Money MattersResortsWalt Disney World (FL)

Art of Animation and Expanded Swan and Dolphin Priceline Deals

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Hello again! If you are in the market for a trip in the near future, you’ll be glad to hear that the Swolphin Priceline Express deals I mentioned a few weeks ago have expanded to more dates. Even better news: they brought with them a very nice group of June Art of Animation rooms all hovering between $90 and $100.

And nay, let us not forget the end of the remaining $68 – $81 All-Star Sports Express deals that are still out there in the last week of May.

As is usually the case, there are sometimes dates missing in the middle of a string of deals. A Pro Tip I’ve mentioned before: Moving your start and end dates around will often pop up missing days, so be sure to slide your date window around a little.

Below are some calendars of the most recent deals that I’ve found – just remember that Express Deals can come and go, sometimes quickly.

Also, even if you have absorbed all of the Priceline-Fu and have Hotel Canary in your back pocket, getting the hotel you expect is not guaranteed. Using the techniques we’ve talked about here on the blog, I believe you can get to the point where you are very mostly probably sure of the resort for each deal. But always remember to take the time to double check your info before you book.

If you’ve found any other deals or tricks let us know in the comments.. Or, if you just booked one of these deals and are excited about it, leave us a Woohoo! and tell us what you got!

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John Tierney

Security. Genealogy. Dad. Husband. Securigenealodadsband. Also: Disney fan who likes deals. and numbers. and churros. You can find his tweeter @JJT and his Instagram is @johnjtierney

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