Color Changing Droids – Fun But Pricey
The main event at the Droid Depot at Galaxy’s Edge is the $99.00 build-your-own-droid experience, but there is plenty of other merchandise there at slightly lower (and higher) price points.

One item I purchased was the color changing droids package for $39.99.

The pack contains four droids: one protocol droid and three astromech droids, ranging from about 1.5 to 3.5 inches tall. The interactive twist to these figures is that they change color depending on the temperature, when placed in water. Does it work?
Here are the droids at room temperature.
I then subjected them each to the torture of ice water. Within about three seconds, the BB droid went from red to black.
Dipping the R2 unit into the ice water gave just a partial color change, and then a complete plunge made a total transformation.
The other droids had similar changes.
Dipping them into hot tap water made the change reverse.
So … these do indeed work as advertised. And it’s a cool trick, but probably not worth the $40 price tag for a few seconds of entertainment, especially when you could get four sturdier and more detailed droid toys for less money.
The one time I might consider this worth it is if you had a Star Wars-obsessed child who didn’t like to get out of the bath. Make a rule that when the water temperature cools off enough to change the droid color, then you have to get out and dry off. We won’t tell if you secretly pop a few ice cubes into the tub.
I remember Hot Wheels and He Man toys that did this back in the 80s.
You are not alone in that feeling (says the person who paid 40 bucks for this).
Why do I get the feeling we will be reading about these again in the monthly outlet report after the new year?