Crowd BlogWalt Disney World (FL)

Memorial Day 2010 Sunday vs Monday

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The Crowd Calendar has been predicting that the crowds around Memorial Day Weekend will be at a level ‘8’ with the exception of the holiday Monday itself listed as a level ‘5’. We have been responding to several questions and comments about those predictions, so we figured, why not answer it on the blog?

We recieved a comment from a reader who was in Walt Disney World last year during Memorial Day Weekend. Perhaps this may shed some light on why the Sunday is likely to have higher crowds than the Monday.

I was in WDW last year Friday-Monday over Memorial Day weekend and it was great – crowds didn’t seem bad at all. Out of the entire weekend, we found Sunday to be the MOST crowded, and Monday (morning) at the MK to be nearly empty. This could have been due to the fact that MK had EM nighttime hours on Sunday night though. Have fun!

Mondays are typically a good day for crowds at the Magic Kingdom. Sunday’s Extra Magic Hour can give resort guests their fill.

Let us know your experience with touring during Memorial Day Weekend past and present.

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Fred Hazelton

Fred Hazelton maintains the crowd calendar, theme park wait time models and does hotel rate analysis for the Unofficial Guides. He's also done the models for the new mobile wait times product Lines. Fred Hazelton is a professional statistician living in Ontario, Canada. His email address is You can also follow him on Twitter: @DisneyStatsWhiz.

9 thoughts on “Memorial Day 2010 Sunday vs Monday

  • Why is Sunday the 30th now a 10?? What information is being used to push this to a 10? Really wondering if I need to re-think this trip or even attempt a park on that day.

  • What about the first few weeks of June? We’re going June 7th-16th. Crowd levels were 8 all the way through those two weeks, now I’m seeing 6s and 8s?

  • We will be there on that Monday. I was going to call into the WDWtoday live show and ask that question. I’ll let you know how it works out.

  • We will be there on Sun, I hope crowds are light in the morning!

  • There’s a good chance Cheryl and I will be there one of those days. Now I’m thinking it’ll be Monday 🙂

  • I will be there so will definitely let you know how it works out. I am watching closely for the new calendar’s predictions for that week, since we are staying off-site for the first time in years and won’t have park-hoppers, so planning will be even more important than it usually is for us. Thanks for all the work!

  • Interesting comment that Mondays are usually a good day at the MK. Years ago (in the 80s and very early 90s), before Extra Magic Hours existed, Monday was typically the most crowded day at the MK. This was related to typical travel plans that had families traveling on the weekend and starting their vacation on Monday. Then (as now, I’d guess), the most popular first stop was MK.
    You might even find this mentioned in some of the very early editions of the Unofficial Guide – you know, the ones that were maybe a couple hundred pages and would fit in your back pocket?

    • Thanks for the note, Nicholas!

      And an Unofficial Guide fitting into your back pocket? That’s crazy talk!


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