Saturday SixWalt Disney World (FL)

SATURDAY SIX Presents SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: D23 Expo Disney Concept Art Edition (Villains Land, Monstropolis & More!)

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“Shall we play a game?” – WarGames (1983)

Spot the Difference is a classic puzzle game format which asks the readers to look at two photos and find all the differences between them. We at the SATURDAY SIX blog series began applying this idea to the theme park world earlier this year with several Spot the Difference articles featuring the concept art for Epic Universe, including Super Nintendo World and How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk.

We’re back with a new edition and this time we are shining the spotlight on Disney and looking at concept art that made its debut at the recent D23 Expo. Each piece of concept art will be followed by a second photo that – upon first sight – looks exactly the same, but actually has six differences hidden inside. Can YOU spot all the differences? Keep your head on a swivel because Digital Maestro Scott Walker has made some clever and subtle changes. Remember that clicking on any picture will bring up a larger version, and we’ve also included the answer key for each set of photos at the bottom of each section. Have fun!


As we talked about in last week’s installment of the Theme Park Enjoyment Index, a Villains Land seems to finally be coming to fruition at the Magic Kingdom. This has been part of theme park Rumors & Innuendo for not just years, but decades. This will also be coming on the heels of Universal building it’s first ever land dedicated to the baddies with Dark Universe. As they say, our cup truly runneth over.

Spot all six differences? CLICK HERE to see them all!

# 5 – “Reimagined” Frontierland featuring CARS

One huge shock coming out of D23 was the announcement of Walt Disney World getting an area themed to the world of Pixar’s Cars. As a person who puts Cars on my Mount Rushmore of Pixar films and considers the Radiator Springs area at Art of Animation one of my favorite places to stay at WDW, this was tremendous news. Then the other shoe dropped a couple days later, as we found out this new area would replace the Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer Island at the Magic Kingdom. To quote Bob Dylan, the times they are a-changin’.

Spot all six differences? CLICK HERE to see them all!

# 4 – Monstropolis

As much surprise as there was in the announcements coming to the Magic Kingdom, nothing came close to the response after Monstropolis (featuring a long-rumored Monsters Inc. roller coaster) was announced for Disney Hollywood Studios. Many fans jumped to the conclusion that this new area – which everyone wants – would be replacing the beloved Muppets courtyard. Petitions were started, letters to Disney management were written, and countless posts on social media were made begging and/or demanding that Disney leave the Muppets area alone. As of this writing, Disney hasn’t made any official announcements on where Monstropolis will be built, but Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith is long in the tooth and would be the perfect home to a new coaster…

Spot all six differences? CLICK HERE to see them all!

# 3 – Indiana Jones at Animal Kingdom!

Our long national nightmare is finally over as Walt Disney World is finally going to be home to an Indiana Jones ride. Yes, we have the underrated Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular at DHS and an Indiana Jones-themed bar in Disney Springs, but out in Disneyland they have the Indiana Jones Adventure. The expression “believe the hype” is how you can best describe the Indiana Jones Adventure, and it ranks among THE best attractions in a park absolutely loaded with E-Ticket headliners. Now we’ll finally have an Indy ride in Florida and I for one CAN’T WAIT!

Spot all six differences? CLICK HERE to see them all!

# 2 -Encanto

The Indiana Jones attraction is one element of a Tropical Americas expansion in Animal Kingdom, and joining it will be an area themed around the hit animated film Encanto. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things coming to this new area and if I was a betting man, my money would be on the new Tropical Americas addition being a true game changer to Animal Kingdom in the way that adding Expedition Everest and Pandora – The World of Avatar were. As a side note, while “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” became a national phenomenon, it’s actually the song “Surface Pressure” that we at the SATURDAY SIX relate to the most after putting together a weekly theme park article for 11 straight years…

Spot all six differences? CLICK HERE to see them all!

# 1 –  Test Track 3.0

Hard to believe we are going to have another incarnation of Test Track at EPCOT, but that may have been the biggest surprise out of the D23 Expo because it was something nobody wanted or anyone needed. For whatever reason, Test Track 2.0 was super popular with guests. I always felt the pre-show “make your own car” aspect – that turned realistic cars into vehicles from Wacky Races – was a complete waste of everyone’s time (something that could be easily fixed and even be made into a profit machine by letting guests 3D print the vehicles they designed) but can’t deny I love the ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM to end the ride. Believe it or not, the Test Track 3.0 announcement completely out of left field is the one Disney went straight to work on. The much reviled canopy system outside Test Track 2.0 is already taken down and hopefully it won’t be long before we get to hit that gas pedal again and feel that wind press against our face on the outdoor track.

Spot all six differences? CLICK HERE to see them all!

So there you have it: SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: D23 Expo Concept Art edition! See you next weekend for the latest installment of the SATURDAY SIX, where we’ll look at something fun from the world of Disney and Universal. If you enjoyed yourself, be sure to check out the THEME PARK ENJOYMENT INDEX, giving a monthly recap of all the theme park news you need to know (and a lot more you don’t need to know, but we’re gonna tell you anyway). You can also follow Your Humble Author on Twitter (@derekburgan).

If you enjoyed this article, you will surely like the following:

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: Epic Universe Concept Art edition

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: How To Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk edition

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: Super Nintendo World edition

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