#AskIt – What would you like to see more of here?
Today’s poll is all about you. We have been working hard this year to provide regular content – that’s why you’re seeing weekly previews and videos here on the blog. We’ve upped our YouTube and Instagram game. So now it’s time for you to tell us which of these you’d like to see more of.
This week’s question is:
What type of content would you like to see more of on the TouringPlans blog?
- Reviews (hotel, food) (42%, 166 Votes)
- Data/stats/crowd information (29%, 116 Votes)
- Trip planning tips and how-tos (21%, 85 Votes)
- Videos (8%, 30 Votes)
Total Voters: 397

If there’s something else you’d like to see more of that we didn’t mention, talk about it in the comments.
I love Disney sooooo much!
Animal Kingdom
Disney Springs
Disney Cruises
Videos are great information!
Thank You for all your hard work!!!
More things on Universal would be cool, Something along the lines of Best Week Ever
I picked data/stats, because that’s my top interest, but I love the videos with Angela & Bryan, and the in the park ones with Len & co testing touring plans, etc. And the podcast … and the articles … ok, dang it, more of everything please! 🙂
I really love the articles like Best Week Ever. Makes me feel like I am there even when I am stuck in Minnesota in the middle of winter. 🙂
If I could’ve picked two I would’ve gone with stats too, but I picked reviews because my family is traveling from NY so we’re lucky to make it once a year. Prices are climbing and time is money, I don’t want to waste either on experiences, food or hotels that aren’t worth it because it could be months and months before we get a do over.
Personally I love the data / science / statistics behind everything you all do. I’m always fascinated by how much goes on “behind the scenes” to give us predictions and information. I’m also a big fan of the “top six” lists.
I would love to see reviews on the tours (like the one Lily did on behind the seeds). At the moment I am trying to find information on the Holiday D Lights to see if it’s good value.
Round ups.
We get the outlet, the merchandise roundups. Did I miss one on food?
I really like the this week in : Disneyland, Disney World, Cruiseline.
Maybe we can get one for transportation updates. Monorails anticiapated to be closed, boat refurbishments, only 2 ferries running for magic kingdom, skyliner progress. It would be a great tool for those who are literally about to head to the parks.
The “Must Do” content is the weekly news roundup and the Saturday 6. Beyond that, crowd info is pretty great. Most everything else can be found in some way or another on other sites.
I like reading insider information about coming attractions and future development. But the stats / data is a major factor that sets touring plans apart from other sources.
I voted for data/ stats, because I don’t get that info anywhere else. But I do enjoy your Youtube channel as well. But I come to the blog specifically for Derek Burgan articles and statistics I didn’t know I was interested in. Thanks for the great content!
I’d really like to see information and reviews for the off-site hotels, which before 2018 would have never crossed my mind. However, with the rack rate creep, additional parking fees, etc., it’s getting harder and harder to justify a trip to WDW if it includes staying on-site. The Unofficial Guide includes this information in spades, but I keep an active Touringplans subscription so I don’t have to buy a revised copy of the book every couple years.
Can we vote for everything?!