Disneyland (CA)Star Wars

VIDEO: Savi’s Workshop Lightsaber Build, Complete Video

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Guy Selga is back with more video from Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. He’s here with the complete experience of the lightsaber build at Savi’s Workshop.

Watching this, along with Brian’s first day impressions video yesterday, it’s been a very sobbing ugly tears kind of weekend for this longtime Star Wars fan.

The lightsaber building experience costs $200, yet Guy says, “It’s outrageous, but I think for hardcore Star Wars fans there’s going to be no talking them out of that experience. It was amazing, so much fun.”

Even TouringPlans fearless leader Len Testa told us in, yes, all caps, “TOTALLY WORTH $200. Would build again 10/10.”

A word of warning – the video below is basically a giant SPOILER for the entire experience. If you’re planning to build your lightsaber and don’t want the experience spoiled, you’ll want to hold off on watching.

Is Savi’s Workshop on your list? What color would you choose? When was the last time you saw Len give such a vociferous endorsement? Let us know in the comments.

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Erin Foster

Erin Foster is an original member of the Walt Disney World Moms Panel (now PlanDisney), a regular contributor to TouringPlans.com, and co-author of The Unofficial Guide to Disney Cruise Line. She's been to WDW, DL, DL Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, Aulani, DVC Vero Beach, and DVC Hilton Head. She's a Platinum DCL cruiser and veteran of 10 Adventures by Disney trips. Erin lives near New York City, where she can often be found indulging in her other obsession - Broadway theater.

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Savi’s Workshop Lightsaber Build, Complete Video

  • I think I need a real comparison of this to the wand experience –

    and that must be the most ROI per sq ft ever for Disney – every 10 minutes they make $1,000 off maybe $30 of merch and 5 employees with 1 making more than min wage?

    And there isn’t any bluetooth or anything on it? No AI collecting all your park memories when you first touch the light saber and showing them back to you?

    For $200 it should come with mounting hardware not a backpack.

  • I couldn’t imagine spending $200 on this. Gotta say that, after watching this video, I kind of want one now!

    • I thought the same as you and in the end came out thinking it was one of the best things about Galaxy’s Edge.

  • How do you get reservations?

    • Head to Savi’s Workshop as soon as the land opens. Seriously, you need to be one of the first 100 people or less to arrive and then reservations fill up. Be quick and be ready to stand in a long line.

  • Just wondering, as they walk around with the crystals, if say everyone before you picked red and there’s none in the container the person offering to you is holding l do they go get more if you ask? (Paranoid slight socially awkward person who doesn’t want to make a scene but also will be spending $200 plus tax on it so wants the right colour is curious)

    • I saw they had multiple of the little carriers with all the crystals in them and each one had more than enough of every color. Also, there’s cast members in the shadows that step up to help with any problems.

  • How many people can go in for 1 saber?

    • Two people are allowed in per reservation. One to build and the other can watch. That’s the limit.

    • 1 builder and 1 guest.

  • $200 and blade does not retract, ehhh


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