Changes Made at Disney Springs Co-Op
One of my favorite places to browse at Disney Springs is the Co-Op. This shop is a great mix of art, dresses, purses, menswear, and other unique items. The Co-Op has been rearranged, and while you may think this is no big deal, the new arrangement allows for better traffic flow and seems more logical. The WonderGround Art Gallery is now more centrally located where The Dress Shop used to be.
There is now more room to browse through and appreciate the special art that WonderGround offers, and perhaps more room for when artists visit. The Dress Shop is now where the gallery was, which puts it next to TrenD – Disney’s trendy clothing store. This also means it is closer to the fitting rooms which is helpful. I tried on a few dresses a few months back, and found it disjointed that I had to walk through the art gallery to get to the fitting rooms – this change seems to make more sense.

Do you like to browse The Dress Shop and WonderGround Gallery?