What I Love! THE YETI
Today’s post comes from Liner Megan Woods and her two talented daughters! This post is especially wonderful because it contains original Yeti-themed artwork! Megan writes:
I went to Walt Disney World for the first time kicking and screaming! Our first visit as a family was when my oldest daughter was just shy of 3, to meet my brother-in-law and his family on their possibly once-ever family trip. Of course it was magical! I was in absolute awe of the attention to detail, the operational efficiency (we all have our things) and the sheer indulgent escapism. I have so many wonderful memories of our time in Walt Disney World, but the memory I’m going to share isn’t my own. I asked my daughter to write about her best Disney memories (after managing expectations that our planned “school’s out” trip might not happen). It’s not what I expected, but this is what she wrote. Funnily enough, Expedition Everest is not even her favorite ride (that would be Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster) but she wanted to include her little sister and is looking forward to sharing her joy in the “big” rides. The drawing is my younger daughter’s picture of what the Yeti will look like in the mountain when she’s tall enough to ride.

My oldest daughter writes: “I’ve been to Disney world lots of times. The things I really look forward to are roller coasters like Expedition Everest. My favorite part on Expedition Everest is when it goes backwards. My stomach feels like it does a flip! Afterwards I meet my Daddy and sister in the gift shop. She really likes the jewelry and yeti toys. Next time she will be able to go on Expedition Everest too. Yay!”

Thank you to Megan and the whole Woods family for the cool picture and fantastic art! We hope you send us the ride photo from your next trip when everyone can finally ride together.
If you haven’t had a chance to send in your memory and photos, please submit them to christina@touringplans.com and we will include you in this series.