GET TO KNOW: Stroller Parking at Walt Disney World
Given that many Disney World guests are families with young children, it’s no surprise that many Disney World guests come to the parks with strollers to help transport those children.
While strollers can be a huge help in getting kids to major regions of the parks and resorts, once you’re within more defined areas there are limits on where you can bring strollers. They are not permitted in most attractions or restaurants.
Note: Stroller use restrictions generally do not apply to guests using strollers as wheelchairs for medical reasons. If yours is a medically required stroller, stop at any park Guest Relations office on the first day of your trip. They can issue you a tag that allows you to use your stroller in more situations.
Because you can not bring your stroller into most attraction or restaurant buildings, you will encounter many “stroller parking lots” at Disney World – designated areas where strollers must be left while you proceed toward an attraction on foot.
Some stroller parkings are so designated with signage, while others will be implied by the presence of other strollers.
Here are some things you need to know about parking your stroller at Walt Disney World:
I have an expensive stroller. I’m worried about it getting stolen, can I bring a lock for it?
No. Stroller locks are not permitted at Walt Disney World.
I couldn’t find my stroller at the park. Doesn’t that mean it was stolen?
No. Having your stroller stolen is highly unlikely. However, it is a near certainty that your stroller will be moved at some point during your stay. There are cast members assigned to keep order at each of the stroller parking lots in the theme parks. As guests enter and leave the area, the cast will straighten the rows and make sure that all spaces are filled in. If you don’t see your stroller where you left it, just look nearby and you’re bound to see it.
I still don’t see my stroller. Help!
This is where some easy personalization, like a colorful balloon or bandana tied to the stroller handle, can make spotting your wheels much easier.
If you’ve really looked all around and still don’t see it, ask a cast member for assistance. Having a photo of your stroller can make it easier for others to help you search.
Do I have to take all my belongings with me when I go on a ride, or can I leave things in the stroller?
I’d venture to say that most people leave at least a few personal items in their strollers. You’ll routinely see diaper bags, snacks, jackets, and other personal items left in strollers in the lots. I did this dozens of times myself and never had anything other than a cookie taken out of my stroller – and that was done by a crafty squirrel.
Of course, you do want to be sensible about leaving valuables in your stroller when you’ve left it to go on rides. Don’t leave anything in your stroller that is irreplaceable or expensive. This means you should take your wallet and cameras with you on the attractions.
That squirrel thing was joke, right?
Not even a little. If there is any food accessible in your stroller, squirrels and birds will find it. You can assume that if you have popcorn or cookie crumbs in your stroller when you park it, then your stroller may be visited by animals.

Are there any actual rides that I can bring my stroller on?
Generally not. The one exception I can think of is the Disney railroad in the Magic Kingdom. Personal strollers may be brought on board the railroad if they are completely folded.
What about the monorail?
You can bring strollers, sometimes open and sometimes folded, on the transportation between the Disney World parks and resorts including the buses, boats, monorail, and Skyliner.
What about restaurants? Can I bring my stroller inside while we dine?
Generally not–most restaurants have stroller parking zones outside the entrance area, but exceptions can be made in some circumstances. Large double strollers can be a fire hazard and are usually not allowed into restaurants in the theme parks. The Disney rental strollers are virtually never allowed in table service restaurants in the parks.
However, if you have a small personal stroller and your child has fallen asleep in it during your meal reservation time, cast members will sometimes take pity on you and allow the stroller inside, particularly if you have a newborn or tiny infant who would be physically incapable of sitting in a high chair even if your child were awake. If you’re in this situation, it never hurts to ask nicely.
If you have a child sleeping in a stroller, look for quick service restaurants with outdoor seating as an easy option.
Can I bring my stroller into the gift shops at Walt Disney World?
Usually, yes. You might encounter a few shops here and there that will ask you to leave your stroller outside, but for the most part you’re okay to shop with a stroller.
What happens to my stroller when it rains? Won’t everything get wet?
Most stroller parking lots are out in the open, not under cover. There are frequent flash thunderstorms in Orlando. During the rainy season, it makes sense to keep your stroller covered. If you have your own stroller, or are renting from an outside vendor, you can get a dedicated plastic cover for your model. If you’re renting from Disney, try using a poncho as temporary cover while you’re off on the rides.
Anything else I should be thinking about?
It never hurts to throw a towel in your stroller while you’re at Walt Disney World. This can be used to clean up spills, serve as a blanket or sunshield, or pad the seat of a Disney rental.

Do they have designated handicap stroller parking area?
Hi there. There is no designated handicap parking in the main stroller parking zones. If you are using a stroller as a wheelchair, for a child or young adult with a medical issue, you can get a tag for this at guest relations. Strollers tagged to be used as wheelchairs can use the same attraction accommodations as standard wheelchairs and EVCs. In many cases this means that your stroller may be taken into the attraction queue and parked inside right at the ride, rather than among the sea of standard strollers outdoors.
Finding where to stroller park totally took me off guard. Maps are hard to find. It would be great if Touring Plans could include a stroller parking map.
Agree!!! Would love a stroller map guide!