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Magic Kingdom Parades At Walt Disney World + Video

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Magic Kingdom is full of wonder, it's no mystery why preschoolers love it so much.

Welcome back to TouringPlansTV!

Today, I’m talking all about Magic Kingdom Parades at Walt Disney World.

Let’s march on forward!

….Get it? March? Because it’s a para…*ahem*…moving on.

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Angela Dahlgren

Angela is cohost of the TouringPlans Podcast and regular contributor to the TouringPlans YouTube channel. When she's not talking about the happiest place on earth, she spends her time entertaining her own little Minnie and Mickey Mouse. You can find her on twitter @AngelaDahlgren or via email -

4 thoughts on “Magic Kingdom Parades At Walt Disney World + Video

  • Angela,
    Love your videos!!
    They are always informative.
    Love your jokes and Puns!
    They bring a little Magic to me while at work!
    As they say…Till Next Time !!!!
    Terry B.

    • Terry Berringer,

      Thank you so much. I’m glad there is another person out there who shares my love for corny jokes! 😉

      I appreciate your kind words. It makes me love what I do even more!

      Have a magical day,


  • I pointed out on the facebook page that the video wasn’t really clear that the Festival of Fantasy parade consistently starts from Frontierland, not from Town Square where the Main Street Electrical Parade starts. I thought the video made it sound as if both parades started from the Town Square and might start from Frontierland in some instances. But FoF has always, to my knowledge, started from Frontierland as its normal route. Just wanted to clarify.

    • Joanne,

      I did mention that the general parade route starts in reverse at times. It just depends on the parade.

      It seems my wording may have been confusing, so thank you for writing it out here. It will definitely help people in their trip planning!



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