Kali River Rapids To Offer Complimentary Lockers

Have you ever ridden Kali River Rapids at Disney’s Animal Kingdom and gotten absolutely drenched? I’ll bet the answer is yes. Well, now Disney has a solution for you!
Kali River Rapids, a white-water raft attraction that can be found in the Asia section of the park, is now offering complimentary lockers for two hours. These lockers are only for guests riding the attraction who do not want to get their personal items soaked. The lockers are located by the restrooms near the entrance of the attraction.
If guests would like to store their property for the day, lockers are available for rent at the front of the park.
It sounds like a good idea and will make those people with Cell phones more likely to ride the ride if the security of a guarantee of there stuff being there is set. I was there over the weekend and was skeptical of riding it cause of the chance of getting my stuff wet so I didn’t but if a guarantee of stuff not getting stolen is there than I will ride it in the future.
A cautionary tale:
Over labor day weekend, we were at Disneyland for the first time. Grizzly River Run has lockers there for this purpose (very critical there since GRR doesn’t have the plastic drypouch centers that KRR has). My husband and I put our stuff in, locked the locker (I even tugged on it to be sure), and then headed to the Fastpass line. Thirty minutes later, we were back and soaked. We opened the locker using our PIN and our valuables were all gone. (Our less valuable souvenirs were left behind.)
Per the logs for the locker, someone opened the locker again using our PIN about six minutes after we left. The detective assigned to DLR said he suspects the would-be thieves are seeing the PIN get entered on the screen either by standing behind you or by standing several feet away and using a digital camera with zoom.
Having heard the CMs at Guest Relations and the detective assigned to DLR all say that this has been happening fairly often at DLR, I’m kind of surprised Disney is installing them at Kali. I really hope they’re using a different system, such as the thumbprint scan or credit card/room key scan that Universal uses.
If any readers are ever using the PIN entry lockers, make sure you block visibility to that screen. I’m short, and so my body didn’t block the screen at all. 🙁 I actually had to be on tiptoes just to enter it in.
Great news for us! My son wears a hearing aid and my daughter glasses. It will be great to put our “precious” items along with electronics in a locker and not have to worry. Although, I seem to be the only one to get soaked on that ride. Great memories….can’t wait to do it again in March!!