Disney Cruise Line

My Favorite Disney Cruise Line Memory

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Ahoy, mateys! I’m Heather, and I’ll be bringing you the up and coming on all things Disney Cruise Line. Welcome back again this week. Let’s see what’s new in the DCL world!

I miss cruising. There is just no denying it. I miss the planning (occupational hazard, but not a bad one by any means!). I miss the preparation. I love to make lists, and I love to pack – seeing it all come together brings me such a sense of satisfaction and excitement. I miss the anticipation of leaving – that “too excited to sleep” feeling. And I miss every single moment we spend on board. Well, maybe not that moment where they say goodbye as you leave on your final morning. That moment is kind of the pits to be honest.

With three long months spent grounded from traveling, we’ve spent a lot of time mentally strolling down memory lane and reminiscing about some of our favorite vacation memories. It sparked a conversation in our house recently: what’s your favorite Disney Cruise memory? This was a tough one for me! Your first cruise always holds a very special place in your heart. Everything is new and exciting, and there’s no doubt we were hooked from the first blast of the ship’s horn. In fact, I have nearly no bad memories! But the rules of the game stated I must pick just one, and it was tough but I did it!

My favorite DCL memory is from last July, during our 9-night Alaskan sailing on the Wonder. We spent a perfectly sunny and warm day in Ketchikan, and a had a great dinner in Animator’s Palate. After dinner we started to make our way to O’Gills for trivia when we ran into the cutest guy on board up on deck 4 in the atrium – none other than Donald Duck himself. He was extra adorable in his cold-weather Alaskan gear – can you even stand him in that vest? Because I cannot! Our two daughters and their friend Isabelle (Miss Disney Cruise Line Blog) caught Donald’s eye, and he called them right over. Cue the music coming from deck 3 in the atrium, Stevie Wonder’s “Isn’t She Lovely”, and then cue Donald inviting the girls to dance. He spun and twirled each girl around, and then the four of them finished the song out swaying together. Oh, and also cue my leaking eyes at this point.

What I really love about this memory is the simple organic nature of it all – it wasn’t planned, it wasn’t staged. Just the right girls, and the right Duck, and the right song at the right time. It felt so natural and so magical. I can close my eyes and still see the gigantic smiles on the faces of those three girls, and it makes my heart smile!

What is your favorite DCL memory? Share it with me in the comments!

Thanks for joining me again this week. “Sea” you next time!

The Disney Cruise Line Update is brought to you by Storybook Destinations. Storybook Destinations specializes in Disney travel, is consistently highly rated by our readers, and is owned by our own blogger extraordinaire, Tammy Whiting. Storybook also offers free subscriptions to TouringPlans to clients with qualified bookings.



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Heather Keller, Storybook Destinations

If it's vacation, it's for Heather! When she is not on vacation (usually someplace with a big Mouse) or planning her own vacations, she is helping clients plan their own trips as a travel agent with Storybook Destinations. See the theme? She is lucky to have a husband that accepts her travel addiction, and two daughters who are already following in her wanderlust footsteps. Heather can be reached at Heather@StorybookDestinations.com

2 thoughts on “My Favorite Disney Cruise Line Memory

  • It’s funny how many of the magic DCL moments are the unplanned things like this. I know for me, I have wonderful memories of running into Pierre – the F&B manager – repeatedly on a cruise. Each time, he greeted us with warmth and smiles and we ended up having several small conversations about life with DCL. It was fascinating as he explained that he was working on setting up the food supply chain for the soon-to-start Alaska cruises (prior to the first Alaskan season).

    For my aunt – one of her favorite memories was being out on deck 4 enjoying the sun and Minnie walked by and stopped and they had a visit about how lovely Cozumel was. Such a small thing – but it made her cruise!

    • Pierre is wonderful!! We’ve cruised with him a few times, and he really does go above and beyond to make your trip amazing. Love that story of your aunt and Minnie – it really is those moments that stay with us as the best memories!


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