The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! April 2016 Photo Report of the Disney Outlet Store
Welcome to the latest edition of The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! the longest running monthly look at the Disney Outlet Stores in Orlando. Because the last day of April this year ends on a Saturday, the rarest of all birds at the TouringPlans blog can be seen: a daily double of the SATURDAY SIX and the Outlet Report! This week’s SATURDAY SIX is on the Walt Disney World locations used in Hulk Hogan’s Thunder in Paradise TV show is one Your Humble Author has wanted to write for a long, loooooong time, so I hope you enjoy it.
So what happened in the theme park world this past month? Disney started the After Hours event at the Magic Kingdom and sold so few tickets that the movie Mars Needs Moms was heard laughing. Disney has already cut the price of After Hours tickets in half for Annual Passholders and DVC members, and the party is a true value when compared to the $1700 photo shoot available out in Cars Land. Unfortunately The Earful Tower, one of my all time favorite WDW park icons, has made it’s way to the Disney Dump joining about out half of DHS. Goodbye Earful Tower, you will be missed, and we’ll see you later this year in our special In Memoriam article.
Now while all of you were out yelling at American Airlines’ gate agents about missing your Disney Cruise, Outlet Intern Julia Mascardo and I were hard at work to bring you the quality Outlet coverage you expect deserve!
Enough jibber jabber! Who is ready to hit the Outlets? Remember that clicking on any picture will open a full size version of it (don’t say we didn’t warn you).
The first item I’ve been waiting for ever since they showed up at the regular Disney stores just about two years ago. These hats where you look like you are wearing the carcass of a dead Disney character on your head are next level bananas. Apparently these bonkers hats are huge over at the Tokyo parks, but to be fair they also line up for hours just for popcorn. Popcorn! To be be even more fair, if I were out there I’d be in line with them. Originally $21.95, these were reduced to $5.99 and you better believe I bought one.

The next item also made my day. Disney has recently started putting out a line of t-shirts featuring these AMAZING Star Wars/Disney Attraction Poster mashups. They actually started selling these designs a while back on dog tags, but let’s get real, who buys dog tags? No offense to any weirdos out there, but that’s a weird thing to collect. A real dog tag for someone who served in the military? Couldn’t respect more. A dog tag featuring Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker in a homage to the Haunted Mansion? That’s weird. However, now that the dog tags had their price in half I bought all three designs. There’s one more design featuring Luke’s Landspeeder in a mashup with an Autopia attraction poster, but that wasn’t available. Originally $19.95, reduced to $9.99.

If you are dating a woman who doesn’t mind carrying around what looks like a decapitated head of an Ewok as her purse, PUT A RING ON THAT FINGER. Originally $60 (Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!), reduced to “just” $29.99.

This is a first for me at the Outlets. One thing Disney sells in almost all of their resort gift shops are these large and colorful cookies featuring characters. They are cookies in only the most abstract version of the word. I actually use them as roof shingles. They are originally $5.95, but this one featuring Boba Fett was marked down to $1.99. I was there at almost 10 o’clock at night and the cashier said I was the first person who bought a cookie. Apparently word is out.

I was trying to figure out how this Darth Vader Photo Frame would work. If you just put a regular photo of your family in their it would kind of look strange with the mask around it, right? But if you just took a ultra close up selfie of yourself so that your face looks like it is in the mask of Darth Vader, then that would look even stranger, right? Originally $26.95, marked down to $9.99.

Actually let’s answer this question right now. We have inserted a photo of the Grand Poohbah of TouringPlans, Len Testa himself, into the frame and we can confirm: it looks strange.

On the Earth-2 where Batman V Superman movie was a huge success and a critical darling, these designer bags featuring STORMTROOPERS were also a hit. Originally $90, marked down to $45.99.

This type of luggage is very popular with the young ones in our family. We have a Minnie Mouse bag and a Cars bag. This Stormtrooper version was originally $165, marked down to $100.99. I’m imagining because they are so white they would show a lot of wear real fast.

I bought one of these “Animated Glow” gimmicks two years ago at Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights and it never worked, so it has soured me on them big time. That one you wore around your neck, this one looks like you attach to a window? Originally price at “Orange” (must have sold these outside in carts where they want the kids to go gaga but hid the price from adults until it’s too late), reduced to $6.99.

You live by the Outlet sword, you die by the Outlet sword. One of my favorite collections is the line of Star Wars/Disney characters mashup action figures. I think I have almost all of them. I bought this one featuring Pete as Jango Fett at its original price of $12.95, it has been sent to the Outlets for $9.99.

Some of you out there are surely wondering where I keep all this crap I buy. Well here is a brief look into the home offices of the Outlet Report. That awesome Ghost Busters/Haunted Mansion print you see on the left was done by Sam Carter, one of my favorite artists because he does so much work involving theme park properties along with cool pop culture stuff. Check out his site by CLICKING HERE.

To make sure you know there has never been a piece of Star Wars licensed merchandise that George Lucas or Disney would turn down, here are these candy dispensers. Reduced to $6.99.

Remember that space slug from Empire Strike Back I mentioned above? Here’s an exciting hand puppet version. I haven’t seen ANY other Star Wars related hand puppets at Disney stores so who knows why anyone would buy this. Originally $14.95, reduced to $6.99.

Stormtoopers mugs, originally $14.95, reduced to $5.99.

Notice the handle on this one is shaped like Yoda’s ear. This design is great for a kid’s shirt, but what kid drinks coffee? Or is it for vertically challenged adults? (have to keep the Outlet Report politically correct lest Len Testa receive any more hate mail.) Originally $17.95, reduced to $5.99.

I love the movie Cars. I love the movie Star Wars. This Ramon-as-Han Solo in Carbonite just may be the craziest mashup I have ever seen in my life. Originally $24.95, marked down to $19.99.

Looks like I spoke too soon. These things were reduced to $6.99.

This is a Star Wars Promise Ring. You are basically making a promise to yourself to be single until you decide to take it off. Reduced to $8.95.

Okay, enough Star Wars. Let’s check out this FIVE STAR MR. TOAD PLUSH!!! Love it. Got two of these. Originally $19.95, reduced to $9.99.

More from that creepy Disney characters as babies line of plush. Here we have Cruella Deville and Merida from Brave. Wait, Cruella is waring a scarf made out of an actual puppy, complete with head still attached. This is now my favorite line of Disney plush. Originally $24.95, marked down to $12.99.

I’m gonna buy these Neon Glow Glasses and just walk around the Magic Kingdom at night like this kid.

Even more runDisney marathon merch hit the Outlets, including these pins. Here’s the 10K pin featuring Minnie Mouse.

Pins for the Goofy Challenge and Pluto for the 5K.

Donald Duck for the Half Marathon and the Dopey Challenge pin.

Some pins for the runDisney Princess races.

Here is a runDinsey medal holder that was originally $59.95 marked down to $12.99. As a two time runDisney medal winner, I understand the need to properly display one’s hardware. This one is more than a little pricey for a design that is not all that good. In fact I believe the correct word is “hideous.”

Here are some runDisney car magnets featuring the Princesses. Marked down to $2.99. I’ve seen a lot of runDisney magnets on cars when driving through Southern Florida.

More car magnets.

I actually really like this Mickey and Minnie Salt and Pepper shaker set because it is channeling one of my favorite parts of Walt Disney World, the huge archways you drive under when entering The World. They used this for the newest refillable mugs at the resorts and I love them too. Originally $16.95, marked down to $7.99.

Here’s a Minnie Mouse hair accessory. I bought it for the big Minnie Mouse fan in our family. Originally $12.95, marked down to $3.99.

This Minnie Mouse “telescoping pen” is like a fever dream come to life. I love and bought several. I’m going to be signing all my future contracts with TouringPlans using this pen exclusively. Originally $9.95, now $2.99.

Just like Mr. Toad, I’m all for more Country Bear Jamboree merch being released. This shirt was originally $24.95, marked down to $12.99.

I though this was a cute kid’s shirt.Originally $23.95, marked down to $6.99. My parents wouldn’t buy me $20 t-shirts in high school, let alone when I was five years old.

Don’t tell the rest of the bloggers because I have a reputation to protect, but I did pick up our little guy this Mater overalls set. Originally $34.95, now $14.99.

Grand Flo hoodie. Originally $54.95, marked down to $29.99. I actually like this one a lot.

This Snow White t-shirt is fine, but was originally priced at $32.95, which seems kind of steep to me. Marked down to $14.99.

Same prices apply for this Princess Aurora shirt.

Duffy as Eeyore. Marked down to $9.99.

This is troubling. Shirts from the great new 28 and Main brand are hitting the Outlets. Surely it’s because they are OUTRAGEOUSLY overpriced, but we still don’t need Disney thinking we wont’ support stuff like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea items. These shirts were originally $44.95 each, reduced to $14.99.

Another great 28 and Main design featuring Tick-Tock from Peter Pan.

Anyone need an insulated bag featuring a blueprint of Disneyland castle? Just crazy. I think this was one of those items at the big Disney Stores where if you spent $50 you could buy this bag for $20. It’s now $10 at the Outlets.

I need to talk to an expert in the high end Disney bag community because I just don’t get it. These bags were originally $85, marked down to $44.99.

These bags were actually $105 each, marked down to $54.99. Here I am holding out for $5.99 Tsum Tsums to come to the Outlet for $2.99 each.

I want to like this Tower of Terror keychain, but it’s just not cool enough and I really don’t like the “Disney China” thing on both sides. That said, keep the Tower of Terror merch coming Disney.

I am a HUGE comic book fan and I have absolutely no idea what this is. None. It doesn’t even look fun. Originally $12.95, now $4.99.

Big Hero 6 figures at the Outlets this month. This Baymax was originally $12.95, marked down to $8.99.

This ultra deluxe Baymax figure was originally $32.95, marked down to $22.99. Very little Big Hero 6 merchandise made it to the Outlets. Which you have to think is a good thing.

Gotta love seeing the Muppets. This figurine set was originally $15.95, marked down to $9.99.

MagicBand Sliders on deep discount at the outlets. All reduced to $1.99. There are some pretty neat designs here but just a completely impractical item.

More sliders. All $1.99.

Reduced priced MagicBandits. Another neat idea in theory but in reality they just fall off your MagicBands. The Christmas themed ones were $1.99 while the Stitch ones were $7.99

I love, Love, LOVE this plate with the Mary Blair inspired artwork. Part of that odd “Disney Decades” line and this one features 1965-1974. Originally $12.95, reduced to $5.99.

Disneyland Railroad plate. Originally $12.95, also marked down to $5.99.

You gotta love this Aloha Isle glass. Anyone up for a Dole Whip? Originally $14.95, marked down to $4.99.

Set of four Alice in Wonderland ceramic plates. I’m not sure what you do with them, but they looked pretty neat. Originally $39.95 marked down to $19.99.

I’ve mentioned I love the new Mickey Mouse shorts right? They are awesome and we’ll be doing a SATURDAY SIX on them in the near future covering some of the theme park references that are in Season One. Anyway, here’s a fun canteen featuring Mickey in that style. Originally $12.95, marked down to $4.99.

Here are some dresses for your Disney Princess figures or your Barbies. Originally $12.95, marked down to $7.99.

I’m beginning to think Disneyland didn’t see a single piece of 60th Anniversary merchandise. Actually I’m hearing that property control for Disneyland was located where Star Wars Land construction is taking place, so the merch has to go somewhere. These #dazzle ears were marked down to $4.99.

Another Disneyland 60th hat. Same price.

Vinylmation featuring the Haunted Mansion. I’m sorry but that Madame Leota figure looks absolutely RIDICULOUS. $3.99 each.

Now here’s what I like. Mickey Mouse done in Vinylmation looks great. I bought one of these Chef Mickey sets. Originally priced at $24.95 each (wowzers), marked down to $6.99.

We’ll close out with some high end Star Wars pieces that they keep behind the register.

Wait, we can’t go without one last look at a completely bonkers pen featuring Cinderella’s “shoe.” Hey, I didn’t write that. Disney did.

Check out these Disneyland bags they were using to load up our junk!

There are actually two Disney outlet stores in Orlando. Both are in Orlando Premium Outlet shopping complexes, and they are called Disney’s Character Warehouse, presumably because The Land Of Misfit Toys was already trademarked. There is one Character Warehouse located on International Drive close to Universal Studios (4951 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819), and the other is on Vineland Avenue, right across I-4 near the exits to Disney World (8200 Vineland Ave, Orlando, FL 32821).
Previous editions of Magic, Memories, and Merch: July 2013, August 2013, September 2013, October 2013, November 2013, December 2013, January 2014, February 2014, March 2014, April 2014, May 2014, June 2014, July 2014, August 2014, September 2014, October 2014, November 2014, December 2015, January 2015, February 2015, March 2015, April 2015, May 2015. June 2015, July 2015, August 2015, September 2015, October 2015, November 2015. December 2015, January 2016, February 2016 and March 2016.
We also did an edition of Magic, Memories, and Junk for a non-Disney owned Outlet Store, and for you merch addicts like myself, you may also enjoy a look at the official Disney merchandise available on the Disney Cruise Line, Castaway Cay, and at the Orlando International Airport.
If you liked what you read here, you may enjoy THE SATURDAY SIX articles every week on the blog and you can follow your humble author on Twitter (@derekbugan).
Thanks for the merch report. Entertaining as always. Can’t wait for the Saturday six on the Mickey shorts. “Potato-land!!!”
I do not run too much. In fact, I have two knee replacements (all that I was allowed.) But if I get enough discount runDisney pins and accessories, will I be able to convince others that I am a serious runner?
Question from a very envious UK Disney fan , Do both outlet stores carry the same stock ? If I ever get to Florida I need to know if I’ll need to plan on visiting both , I don’t drive so it’s a bit more complicated for me .
Whoa in the bottom right corner of the glowing chewbacca is a Lego set! Was that on sale?
The Pluto as an AT-AT has been posed in a position that looks like he is about to poop out a tiny AT-ST. Loved this article as always!
I think those designer bags featuring Stormtroopers will be a big hit when Star Wars weekends extend to Dia de los Muertos.
Timbuk3 will sleep much better tonight knowing someone somewhere referenced their only hit.
That I got that reference and woke up pretty happy it was going to be a twofer Saturday on the blog for Derek probably explains why I’ll also sleep better tonight.
And alone. :-/
Thanks for another fine column!
Pfft- I actually saw someone with that telescoping Minnie Mouse pen at Disneyland not long ago! What makes it even better was that they were getting an autograph from Cruella DeVille, and Minnie was meeting about twenty feet away, so Cruella naturally turns and yells to Minnie, while demonstrating, ‘LOOK, THEY’VE GOT THIS PEN THAT MAKES YOUR HEAD POP OFF! I JUST FOUND MY NEW FAVORITE THING!’ …Minnie was not as enthused. But I think that interaction makes the existence of that particular piece of merchandise worth it.