#AskIt – What Instagram Food Trend Should Disney Jump On?
Am I the only one out there in reader-land who uses Instagram as a menu app? It seems like every other post in my feed is some food that looks like a must-try. For example, Disney has cupcakes that are spot-on with their Insta-trendiness. (Although sometimes they try a little too hard – I’m looking at you, rose gold cupcakes!) But there are still some foods that are well into the mainstream that you can’t find or have to look really hard for at Walt Disney World.
What food trends would you like to see at Disney?
- Fancy soft serve (52%, 133 Votes)
- Fast casual poke (18%, 47 Votes)
- Juice bar (16%, 40 Votes)
- Avocado toast (14%, 37 Votes)
Total Voters: 257

If we missed your latest Insta favorite, talk about it in the comments.
Last week, we asked what’s the best Disney World park for adults? Epcot, of course, ran away with it. But several of you mentioned that you actually enjoy Animal Kingdom more. I’m with the Animal Kingdom squad myself. It’s beautiful and laid back without being boring for adults. The food and beverage options are solid if not as plentiful as Epcot. To me, especially in recent years, Epcot is the park you chug. Animal Kingdom is the one you sip.
We also put out a bonus question over the weekend asking you if and how seriously you’ve considered moving to Florida to be close to the theme parks. More than a third of you have seriously thought about it. And nearly half tossed around the idea, but not seriously. I really recommend reading the comments on this tweet. And more information about the realities of moving to Florida, here’s a two part blast from the past from our own Julia Mascardo and Natalie Reinert. Or you could ask me, but I hedge my bets by being a seasonal resident.
I guess that I am old because I agree with James and Banjo. What’s the latest trend on MySpace?
Yes, “none” should be an option.
Barring that, then I desperately wish that Disney resorts would please please PLEASE have more Brunch options. (And by brunch, I mean more than an egg on every dish).
My first-blush reaction to the prompt was “NONE!” but, after seeing the choices:
OK, poke!
Leaving Instagram aside, poke is delicious and would obviously be right at home at the Polynesian, where it would be a nice alternative to the poor crowd management and mediocre food of Capt. Cook’s.
Actually, I’m on board with all of these except for avocado toast. Put a juice bar in Galaxy’s Edge (alongside an actual bar, ideally), and a froyo/soft-serve place in Innoventions.