It’s A Small World Themed Bedding at Pottery Barn

I don’t often wish my kids were small again, but when I do, it’s almost always because I encounter some clothing or bedding that that I would have instantly scooped up for a baby or toddler.
The It’s A Small World collection from Pottery Barn Kids pushes that button for me. These items are baby appropriate, without being cloying. It’s a lovely homage to the classic Mary Blair art without screaming DISNEY. Would it be weird to buy the block set for myself? Sigh.

Would you buy this for a new baby, your own or as a gift?
Well this is disappointing. We have had a Small World themed nursery in our house for 4 years but now it is a Small World themed “big boy” room. We struggled to find anything to decorate the room with and ended up making everything ourselves. This would’ve been a great addition to our room.