Why Disney’s Baby Care Centers Are So Important Right Now
Baby Care Centers are the best thing to happen to theme parks, ever. You cannot convince me otherwise. And on my recent visits to Walt Disney World, my love and appreciation for Disney’s Baby Care Centers increased. These centers are a respite for families with young kids, and with current conditions they are more valuable than ever.

Changing Area in a Quiet Space
Practically all restrooms across Walt Disney World property have changing stations in them. However, the regular restrooms can often get crowded and sometimes you have to wait for a changing table to become available. Each Baby Care Center at the four theme parks has a room with multiple changing tables in it. Each changing table has a paper liner to be switched out after each child.
Sometimes changing a baby or toddler’s diaper becomes a wrestling match. It can be tough to wrangle your child while other guests wait or are coming and going around you. Even when the parks were busy, I never had an issue with finding an available changing table at any of the Baby Care Centers. And now that physical distance space is more important than ever, these changing rooms are even more valuable.

Family Restroom
Not every Baby Care Center has a Family Restroom. These large single-stall restrooms have room for multiple family members to use so children and caregivers can stay together. Magic Kingdom’s Baby Care Center does not have a Family Restroom but the restroom it does offer has smaller toilets for children that are learning to use the potty.
If you’re trying to avoid crowds, especially indoors, like I am, it is really helpful having dedicate space like a Family Restroom, or Companion Restroom. It is also very helpful to be able to stick together without waiting for an open stall, while trying to keep your distance from others.
Bottle Warmers and Water Station
Even though my child is no longer at the age of bottle feeding, I still appreciate the bottle warmer and water station. I found it very helpful to grab a paper cup of water to cool off after being in the heat and after wrangling my child for a diaper change. There is also a sink which is obviously great for washing hands, but also rinsing out any bottles or other items. Cleanliness is the name of the game now more than ever.

Baby and Toddler Supplies and Merchandise
I don’t know about other parents, but whenever I leave the house with my son I have a mental checklist of at least a million things I need to bring with me. I always feel at ease when I go to a Walt Disney World theme park with him because I know if I forget something they will have it at the Baby Care Center. Diapers, Pull-Ups, wipes, baby food, toddler snacks, food pouches, bottles, strollers, stroller accessories, and more are available for purchase. In an age when the checklist of things to pack now includes sanitizer, wipes, and masks, it’s nice knowing supplies for young kids are easily accessible.

Nursing Rooms and Common Room
One of the great features of each Baby Care Center is the nursing rooms. At EPCOT’s Baby Care Center it is a communal room with seats that face away from each other. Disney’s Animal Kingdom is my favorite Baby Care Center and it has two individual nursing rooms.

Each center also has a common room in which a television and multiple chairs are located. On my recent visits the television was turned off, I assume to hinder the attractiveness of lingering. Still the common room was helpful for my son and I as it gave me a chance to sit down and get on his level so I could adjust his mask. I also took a moment to get our backpack and things together while in a place with only another person present, a Cast Member, and wonderful air conditioning.

Visiting the theme parks these days does take a lot of extra effort. There is a lot to be mindful of, but it is still fun and enjoyable. Taking advantage of resources like Baby Care Centers makes a big difference.
What are some of your favorite resources inside Disney Parks? Have you ever used a Baby Care Center?