Magic Kingdom Parade at 3:00 PM in 2018
Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Florida is currently scheduled for 3:00 PM for all dates in 2018. (As of today, Disney World’s web-based schedule goes through June 30, 2018.)
While it’s true that Disney shifted the start time of this parade to 2:00 PM for the latter half of 2017, its time is 3:00 PM for the foreseeable future. You can see that on Disney World’s website:

This is not breaking news; the 3:00 PM parade showtimes in 2018 have been on the schedule for months, but we’ve received enough messages from folks questioning this that we thought it wise to share the information on our blog. We do not know the reason for Disney’s choice of parade times, nor do we know whether the parade will switch back to 2:00 PM in August 2018 like it did in August 2017. Disney may change the schedule of this parade (or anything else) at its whim, so we recommend that you verify your showtimes as close to your touring dates as possible. When Disney makes changes, we generally update our times within a day or two. Same-day showtimes appear in our Lines app. We also display Magic Kingdom showtimes on our website, and showtimes are incorporated into our Personalized Touring Plan software.
If you use our Personalized Touring Plan software and there are changes to showtimes, park hours, wait time forecasts, or anything else for your plan’s park and date, you should revisit your plan and “optimize” or “evaluate” to make use of the revised parameters. Running “optimize” or “evaluate” close to your trip (or even via the Lines app while you’re in the park) should lead to a better result.
Enjoy the 3 o’clock parade in 2018!
What time is the 3:00 parade? 🙂
Sorry, couldn’t resist. Happy New Year.