New Retro-Styled Mickey and Minnie Dolls Have a Very Unique Look
Mickey and Minnie’s appearances have varied a lot throughout the years. While at the Magic Kingdom our field research team came across a pair of Mickey and Minnie dolls with a very unique look.

The style has a retro feel but with a modern touch. Some features, like Minnie’s bow, are exaggerated, and their bodies are slimmer than we typically see.

Minnie and Mickey are available as a pair for $44.99, and Minnie is available in three outfits for $34.99.
Are you a Disney collector? Will you add these dolls to your collection?
I was looking for how much these dolls are.
It was very helpful.
Thank you!
I wish I could get my hands on them both. I wish but seems only at the theme park
The kind folks at Merriam-Webster are okay with “very unique” as used in the context written here. Specifically, unique here refers to “unusual” and not “sole/only” (as these items are mass produced and not one-of-a-kind objects). The dolls most certainly qualify as very unusual. For the more detailed explanation, please see:
Thanks for reading!
Thanks, WJ. I appreciate your feedback. Thanks for reading!
Something is unique or something is not. There is no “very unique.” Unique means one-of-a-kind. No one would write “Vary one-of-a-kind. “