Ask It: Is Your Significant Other a Disney Fan?
It’s a week until Valentine’s Day, and thoughts of love are in the air. The old saying is that opposites attract, but sometimes it is beneficial to share the same interests with your significant other. If you’re reading this blog, odds are good that you’re at least a moderate Disney fan–but what about your significant other? Is it a passion you share, or is it something that gets you the “That’s nice, dear” look whenever you start talking Disney.
This week, we’re asking you:
Is your significant other as much of a Disney fan as you are?
- No (53%, 353 Votes)
- Yes (47%, 314 Votes)
Total Voters: 667

The poll is live now here and on Twitter. We’ll have your answers next week. In the meantime, if your significant other is a Disney fan, was that something that drew you together? If your significant other is not a Disney fan, how do you balance your love of Disney with your significant other’s lack of Disney enthusiasm? Let us know in the comments.
We are both huge fans since childhood and it definitely was a factor for me to say “Yes”. When he propossed, we were planning a Disneyland honeymoon the next second. I think sharing this passion for the parks has kept us close and helped us through difficult times in marriage.
He’s probably the bigger fan, but I’m the planner/deal finder, so I follow more planning sites like touringplans!
My husband is not a fan, although he’s understanding of my love for WDW. So he stays home with the dogs, and I fly down to FL once a year for a short trip, either by myself or with a girlfriend. Works out fine.
I’m a fan. I enjoy the parks, enjoy listening to Jim and Len, and have seen 95% of the animated films.
My wife is a whole other level. Usually wearing something with a mouse on it. Listens to at least 6 more podcasts (and argues with them.) The 2” binder with the touring plan in it (tabbed by day) doesn’t come to the park anymore because it has been memorized. The day the annual copy of the Unofficial Guide shows up from Amazon is a minor holiday and I can forget seeing her the rest of the day. For her 40th we took the Keys to the Kimgdom tour (which we both enjoyed) and didn’t take the kids. (They still don’t know.)
And they truly frightening thing: I am not the only guy in my position…. 🙂
My husband goes to Disney mostly because I love it so. He enjoys it, but not nearly as much as I do.
She has come to enjoy the parks whenever we go, but if she had married a non Disney geek instead of me, I don’t think she’d have ever thought twice about it. So my answer would be “no,” but she’s a trooper for going as much as we do (and having fun while we’re there).
He’s a fan, but not as big as I am. Loves going to the parks almost as much as I do though, so it works.
She likes Disney, but not nearly as much as I do.