for all you do!
Hey Jeff, I can look into it. Thanks for support! Feel free to help spread the word!
I don’t about others but I just love dialing it up on my desktop while at work and just enjoying little mental trips. It is almost like being there. Where is the location specific weather radar? Great job.
Absolutely! Gives me a little boost just to check wait times a few times a day…mentally get a fast pass then jump on a short wait. Permanently hooked!
Ha, great! Yeah, it’s definitely intended for some at-home browsing of current conditions 🙂
Thanks Sam! Great seeing you this weekend.
Yay! I was looking at it today on my iphone and it looks great. I can’t wait to test it out on the next trip (not until Oct. 2010). [One problem; EP and AK show up as both “Best Parks” and “Parks to Avoid” today.]
Oh, saw another comment about that already. Your users are really on top of things 🙂
And it’s now fixed! Thanks for the keen eye!
One more vote for the BB Storm! I love my storm, but hate that everything is for the iPhone first! I’m going the first week in Feb 2010, think it’ll be ready by then for my storm? thanks!!
Can’t make any promises, but I definitely hope so! Thanks Jennifer!
I have Windows Mobile and have seen comments that the website works without having the app, but I can’t seem to get it past the first screen. Anybody have any suggestions?
Hey Jen,
We currently are not supporting Windows Mobile, however, you can check out the site on Safari by going to Hope this helps!
This couldn’t have been released at a better time! ETA for the World is 6 hrs, 23 mins. We’re an iPhone family, can’t wait to send in our wait times! Now, if this system could also get me a reservation with Cindy at her Royal Table, it would be even more perfect!! LOL
Excellent! Eager to hear your feedback while you use it. Will get to work on your other request 🙂
Hmm, I’m not sure if this is because the parks aren’t open yet, but right now it says:
Best Parks: MK EP HS AK
Parks to Avoid: EP AK
Ahh, that’s a bug. Will fix. Thanks!
Fixed. Thanks again!
45 minutes to fix a bug? Come on, pick up the pace! 😉
I have a Palm Treo 800w. I haven’t signed up for an account here yet, but plan to. We’ll be visiting in March 2010. Are there instructions on how to access the information once I get an account?
Hey Dan,
While we’re not supporting the Palm Treo phone just yet, we may in the future. Definitely check back as your trip gets closer! In the meantime, you can check out the app with the Safari web browser.
WORKS GREAT ON MY PALM PRE!!!! I’m stoked about this. Thanks a million. HOWEVER, please quit saying iPhone, iPhone, iPhone. Android and Palm Pre & Pixi phones will work too. Pretty much any smart phone with a browser should work (Blackberry too). Anyway, sorry for the rant. Thx again
They first said it was an APP for the iPhone and asked what platforms we used. Yes, the website works on all phones with internet but the actual APP only works on an iPhone. Seeing as Verizon’s app is pretty worthless to many because of the phones it works on it was a nice thought that this may work out to be created as an APP for the rest of us who don’t have an iPhone for whatever reason (absolute crap reception and coverage here). However, the web site is aces and I am very happy to have that.
Hey Sara, just to be clear–Lines is only a web app. This way we can support more phones quicker.
Thanks Scott! Will try to make the marketing clearer. We’re going to be supporting more phone types soon!
I have a blackberry with a browser but can’t seem to find wait times. How did you get it to work?
Hey Tim, we currently do not support Blackberry. But will will be hopefully soon! Stay tuned.
This is great and I’m glad to see UG providing this service. However I have an iPod Touch and a cell phone that costs me $100/yr. It’s not worth the other $900/yr to get AT&T’s inadequate and overloaded 3G coverage. So until the iPhone has a cheaper plan or WDW provides wireless coverage in the parks I can’t use this. Not holding my breath on either.
Hey Richard, we’ll definitely consider providing an offline version for the iPod touch. Will have to figure out exactly how that works.
This sounds very cool. I’m on a Windows Mobile 6.1 smartphone. Any idea when it will be available for that platform?
It’s definitely on the list, but I cannot give an exact timeline. Thanks for the comment!
So will this be something that always has to have internet access to work? Will we be able to download estimates for the day and just use a ipod touch instead of a iphone?
Hey Rob, currently it does require internet access. But having an offline option is something we can consider–thanks for the idea!
Another vote for Android. Thanks – y’all totally rock!
Thanks! You should try it out on your Android phone right now–it looks pretty good as it is. We just haven’t given it any polish yet.
This looks cool. I have a BB Storm and my wife has a BB Curve. Will be in Disney in May-10 so hope you have it developed for BB by then. Thanks.
Thanks Randy! Should be ready by then for sure.
When will you be able to support BB? I am going in a month.
This looks great, but I just have an old fashioned cell phone, I can take pictures with it though! We are planning a trip for next fall, could I have someone call me periodically and update me on the wait times? That would work best for me.
I volunteer Len! Just kidding, but it’s theoretically possible we could do SMS at some point. Or a newer phone is in your future?
Actually, I was just pulling your leg. The new application looks great! We were at WDW the first week of November and the waits for attractions, for the most part, were minimal. We arrived b/4 opening 4 of the 6 days and relatively early on the other 2. We used FastPasses when it made sense and enjoyed the short lines.
Keep up the good work!
don’t think I have yet to see a post with 100+ reposnses. Anything down the line for us simple folk who don’t those new fangled i-phones? Maybe something for the Blackberry?
Blackberry definitely on its way. Which phone do you have?
Any Chance Blackberry Tour 9630 will be done by the 16th that is when next trip starts. Thanks much looking forward to it.
Blackberry user here also. I have the Bold 9000. I was excited after listening to the 11/27 podcast, that Len said Lines was available on all phones. Hmmm….. maybe he’s been time-warping again?
Hey Jeff,
Haven’t listened to the episode yet, so I’m not sure if it was a misunderstanding or what, but we support iPhone, Android, and Palm Pre right now. We’re working on other platforms as we speak–blackberry is up next.
I have an 8130 BB. Would love to use it on my trip in January.
Blackberry curve user here. This is soooooooo cool. Really wish this ap was available for my BB. We are leaving in three days. Any chance it will be ready by then??? LOL
Blackberry curve user here. This is soooooooo cool. Really wish this ap was available for my BB. We are leaving in three days. Any chance it will be ready by then??? LOL
Any update on when Lines will be available for Windows Mobile??
Great work team. Simple elegant webapp. Does a job, does it well and easy interface… Having been project lead on an iPhone app (OtagoMaps) I can really appreciate the work that goes on behind the scenes. Top work…
(Only thing now of course is I sit here on the other side of the world checking the queue lengths for WDW every 5 minutes… 🙂
Ps – Maybe you could make a “rest of the world” version and simply change the name to “Queue” 🙂 (jk)
Ha! We considered ‘queue’ as the name, but the Americanized ‘lines’ won out.
To tell the truth we tend to use the words line and queue interchangeably in most cases. For example you can “line up in the queue” or ask the the question “what is this line waiting for”. But I think in most cases when we think of theme parks etc you would “queue to get on the ride”.
The English language is a strange mistress… (Especially for Hotcberg… 🙂
Of all my travel around the world including more than 50 countries the hardest speakers of English (or those trying to speak English) for me to understand….. parts of England…. go figure.
Thanks so much for the kind words, Emerson! We definitely put a lot of effort into this, and we hope it’s useful.
As for ‘Lines’, this just gives us more room to target our international friends!
Just tried it on the Iphone, this will be great for our trip in a few weeks!
Awesome, thanks Rose!
I have an at&T this supported? It has 3G and wifi.
Not supported currently, but I’ll add it to the list–thanks!
I would love to see it for my Palm Centro.
Thanks for the input, Denise!
I would love to see a version for Windows Mobile or the Palm Pre.
Hey Bo,
Try it out on the Palm Pre right now–it’s currently unsupported, but it looks darn good! (Just tried it on the Palm simulator). Expect announcements for this soon.
I do have a subscription but I’m hoping to use some sort of app on my EnV Touch! *crosses fingers*
OK–thanks Michele!
This mobile site looks great on my T-Mobile G1 (which also runs on Android). It’d be nice as an app, but it looks and works wonderfully in my browser and I have 3G internet practically everywhere, so I don’t really see the need for an app. I’ll have to test it when I’m at WDW (12/15-12/22) and I’ll let you know how it works in the parks.
Hey Jaki,
Excellent! We’re hoping to support Android soon by making it work as best as it can via its browser. And it seems like it’s working quite well right now, we just want to do more testing before we declare it ready for primetime.
I accessed the site through my Palm Pre and it works FANTASTIC. How would having it as a separte app for the Pre be of greater benefit? At any rate, if it stays in its current form it is very usable for me already with my palm Pre. Otherwise, a palm pre version would be most welcome. I will be using it as-is on our trip Dec 14-21.
Hey William,
Great that the Pre works well! We’re not going to offer a separate app–it’s just the Pre and the Android are untested platforms as of now. But it looks like they’re working well right now. I’m going to do some testing and see how it goes.
This is an incredible app. We are heading to Disney 12/18 and I will have two new tricks since our January trip- my iphone and Lines. Thank you, thank you!!
Karen–thank you so much. Please let us know how it works for you! Have a great WDW Holiday trip!
Wow!!!!! Thank you, Fred!!!!! I bet that was faster and easier than a full blown app, and it looks pretty sweet! Works great so far. I’ll be testing it out on my upcoming trip next month.
Once again, I’m happy I have an iPhone!
– janet
Woot! Cheers Janet, will pass along the praise to Fred. Eager to hear your feedback and see how the data worked for ya!
The website at looks great on the Droid. Just missing the navigation at the bottom the iPhone app has.
Thanks Sara (missed this one before I responded to your other)
I’m wondering–will the touring plans be accessible from Lines? That would save me from having to bring paper (gasp!) or entering them manually into my phone.
Hey Tam,
That’s definitely on the roadmap, but I can’t give a timeline. We think the future of wait times + touring plans is very exciting, to say the least.
Android and/or Blackberry, pretty please! We have two BB Curves and a Droid and I would love to see it for the Droid especially! We leave in 24 days! YAY! 🙂
The droid works just fine. I just accessed it from my droid from the browser.
Hey Sara, the Android version actually looks pretty good, we just are not officially supporting it yet. Blackberry definitely high on our list afterwards.
I will check it on the Blackberry when they fix mine…they screwed it up swapping the phone numbers between it and the new Droid and now the BB has no internet access, it only makes phone calls (what? a phone that only makes phone calls??) Have to take it into Verizon to get them to look at it, then will give it a try.
We actually redirect all blackberry requests to the Splash page, so it’s definitely not ready yet. Pre and Android are OK because they are based on WebKit, which powers iPhone, Droid, Pre, etc.
I can’t wait to use it when we’re there December 19-28. It looks great!
Awesome, Tam! We can’t wait either 🙂
This would be awesome to have on my blackberry bold!
Going to disney first week of December!
Hey Paige–thanks for the comment! No promises, but we’re definitely hoping to make progress on Blackberry.
Please make app for Blackberry Curve!!! 🙂 🙂 Thanks!
10-4, thanks Lesley!
Got in now. Thanks Henry. Excited to see it “live” after Beta Testing.
One odd thing I’m noticing – it’s claiming a 0 minute wait for Expedition Everest right now, at 3:37pm. Really? That seems… unlikely.
That’s actually not a bug, our model is saying that it’s a walk-on right now. Our models for AK aren’t as strong as they are for other parks, but we’re working on it! Thanks for bug report, keep ’em coming.
Really? Dang. I wish I was in the Animal Kingdom right now!! 🙂
Does it have to be a “smartphone”? I’ve got a LG enV3 with a decent mobile browser in it. Is it possible for this site to work there? The mobile sites of Gmail, facebook, twitter, etc. work fine.
I do have an iPod Touch and am LOVING trying out the site today, but I’m not sure how much WIFI is available at WDW.
Thanks for trying it out on the Touch! +1 on the wifi.
Since we chose the website instead of native app route, we will be able to support any phone with a mobile web browser (once we make it look good).
Thanks for the comment!
Is the server overloaded? I’m stuck on the login screen, and have been for about 5 minutes now…
Hey Paul, want to reload and try again? Working fine from here. Otherwise, email me at and I’ll help debug.
Make sure Javascript is turned on, or you won’t be able to log in… I know I had turned JS off in order to view sites during the D23 expo, and mistakenly left it turned off.
Henry walked me through getting in. Seems like a random intermittent connection issue on my phone. No worries.
Ah yes, good point Jeff. I’ll add that note to a FAQ I’m building.
Android. There are lots of new phones for the Android platform coming out, and several already on the market. There are also plans for Android to enter the netbook market, so you might have an early in there if you developed an Android version now.
I love Android (stood in line w/ a friend to get the new Droid), so it’s definitely on the list. Easier to develop for as well.
I browsed to it on my droid this morning and seems to work just fine. Great app! Thanks guys.
Love it on my touch, need it for my cell. I’ve got an LG 290 from Straight Talk, which runs on Verizon’s network.
Glad to see it looking good on the Touch. If only Disney provided Wifi in the parks!
Would like a Blackberry version. I switch BB’s all the time but currently using the Storm and will have a curve 8530 shortly. I am also interested in the Android platform. Any plans for Android?
Hey Dennis, both BB and Android are high up on our list. Thanks for letting us know!
I have a Palm Pre and would love something like that.
Cool, thanks! I really like the Palm Pre.
Another vote for Blackberry Cruve 8830. We are heading down next summer and this would be great!!
10-4 thanks Michelle!
I would love to use this site on my 8130 Blackberry, for our January trip to the World.
Thanks Kevin for the heads up! January is a great time to visit.
Hope to try out the app next week on my trip.
Awesome, thanks Jenn 🙂
Henry, I’m able to view it from the site on my Droid, but I want it as an app. Make it happen. 🙂
Droid! Got to play with one myself, very cool. 10-4 Chris.
Agreed looks great in the browser. But an app would be the