Alert! There’s A NEW Flavor of Dole Whip at Magic Kingdom
Get excited! There’s a new flavor of Dole Whip available at Magic Kingdom and it is an instant classic. At Storybook Treats in Fantasyland you can enjoy a variety of soft-serve ice cream treats. Now the new Cherry Soft-Serve is available, both on its own and as a float. We are loving it!

The signage just says “Cherry Soft-serve Available” which does not indicate it is Dole Whip. But we checked with several sources that state it is Dole Whip and is dairy-free. Just like the other flavors of soft-serve here (vanilla, chocolate, and lime) you can have this new Cherry Soft-Serve in a cup on its own or as a float.

Ivonne on our team tried it on its own. Although she’s not a big fan of cherry flavor, she gave this treat two thumbs up. We’ve heard from others that it is wonderful as a float as well. A classic combo of cherry and Coca-Cola sounds good on a hot day.

Have you tried any of the latest flavors of Dole Whip? Or do you prefer to stick with the classic Pineapple Dole Whip?