Elf On the Shelf’s Night Before a Disney World Christmas

Does your family have any special traditions for the holidays at Disney?
This Christmas Eve, Kylene Hamulak shares the story of Leonard – her family’s companion on many trips to the World during the Christmas season.
Read on to find out more about Leonard’s adventures and maybe get some ideas for your own new traditions.
Meet Leonard, our family’s Elf on the Shelf. Santa no longer needs to check in on the “kids” in our family, so Leonard gets some extra perks for retirement. He still makes annual visits to our home, but now they’re just for fun – he even gets to travel with us to Walt Disney World! As Touring Plans elves prepare for their return to the North Pole, Leonard’s sharing some of his vacation favorite photos to help Santa’s scouts plan their own trips!

‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house,
One Scout Elf prepared for his trip to the Mouse.
With service to Santa completed and done,
It was time for the elves to relax and have fun!
From sugary treats to each towering tree,
The North Pole of the South is surely Dis-ney!
His FastPasses booked and his camera in hand,
Leonard the Elf chose a red MagicBand.
As Santa’s sleigh paused over ol’ MCO,
Leonard sprang from the sled to check out the show.
The first things he noticed were beautiful trees,
And vowed that with each he’d take some sELFies.
At Disney’s Floridian, things were just Grand,
But the Contemporary Resort was a bit out of hand.
A 70-foot tree’s the tallest around,
And Leonard’s so tiny, he can barely be found!

From safaris with elephants where the animals roam,
To trains without tracks on peaks nothing like home,
Animal Kingdom gave him all this and more,
And left him excited about the World to explore!
Now Bay Lake, Now Boardwalk,
Now the Magic King-dom
Now Osborne, Now Epcot
The fun has just be-gun!
To the Top of the World!
To the top of the Tower!
Must make the most of these
Extra Magic Hours!
With cupcakes and ice cream and sugar on sticks,
He fueled up on treats as good as St. Nick’s.
So many choices, Leonard must try them all,
For his appetite is big though his body is small!

At Hollywood Studios, he met friends from his past,
Working at Disney as seasonal Cast.
They joked about magic, as elves often do –
Did you know that Disney elves know Santa, too?
Then came the moment he’ll never forget,
When in Epcot a familiar figure he met.
Could it be him? Could it be possibly true?
Could Santa vacation in Disney World too?
We’ll never know – the little elf was too shy,
And he just didn’t want to bother “the Big Guy”.
It did make him smile to see someone so dear –
Although, let’s be honest – that smile’s always there!

The well-traveled elf had one final wish:
To meet Disney royalty was high on his list.
Not princesses, though, that would’ve been nice –
No, this royalty was a couple of mice!
Like him, they wore “elf” hats, and boy was he flattered.
That they were just bushes did not seem to matter.
After years of making magic for kids just like you,
Leonard finally had his own Mickey dream come true!
With a full heart, he prepared to return
To the North Pole to share the new magic he learned.
Amongst music and sparkles, Leonard ended his trip
With Osborne Dancing Lights that gave his belly a flip.
From Disney with love, Leonard wished at the sight:
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Very nice article…….
What a wonderful rendition…..though it did make me jealous of Leonard!
Hilarious! So glad I clicked. I especially enjoyed the photo captions. Thank you for a great article to enjoy on Chrismas Eve!
This is really great!!
That is not an easy thing to do and you did it beautifully! Such a fun read on Christmas Eve….thank you!!
Amazing!! Love it!
Excellent story