Just For FunWalt Disney World (FL)

TouringPlans Fans Speak Out: Living Near or Vacationing to WDW

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TouringPlans fans are some of the smartest people on social media–and they have great opinions on just about everything. We love asking for their views on topics all about Disney, Universal, and more. This week we asked:

Would you rather live near Walt Disney World or do you prefer vacationing to Walt Disney World?

The results came pouring in, and it was incredibly tight. You can see the final results here.

And there were some wonderful comments to support both viewpoints. Here’s a sampling of what we saw.

Team Live Near WDW

Team Vacation to WDW


Feel free to continue the conversation–is Walt Disney World your dream location to live, or your dream vacation destination? (And kudos to the people who went with “Why not both?”)

Got a question you’d love to see everyone comment on? Let us know and we might feature your question on Twitter.

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Julia Mascardo

Former writer, editor, and social media manager of TouringPlans. Embarking on new adventures with husband, kid, and cats.