Limited Time Magic for September 23 – 29

Avast, mateys! For those who missed it, yesterday was Talk Like a Pirate Day. Building on the fun of that day, next week guests will be able to partake in some of their own fun-filled pirate adventures at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
In the Magic Kingdom, guests will be entertained by The Rusty Cutlass pirate band in Caribbean Plaza. They will also be able to meet Captain Hook, Pirate Goofy and Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Be on the lookout for all three in Adventureland.
Ready for more swashbuckling fun? Make sure to catch the pre-parade before the Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade. Here twenty lucky recruits from The Pirates League (where guests can get pirate makeovers) who received their makeovers early in the day, will be invited to participate in the fun. Adults will be able to get in on the fun at The Pirates League, as a mini-makeover called Skulls and Skurry will be available for adults.
Over yonder at Disneyland, The Boostrappers will be on hand telling tales and playing music in New Orleans Square. Also, a scurvy bunch of bilge-rats will take over the Sailing Ship Columbia, allowing on new recruits. Or follow the map to the Pirates Lair on Tom Sawyer Island, where you may come in contact with a comical parrot and, quite possibly, the famous Captain Jack Sparrow, himself.