The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! NOVEMBER 2017 Photo Report of the Disney Outlet Store
Welcome to the latest edition of The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! the longest running monthly look at the Disney Outlet Stores in Orlando. Outlet Intern Julia Mascardo (when she’s coming up with the greatest ASK IT question ever written) secret shopper Daisy Lauren (when she’s not taking another trip across the globe to visit Tokyo Disneyland) and I found a whole bunch of neat items this month including a super cool EPCOT snowglobe (whaaaaaaaaat?!!), Figment magnets from Festival of the Arts, and – of course – Star Wars jewelry.
Ready to see what we else we found? Alright, let’s go!
This may be an Outlet first. Usually it takes a long time for new movie merchandise to make its way to the clearance racks. Heck, we still barely see any Moana merch being discounted. But despite the fact that we are still a couple weeks away from Star Wars ep VIII: The Last Jedi coming to theaters, a porg cup has arrived at the Outlets. For those that don’t know what porgs are (AKA the lucky ones,) they are one of the many new alien creatures being introduced into Star Wars canon so they can sell more toys. Porgs are constantly being discussed on social media and in ridiculous mainstream articles.
There’s a chance there is some small error in all of these cups, forcing them all to be taken off regular retail shelves. Nothing that I saw however. Original price $19.99, now $7.99.

Well lookee here! Speaking of first time ever, here are the first items from Pandora: The World of Avatar to make it to the Outlets. During the seemingly 10 years or so that Avatar was being built, my E-Ticket Report podcast cohosts and I discussed how hard it would be for Disney to create a merchandising bonanza from a film that could barely sell a single item of anything even when it was the still in the theaters (and is to this day still the highest grossing movie of all-time.) The movie Avatar sold a lot of tickets no doubt, but it did not get many people to open their wallets for any of the tie-in merchandise like books, shirts, or toys.
So Disney had a tough hill to climb in order to create demand for a product that has never existed. To their credit, they created a smash hit with the Banshee Connect Experience. Guests and eBay pirates alike stood in long lines to purchase banshee puppets that sit on your shoulder. They also delivered on Na’vi “tails,” an item very popular with young adults who have watched Bill & Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure mock “Avatarland” for the last few years at Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights. After that there is a steep drop in items you would see guests buying. There is an $80 action figure, in which guests are scanned to have their face on the figure, but unfortunately the figure ends up looking nothing like you.
There is also a bunch of ACE branded items that look like they are just rebranded toys from Dollar General, like these two items. The first is an “eco-explorer” kits, which includes a shovel so small it must be used to dig graves for ants. Originally $16.99, this was “lightly reduced” to $12.99.

The other item is an Explorer Lantern, which when turned on projects wood sprites onto the ceiling. This was originally priced at $19.99 and had an Outlet price tag that was also $19.99. Most likely this means it would ring up at $16.99 or $9.99, but I wasn’t going to find out.

No Outlet item shall escape my sight.
Let those who put merch on eBay’s site,
Beware my power… Explorer Lantern’s light!
The oath I take before heading out to the Disney Outlet Store. (photo by Julia Mascardo)
Readers should know that I am a diehard fan of the Avatar movie. I’ve watched the extended edition countless times, along with the near hour of deleted scenes that fill in several huge holes in the movie. As many times as I have seen the film, I don’t recall this Hexapede character in the film. It may be from the Avatar video game and I’m pretty sure one is seen in the background of the Na’vi River Journey ride for like two seconds. Originally $16.99, now $5.99.

Yes, I bought this Pandora throw pillow. So sue me. My girlfriend is stockpiling throw pillows for what must be an upcoming worldwide shortage of pillows, so I might as well have ONE in the house for me. Originally $34.99, now $12.99.

Here is a “Glow Compound Set.” It comes with five molds, including an extra creepy Na’vi one. From the package, it looks like you pack the sand into the Light Pen and then “paint” the molds? That makes absolutely no sense. I bought this but didn’t open it. Whenever I get around to it we’ll have an in-depth special report, like the time I made that Metal Earth Land Speeder/Death Star. Originally $24.99, now $19.99.

Here is a Pandora key chain with what I guess is the face of that Hexapede creature above. Seriously who on Earth was expected to buy this when it was pitched at Disney Consumer Products.

Funny enough, I didn’t even see the Pandora creature at first. I saw these other key chains and was trying to figure out where in Walt DisneyWorld there was some Native American display that was selling this stuff. These are all Pandora keychains though. Just amazing.

I was this-close to buying the Intergalatic Passport Kit. This was originally $16.99 and reduced to $7.99 at the International Drive location, yet it was down to $5.99 at the Vineland Outlet.

This next item is going to make me lose my mind. I thought it looked like some sort of Pandora version of a European Carryall, so I bought it. I get home and I find out there’s no pockets in it. Just some big piece of felt in the middle. Taking my complaints to Twitter, I found out this is some sort of thing weirdoes pin collectors use to hold their pins in. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Originally $24.99, now $7.99. THIS WAS $24.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That thing on the right next to the shoes is a Na’vi clip-on ponytail. We’re cutting a bit close to cultural appropriation here. Originally $19.99, now $14.99.

HALLELUJAH! While some guests love Food & Wine while others enjoy the beauty of Flower & Garden, for me the best festival at EPCOT last year was the Festival of the Arts. They had the usual Scavenger Hunt gimmick where you purchase a map and stickers to go along World Showcase and line up where everything is (details are in the article linked above.) As a person who is not a big fan of paying full price for these Scavenger Hunt things at the park, you can imagine my joy when my patience paid off and the Figment Magnet “prizes” for solving the Scavenger Hunt made their way to the Outlets.

This is a legitimate first for me, the first snow globe at the Outlets I actually bought. This one is based around the statue/artwork that was in front of Spaceship Earth before it was removed for the Leave A Legacy monoliths. It also has references to all the countries in World Showcase. Originally $16.99, now $9.99.

One of my personal favorite things at Disney was the Main Street Electrical Parade, and we even did a SATURDAY SIX on it when MSEP went out to Disneyland earlier this year. Now it looks like MSEP is all done, which is just GREAT for us in WDW who still have no nighttime parade.
“Bitter. Table for one.” – Pete Werner, DIS Unplugged podcast
So anyway, even though we didn’t get squat for MSEP while it was here in Florida (other than the usual rip-off-the-fans gimmick of putting out merchandise right after Disney says its going away forever), when the parade went to Disneyland it got a whole bunch of incredibly themed snacks, along with other merchandise like shirts and even a popcorn bucket. One of those items was this pair of light up “Animated” Glow Ears. Not sure of original price (guessing $19.95 to $24.95), but they were reduced to $5.99 and I bought a pair.

Over the past year I think the entire line of Bambi-inspired kitchenware made it to the Outlets, with this gravy boat featuring Thumper to be the last piece. Picked up one for a family member I’ve been pretty much getting the whole set for as birthday/Christmas gifts. Originally $26.95, now $9.99.

So we know it’s been a great month for items at the Outlet when my beloved Tsum Tsums don’t make an appearance until this far down in the list. Only new one this month was Grand Moff Tarkin from the Star Wars line. Unlike many, the digitized version of him didn’t take me out of Rogue One at all last year. In fact I was shocked when I first saw him just to see they had the cajones to try something like that. All Tsums were 99 cents.

One of our favorite articles this year over at the SATURDAY SIX was a countdown of the Worst Places To Propose at Walt Disney World. One of the perfect pieces of jewelry to have for such an occasion is ones that are based around Sci Fi films. Nothing says “I love you, forever” like a storm trooper. Here are some Empire themed cameos reduced to $17.99 for that lucky lady in your life. I was trying to open these up to see what the original price was but felt too embarrassed after fumbling with it for a bit so who knows.

WHO WEARS THIS?!!! Originally $36.99, now $23.99.

How about this. A figurine of Zam Wesell. I consider myself a pretty big fan of Star Wars, but even I had to use Wookiepedia to find out that this was a character that has been in some video games and apparently in the background of some shot in Attack of the Clones. Original price: $289.95. Just BONKERS. The Outlet price is $173! Whoever buys this should be immediately put into a mandatory six week class on financial management. (BREAKING UPDATE: A Twitter user has reminded us that Zam Wesell had an important role in the one Star Wars movie we’re all trying to forget.

Fun Queen Amidala and Princess Leia dress up set. Very much like Disney Princess ones that have been released so they would go great together. originally $19.95, now $12.99.

Over the course of the year so much Rogue One toys have hit the Outlets that it’s crazy. This one is based around the “Jedha revolt” and includes Jyn Erso, Saw Gerrera, Saw’s right hand man, and a storm trooper. As a kid, I would have loved for a four pack like this. Reduced to $21.99.

This one is interesting to Star Wars nerds like me. It’s a giant size replica of the famous Star Wars: Early Bird Kit that came out during the year when the first Star Wars movie came out. They couldn’t get the toys in the stores fast enough, so they sold basically a piece of cardboard that would entitle you to a pack of four figures (Luke, Leia, Chewie and R2-D2) that would arrive in the mail. This is replica of that cardboard except it also comes with an oversized Darth Vader figure. Originally $59.99, now $39.99. I may have gone for it at $19.99.

Pins for Poe Dameron & BB-8 along with a Storm Trooper. Reduced to $2.99.

Force Awakens pin set. originally $29.95, now $14.99.

Okay, while I said I don’t collect pins, I will pick up a pin now and then that I think is exceptionally cool or marks an important memory/stay on property. This set falls in the former and I think I actually may pick it up next time I’m at the Outlets if it’s still there. I love any merchandise that features the dog from Pirates of the Caribbean, and this pin with Pluto as that dog is awesome. Originally $27.99, now $9.99.

This set featuring Space Mountain, Tea Cups, Jungle Cruise and Splash Mountain ain’t that bad either. Originally $24.95, now $8.99.

2017 pins. Originally $29.99, now $8.99.

We’ve had more “cameos” over the past two months at the Outlets than the previous four years combined. Not sure what is going on. Here is one of those “blind box” sets where you don’t know what you are getting until you open it. Reduced to $6.99 each.

Actually shocked they are still making Vinylmation, but a couple new ones arrived this one including series based on “Movieland,” “Captain America: Civil War,” and the “Mickey Mouse Club.” All were originally $12.95, reduced to $3.99.

Signage at the Outlets and even all over the Vinylmation packages themselves make it very clear that YOU CAN’T EVEN THINK ABOUT A REFUND SUCKER.

Okay, so I bought two of the Movieland Series. With the though that I wouldn’t mind getting The Rocketeer or Tron versions. I’ve been a long time fan of The Rocketeer dating back to when it was a comic book. Also a big fan of Tron merch. Lucked out. Got The Rocketeer with one. The other featured Condorman. Condorman is actually a Disney movie that barely anyone ever talks about. It stars Michael Crawford. Not sure if that’s the Michael Crawford who starred in Phantom of the Opera, or the Michael Crawford who wrote the must-read Progress City Primer (Stories, Secrets, and Silliness from the Many Worlds of Walt Disney.)

I also bought one of the Mickey Mouse Club hoping I would get Mickey, Humphrey the Bear or the Mousketeer Boy/Girl. I ended up getting Ranger Woodlore. I’ve already passed this on to someone who would appreciate it more than me.

These are Vinlymations Jrs. They are half the size of regular Vinylmation and about half as interesting (imagine what that is saying.) Despite being half the size they cost the exact same price. Go figure. As huge as a fan I am of everything Spider-Man (he was always “my guy” as a comics fan until Captain America took his place in my heart) I had beyond zero interest in these.

Two years ago I did a post poking fun at Star Wars Weekends. One of the things in the article was ridiculous merch, including ridiculous painted up Storm Trooper helmets. Lo and behold here is a Vinylmation set dedicated to THE EXACT SAME THING. I think Disney is doing everything it can to make it so that I can not parody them.

Last month we had an absurd Germany Pretzel Pen, and this month we have the same Mickey pretzel design as a keychain. Also includes a bottle opener. Originally $7.95, now $2.99.

One of the hottest fads right now for point-of-purchase sales is “laser cut keychains.” I have no idea what it is referring to, or the process of exactly how they are made, but this Thor keychain is an example of one them. Basically any pop culture thing you can think of can be bought in the cute style of one of these “laser cut keychains.” Originally $9.99, now $3.99.

Let’s check out some shirts at the Outlets. First up is a series of Disney Princess designs. Originally $21.99 each, now $9.99.

Had to buy this great Figment shirt. Originally $17.95, now $9.99. Gonna go “no carb” for a month so I can fit into it.

This Pirates themed shirt has the Donald design from that pin set above. That cinches it, I’m definitely buying that pin set next time I see it. Originally $17.99, now $4.99.

This Powered By Churros shirt is a fun one. It’s a straight up rip off of my blogger themed TeePublic shirt of “Powered by 5 Hour Energy, Disappointment and Rage,” but I’ll let it slide. Originally $19.99, now $9.99.

Disney emoji shirts. Originally $21.95, now $9.99. Related, I watched survived the first 30 minutes of The Emoji Movie earlier this month and just about swore off ever watching another movie again. Then the Avengers: Infinity War trailer came out this week and PULLED ME BACK IN.

I absolutely love the Disney BoardWalk Resort, despite it having the smallest gift shop of any hotel on property (the one directly off the lobby.) Saw this Goofy shirt in the shop when I stayed last year and loved it. The old timey design they had for the few pieces of original merch is great. Originally $19.95, now $9.99.

Probably should have shown the backside of this style of shirt which has a BONKERS “Walt Disney World” written across the back. The writing is so long it extends to the sleeves though and is just crazy. What’s crazier is the original prices for this shirt was $49.99. It has been reduced to $19.99.

Eagle eyed readers will remember our next shirt as the one photo’d in our award winning SATURDAY SIX Special Investigation on Disney Pet Peeves. Shirts like this one are immediately scooped up by eBay pirates to gouge people with. These clowns create a fake scarcity for hard ticket party items, and then all the rest end up going to the Outlet. Originally $32.99, now $9.99.

Glow in the dark Halloween shirt. Originally $29.99, now $9.99.

Another Halloween shirt. Originally $24.99, now $9.99.

We have a new baby coming into our family next April, so I bought this shirt to welcome him or her into the world. Originally $14.99, now $4.99.

Ultra rare to see anything with Fox & The Hound characters on it. This shirt was originally $36.99, now $14.99.

Tsum Tsum based clothing. Outfit on left was originally $34.99, now $14,99. Outfit on the right was originally $39.99, now $14.99.

Spider-Man shirt. Originally $21.99, now $9.99.

Chewbacca shirt. Originally $21.95, now $9.99.

Emoji themed tank top for adults. Originally $27.99, now $9.99.

Here is a tank top from the Magic Kingdom 45th Anniversary line of merchandise. Originally $29.99, now $12.99.

Here is the special pin for the 45th Anniversary.

Plenty are still available.

We’ve covered the patently absurd sports mugs featuring Disney characters that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. They’ve been reduced all the way down to 99 cents each, which is extremely rare for any coffee mugs. Almost unheard of.

Outside of Disneyland 60th junk, we also haven’t seen much Starbucks branded items over the years at the Outlets, but a good sized Tumbler showed up this month. Reduced to $9.99.

How crazy is this. One cup, but it’s like two cups were melded together like an experiment gone wrong in The Fly. For me, this may work if the design was Alice in Wonderland, but this is more Grand Floridian in design. I don’t get it. Originally $14.95, now $5.99.

How about these two hats that look like they came from the future Marty McFly went to in Back to the Future 2. The first one, which looks like someone went nuts with a bedazzler gun, was originally $29.95, now $8.99. The other one looks like it may have been a DisneyQuest hat (?) was originally $29.95, now $9.99.

Have to imagine this hat was sold onboard the Disney ships. Will have to ask Captain Cruiseline what he thinks. Originally $42.99, now $12.99.

Hat featuring some of the Disney Villains over the years. It has been reduced to $9.99.

EPCOT Center hat. Reduced to $9.99.

This one reminds me of Tron Mickey. Seems to have come from Mission: SPACE which make it the only good thing to come from the existence of Mission: SPACE (until that new restaurant opens.) Reduced to $7.99.

People ask about bags at the Outlets all the time. Here are some Vera Bradley ones.

Some purple towels. Reduced to $9.99.

Halloween themed MagicBands. Reduced to $9.99.

Another item from the Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. Christmas ornament featuring the Hocus Pocus witches. Originally $14.99, now $4.99.

I am personally ashamed at the quality of this photo but I was surrounded by about a dozen people who were ENCROACHING ON MY PERSONAL SPACE. Originally $19.99, now $6.99.

Stitch antennae topper. Reduced to $1.99.

This may be the creepiest Goofy plush I’ve ever seen. Originally $19.99, now $8.99.

A Mickey head “blown glass tree topper.” Originally $39.99, now $14.99.

A whole bunch of runDisney Wine & Dine merchandise made it, including these foam shoes. (We have a SECOND BREAKING Twitter update. Captain Cruiseline has alerted us these are actually Christmas ornaments and have been reduced to $7.99.)

Here is a runDisney kids Mickey Ears hat. Originally $14.99, now $4.99.

A runDisney wine glass. Originally $14.99, now $3.99. I needed several glasses of wine while trying to wrap my head around the news of rampant cheating at runDisney races.

Here is a runDisney bag. Originally $268, now “just” $133.99.

For a Minnie Mouse themed keychain, this seems rather expensive for what you are getting.

Glitter balls!

The kids in our family love Mickey and the Roadster Racers show, despite me telling them often it makes absolutely no sense. This Donald Duck toy was originally $16.99, now $6.99.

While Daisy’s car here was originally $16.99, reduced to $9.99.

We don’t see all that much Pocahontas or Mulan merch at the Outlets. These toy sets were originally $12.95, now $6.99.

These Barbie-like dolls were reduced to $12.99.

We saw some Spider-Man: Homecoming Funko Pops! show up at the Outlets last month, and this month we had several from Guardians of the Galaxy 2. All were originally $14.99, reduced to $9.99. First up was Nebula.

Here we have Peter Quill’s dad, Ego (the Patron Saint of all Theme Park Bloggers.)

Lastly we have Taserface, who had two great moments in the film.

Mickey’s Diner coffee. Originally $13.99, now $5.99.

Mickey themed travel fan. Originally $9.99, now $3.99.

I tried my best, but I couldn’t really figure out what this thing was. Best I can figure is there is a big string attached to this microphone looking thing, and then you wave it around as it glows in the dark. I imagine this is the type of toy that comes out of a Kid’s Focus Group. Reduced to $9.99.

Lastly we have a Pixar themed school supply kit. Heard John Lasseter himself was very “hands on” in the development. Or maybe that was something else. Originally $22.99, now $9.99.

There are actually two Disney outlet stores in Orlando. Both are in Orlando Premium Outlet shopping complexes, and they are called Disney’s Character Warehouse, presumably because The Land Of Misfit Toys was already trademarked. There is one Character Warehouse located on International Drive close to Universal Studios (4951 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819), and the other is on Vineland Avenue, right across I-4 near the exits to Disney World (8200 Vineland Ave, Orlando, FL 32821).
Previous editions of Magic, Memories, and Merch: July 2013, August 2013, September 2013, October 2013, November 2013, December 2013, January 2014, February 2014, March 2014, April 2014, May 2014, June 2014, July 2014, August 2014, September 2014, October 2014, November 2014, December 2015, January 2015, February 2015, March 2015, April 2015, May 2015. June 2015, July 2015, August 2015, September 2015, October 2015, November 2015. December 2015, January 2016, February 2016, March 2016, April 2016, May 2016, June 2016, July 2016, August 2016, September 2016, October 2016, November 2016, December 2016, January 2017, February 2017, March 2017, April 2017, May 2017, June 2017, July 2017: The FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY special, August 2017, September 2017 and October 2017 (tribute to the O.O.G.).
We also did an edition of Magic, Memories, and Junk for a non-Disney owned Outlet Store, and for you merch addicts like myself, you may also enjoy a look at the official Disney merchandise available on the Disney Cruise Line, Castaway Cay, and at the Orlando International Airport.
If you liked what you read here, you may enjoy THE SATURDAY SIX articles every week on the blog and you can follow your humble author on Twitter (@derekbugan).
Does anyone know if the outlets in California carry park merch or just Disney Store stuff? I know the outlet in Wisconsin Dells gets stuff from Disneyland.
I was wondering about the coffee – do you think they are discontinuing it? – or is the date on the tin near the sell buy date? My mum loves this coffee and we always take some back for her.
I had not understood how much effort these reports must be until I visited the Vineland outlet for the first time today. It was an interesting experience, the main benefit being that it reinforced the message that when staying in WDW, I should never ever leave WDW.
Why does everything look so neat in your pictures?! Did you tidy up beforehand?!
I thank you all for your service to this blog.
About once a year I remind readers that while I make the Disney Outlets seem like a fun experience, at times it can be a lot like trying to get onto a ride at EPCOT on New Year’s Eve. It can be sheer chaos. Lines for the registers can stretch the entire store and these are by far and away the slowest transactions I have ever seen at any Disney store. Pack your patience.
I’ve made a special trip back to this post to inform you that I’ve found the parks are now selling handbag ornaments to go with the shoe ornaments you love so much! Spotted them in DHS today, thought you might want to rush out and buy some.
Another great report!
Hey, some folks out there start whole blogs thanks to hidden “gems” like “Condorman”. Shameless plug!!
I would buy the HECK out of that stacked teacup design if they were done in Mad Tea Party styles and colors. I’d grab up a whole set. What a strange choice to have done the more intricate look to what is essentially a wonky looking design.
Hot Topics sells a Mad Tea Party version – I think it’s three cups high.
I’m going to go and buy the HECK out of those. Thanks!
I’m hoping the vinylmation will still be there in 3 weeks – my son still loves them and collects them.
“I tried my best, but I couldn’t really figure out what this thing was. Best I can figure is there is a big string attached to this microphone looking thing, and then you wave it around as it glows in the dark.”
When I was a kid, I had a toy that was shaped like a bubble pipe, but it had a hole in the pipe end, and a loop of string going through the hole. When you blew into the mouthpiece end, the string would fountain up and make a loop in the air, as long as you had breath to keep the string moving.
This thing looks like a motorized, light-up version of the same thing. It’s amusing for about a minute and a half, because you can poke at the string, and make shapes, and the moving string behaves a little like a fluid. Adding the blacklight/color probably brings that time to upwards of 2 minutes of amusement.
Our first trip to Epcot in 2004 they were selling a version of these EVERYWHERE. Demonstrators were all over Future World. We succumbed to the pressure and bought one, and it worked great for several years.
Great article! Thanks so much. I love the Saturday 6, but the merch posts are my favorite. 🙂