ResortsWalt Disney World (FL)

FAQ: Hot Tubs at Disney World

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Sometimes a vacation at Walt Disney World can be a lot. The walking, the heat, and the general overstimulation can make your body scream for relaxation and respite. One way to destress is to visit the hot tub at your hotel for a muscle-untangling soak.

Some Disney hot tubs are quite large.

Here’s what you need to know.

Are there hot tubs at every Disney World hotel?

Well, technically there are no hot tubs at Walt Disney World because Disney calls them spas (they’re the same thing), but no, not every resort has hot tubs on site. There are hot tubs at the moderate, deluxe, and Disney Vacation Club resorts. So, if you’re staying at the All-Star resorts, Pop Century, or Art of Animation, you’re out of luck.

Can I visit a WDW hot tub at a different hotel if mine doesn’t have one?

Unfortunately not. That would be considered pool hopping, which is generally not permitted.

Is there just one hot tub per hotel?

No, most of the Disney hotels have at least two hot tubs, all located adjacent to the pools.

Hot tubs are equipped with chair lifts for handicap access.

Do the hot tubs have specific hours?

Yes, the hot tubs located by the main resort feature pools all close when those main pools close. Hours vary seasonally and are posted at the pool gates. You can also inquire about pool hours at the hotel front desk. Most resorts also have smaller “quiet pools” that have longer hours.

Are there lifeguards at the hot tubs?

Generally not. There are lifeguards monitoring the main Disney pools, but they don’t keep watch over the hot tubs.

What is the hot tub water temperature?

The Disney World hot tubs are set to 104 degrees Farenheit.

Are kids allowed into the hot tubs?

Yes, there is no minimum age to use the WDW hot tubs. However, children under age 12 must have adult supervision. Diaper age children must wear swim diapers.

How many people can use the hot tub at once?

The hot tubs vary in size. Each one will have its own occupancy information posted poolside. The smallest ones have a capacity of about six guests, the largest fit about 20. You can definitely expect to be in hot tub with strangers.

Can I bring a glass of wine with me into the hot tub?

Sorry, no. No food or beverages are allowed in the hot tubs or adjacent areas. No glass of any kind in permitted on the pool deck.

Can I stay in the hot tub as long as I want?

There are signs posted near every hot tub that say, “Maximum Use: 15 Minutes.” However, there is no one patrolling how much time any guest spends in the hot tub, so I suppose you could stay there all day if you really wanted to. Nevertheless, please be mindful of your safety and be aware of other guests and their right to access the facilities.

Are the hot tubs handicap accessible?

Yes, all the WDW resort hot tubs have a chair lift device that can assist guests with mobility issues to access the tubs. See a lifeguard for help with using the device.

During the COVID era, what’s the deal with masks?

Guests should not wear masks while they’re in the water. (Water safety trumps pandemic safety.)

Are there safety warnings for the hot tubs?

Absolutely. Posted signage states, “Pregnant women, small children, people with health problems, and people using alcohol, narcotics, or other drugs that cause drowsiness should not use spa pools without first consulting a doctor.” There’s a lot packed into this warning (and regarding narcotics–those are prohibited at Disney no matter where you are), but essentially it is please use your common sense and stay safe. Oh, and don’t swallow the hot tub water.

Anything else?

Just in case anyone was wondering, swimsuits should be worn at all times while in the Disney hot tubs.

Have any other questions about Disney hot tubs? Let us know in the comments.

First published January 30, 2021. Updated September 20, 2021.

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Erin Foster

Erin Foster is an original member of the Walt Disney World Moms Panel (now PlanDisney), a regular contributor to, and co-author of The Unofficial Guide to Disney Cruise Line. She's been to WDW, DL, DL Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, Aulani, DVC Vero Beach, and DVC Hilton Head. She's a Platinum DCL cruiser and veteran of 10 Adventures by Disney trips. Erin lives near New York City, where she can often be found indulging in her other obsession - Broadway theater.

5 thoughts on “FAQ: Hot Tubs at Disney World

  • Currently at Port Orleans Riverside. Would REALLY like to use the hot tub. There are 12 children playing in it with ZERO supervision. So rules are definitely not followed.

  • Rich Leiberman my Partner Juan Owenstein and wife Jan wahl passed out in Hot Tub at akl lodge after dinking 2 liter of MT Dew and had to be resesitated so be careful drinking that stuff.

    Rich Leiberman

    Living in the hood of Oakland CA.

  • “No food or beverages are allowed in the hot tubs or adjacent areas.”

    I’m not so sure about this one, or at least its enforcement. As Old Key West regulars, we always fill up our drink mugs or grab ice water at Goods to Go and take it with us to the hot tub. I’m sure many a lifeguard has seen our cups sitting at spa’s edge, and nobody has ever said a word about it.

  • No hot tub for us! This rule needs to change!

    “Anything else?

    Just in case anyone was wondering, swimsuits should be worn at all times while in the Disney hot tubs.”

    • As kids are allowed in hot tubs, I highly doubt that rule would change


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