Disney Cruise LineNewsTravel Beat

Travel Beat Special: 2024 D23 Expo News for Disney Cruise Line

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We’re interrupting your regular daily routine this weekend with a few extra Travel Beat articles to share all the news announced on Saturday night at the D23 Expo. The big news for Disney Cruise Line? FOUR MORE SHIPS.

  • A Look at the Moana Stage Show on the Treasure
  • Hercules to Headline Show on the Disney Destiny
  • Four New Disney Cruise Line Ships Announced

A Look at the Moana Stage Show on the Treasure

Disney had previously announced that the all-new stage show on the Treasure would be the Tale of Moana. Last night they dropped some new concept art showing the 15-foot Te Ka puppet that will be part of the show. Does this look cool to you? It looks pretty amazing to us. Although it must be said that if concept art doesn’t look amazing it’s cause for concern. The Treasure will launch in December of 2024.

Hercules to Headline Show on the Disney Destiny

Over on the Destiny, which launches a year later in November of 2025, a new stage show will feature characters and music from the animated movie Hercules. No details beyond that were released.

UPDATE 8/12/2024: Disney has released more information about this new show. It will be a retelling of Hercules’ story that “will feature the iconic music and larger-than-life characters we all know and love from the original movie, presented in an all-new way”. The show will be named Disney Hercules and will feature the Muses in their role as the show’s storytellers, guiding you along as you accompany Hercules on his journey. All new musical arrangements will highlight the pop and gospel influences that fans love in the classic songs from the movie.

Four New Disney Cruise Line Ships Announced

Are you looking at that December 2025 launch for Destiny and getting FOMO that the opportunity to sail on a DCL maiden voyage is passing you by? Do not fret, because four more ships will be joining the fleet between 2027 and 2031. Not only is that plenty of time to get your budget in order, but with 13 total ships when all this construction is done, maybe prices will come down as supply rises to meet demand?

What do you think the new ships will be named? Do you think we’ll see a wider range of prices with so many vessels in the fleet? Let us know in the comments!

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Jennifer Heymont

Jennifer has a background in math and biology, so she ended up in Data Science where she gets to do both. She lives just north of Boston with her husband, kids, and assorted animal members of the family. Although it took three visits for the Disney bug to "take", she now really wishes she lived a lot closer to the Parks.

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