Disneyland (CA)

Disneyland’s Expensive Ticket Prices Just Got Slightly More Expensive

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IMG_3863Next time you head to Disneyland Resort you may want to bring a few extra bucks. According to our friends at Orange County Register and MousePlanet, all ticket and annual pass prices will be raised tomorrow.



1- day Tickets:  New Price (Old Price)

1-day, 1-park – $99 ($96)

1-day Park Hopper – $155 ($153)

Kid’s 1-day, 1-park – $93 ($90)

Multi-day Tickets: New Price (Old Price)

2-day- $185 ($178)

Kid’s 2-day – $172 ($165)

3-day – $235 ($226)

Kid’s 3-day – $224 ($215)

4-day – $260 ($250)

Kid’s 4-day – $245 ($235)

5-day – $275 ($266)

Kid’s 5-day – $259 ($250)

Multi-day ticket park hopper add-on – $40 ($39)

Annual Passes New Price (Old Price)

Premier – $1099 ($1029)

Premium – $779 ($699)

Deluxe – $549 ($519)

SoCal – $389 ($379) (available for renewal only)

SoCal Select – $299 ($289)

Another interesting bit of news to come with all this is that parking can no longer be added to annual passes. “Free” parking will only be included with the Premium pass; everyone else must pay $17.

If you’re curious how the new price increases affects annual pass monthly payments:

Orange County Register also tweeted out a particularly juicy piece of gossip to go along with the usual Disney price increase drama:  

Comment below and let me know what you think about Disney’s latest price increase. Passholders, will this change things for you? Will you upgrade or downgrade? Vacationers, does this change your plans?

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Guy Selga Jr.

Disneyland writer for TouringPlans.com and co-author of the Unofficial Guide to Disneyland. Also a Disneyland local and appreciator of Disney theme park history. Twitter and Instagram: @guyselga

7 thoughts on “Disneyland’s Expensive Ticket Prices Just Got Slightly More Expensive

  • The increase in prices does not bother me nearly so much as the elimination of the parking option for the deluxe annual passes. Normally we just go once a year and get park hoppers through AAA which includes parking. This year we were going to go for the annual passes since we had some extra money but paying for parking on top of the price increase is just rubbing salt in the wound.

  • 16.2 million people attended Disneyland in 2013, and increase of 1.5% over 2012. California must be jam-crammed with “elite.” And if I cannot provide food, clothing and shelter for my family then last thing I’m losing sleep over is the price of a day’s admission to a theme park, let alone other entertainment options.

  • Why do folks assume most people go to a Broadway show or sporting event? That’s always the comparison they like to use. Maybe the sporting event, but not everyone goes to a Broadway show (or play). And some of us don’t even go to sporting events: why when you can see it a lot better on a giant HD flat screen? My family of four does neither, so yes, DisneyDad, we will stay home. Not because we don’t want to pay for Disney, but because we can’t afford it. Enjoy the higher prices and faster load times, Harrel. Those of us with extremely tight budgets will no longer bother you. Disneyland is no longer for the average American family; it is now the playground for the elite.

  • I enjoy price increases. If they go high enough I will get on rides much faster and maybe not so many kids will interrupt my day when on vacation. They are always sticky and noisy.

  • Stay home if you don’t want to pay for it. Really. If we can already afford to go on vacation, our families aren’t starving. A couple hours on Broadway or a few hours at a major sporting event are still more expensive than all day in a Disney Park. Disney’s attendance numbers will not go down because of this.

  • We use to always get 3 Deluxe passes every year but we stopped renewing after the last increase. This new increase just makes it more unlikely that we will ever do so again.


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