Walt Disney World (FL)

New Scenes Debut as Part of Star Tours – The Adventures Continue

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Have you already seen Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? Are you seeing it this weekend? In the film, there is a brand new ocean moon called Kef Bir that we’ll visit, and now, when riding Star Tours – The Adventures Continue, we’ll actually be transported there!


In addition, Guests will also receive a transmission from a Star Wars original – Lando Calrissian! He’s urging us to join the battle to end all battles.


New sequences have been added with each of the movies in the last three of the trilogy and for those who ride Star Wars – The Adventures Continue, there are more than 100 combinations that you can experience. (Funny….I almost always seem to get the same one!) However, don’t worry! For the next few months, the scenes based on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will be shown exclusively.

As you’ll see, the Starspeeder in Star Tours is in for some epic adventures this time around!

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Rikki Niblett

I am a co-host of the Be Our Guest Podcast and do lots of other fun Disney stuff all around the interwebs! You can follow me on Twitter or Instagram at @RikkiNibs or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/rikkinibs