What I Love! Logan, O.A.G.D. of Arendelle
If you’ve spent any amount of time on the Lines app chat feature, you know two things – 1) how to plan the most well-researched, organized Disney vacation that will involve way less time waiting in lines than vacations past (obviously) and 2) Brian (Liner name brtaylor73). Brian is a long-time Liner and dad to Logan – a pretty cool little guy who is the star of today’s What I Love post. Brian wrote:
During a visit to Walt Disney Wold in November of 2016, while in EPCOT, we stopped at the Norway Pavilion so we could register a Disability Access Service (DAS ) return time for Frozen Ever After. While there, we noticed the wait time to meet Anna and Elsa at Royal Sommerhus was only 15 minutes. We were hoping to avoid any line longer than 10 minutes on our trip but our son, Logan, really wanted to meet them and I knew the lines would only get longer, so we went into Super Mom/Dad mode and distracted him like the professional distractors we’ve become. Otherwise, the anxiety build-up of meeting Anna and Elsa would have overcome him and, by the time we got there, he would have passed.
As it was, he couldn’t think of anything to talk to Anna about except the acorns he had been picking up off the ground all day long. He fumbled in his pockets with acorns, pulling out 5, dropping 3, picking up the 3 only to drop 2. This went on for a while. The folks in line were AMAZING – they all smiled and realized what was going on.
This went on so long, in fact, that Elsa was completely done with all the children queued up to meet her after Anna. She decided to come over to join Anna in talking to Logan for a bit while he fumbled around for acorns. Together, they proclaimed him the official acorn gatherer and distributor of Arendelle, and then he got their autographs and pictures taken with them.

Update March 2020 – Our house is under contract and we’ll be moved out by mid-May so we’ve begun going through things – deciding what to keep, what to donate, what to trash. While going through some of Logan’s toy bins and collections, he found his bag of Arendelle acorns!
Thank you to Mom and Dad Distractor and to the Official Acorn Gatherer and Distributor of Arendelle for sharing this truly wonderful Disney memory!
If you haven’t had a chance to send in your memory and photos, please submit them to christina@touringplans.com and we will include you in the series!
What a sweet story!