What’s In My Diaper Bag: Disney Parks Edition + Video
As you saw in my Packing Tips for a Day at Walt Disney World article, I am a pack rat. In fact, a few readers wondered if I actually bring all this stuff with me to the parks. The answer…is yes.
Yes, I have a big back pack.
Yes, it is very heavy.
So with that, it only seemed natural to share what I bring in my diaper bag for a day at the parks!
If you’re not in the reading mood or just want to see me act like a Goober, check out the video below!
Disclaimer: I included items that are age appropriate for the first 2-3 years of life. Pick and choose which apply to you and your child.

Changing Baby
- Changing Pad: Mine is by Munchkin and it is the best purchase I have ever made. It’s small, compact and fits everything you need!
- Diapers
- Rash Cream: My daughter is more prone to diaper rash in the humid Florida weather.
- Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Plastic Baggies for blow outs: I bought disposable bags at the Dollar Store and they are amazing for storing dirty diapers and soiled clothes.
- Extra change of clothes…or two: In case of said blow out.
Feeding Baby
- Nursing Cover: Mine is by Coverbuds and it doubles as a high chair cover. If you’re worried about nursing baby under a cover in the hot sun, take advantage of the Baby Care Centers at each park.
- Filtered Water Bottle: To make formula or to hydrate.
- Formula
- Bottle
- Sippy Cup
- Baby Food: I buy the squeezable pouches when they’re on sale for on-the-go.
- Baby Spoon
- Bib
- Burp Cloth
- Disposable Placemats: These have an adhesive on the back that stick to the table so baby can’t pull it off. Brilliant! I found mine at Target and bring them with me whenever we go out to eat.
- High Chair Cover: Not a necessity, but great for any sticky or dirty restaurant high chairs.
- Stain Remover Wipes: Dreft has a great stain removing pen for infants.
Baby and the Weather
- Sunscreen
- Sun Hat
- Sun Glasses: I know, I know…like baby would keep them on. It’s worth a shot!
- Light Weight Blanket: Those Muslin ones are really nice.
- Jacket/Sweatshirt: For colder nights.
- Pants: For even colder nights.
Other Diaper Bag Must-Haves
- Pacifier: If your baby uses one.
- Band Aids
- Tissues/Boogie Wipes
- Infant Pain Reliever: If baby is teething or a little under the weather
- Thermometer: I told you I was a pack rat!
- Camera: Your cute baby + lovable Disney characters = Photo Op
- Baby Carrier: This wouldn’t fit in my backpack, but it’s something I always keep in the bottom of my stroller.
- Ear Protectors: I packed these for the fireworks and parades. If you don’t have a pair, you could also watch the shows indoors. I brought my mini Minnie inside the Main Street, U.S.A. Railroad Station and we watched Wishes from the balcony. It was a great view!
What do you pack in your Disney diaper bag? Is there someone out there who packs more than I do? What video would you like to see next? Let me know in the comments!
Wow! That is pretty much what our diaper bag looks like for Disney World- right down to the earmuffs. Though we have three blue pairs (3 boys) instead of the pink ones 🙂 Kind of crazy seeing it all laid out like that. Guess I’m a pack rat too!
Isn’t it crazy how much stuff we can fit in a diaper bag? Parents should get an award for their packing and organizational abilities!
I appreciate the comment!
Not sure if you’d consider it a baby backpack item but I never enter Disney without a stroller cover. Rain comes out of nowhere and totally soaks the stroller.
I mentioned above that I ALWAYS forget the importance of a stroller rain cover until it’s pouring. I’m going to have to make a mental note to pack one before I head to WDW next.
Thanks for reading!
You guys are so brave for taking infants! We are going to wait until our son’s a little older, but this post made me smile that we at least don’t need that huge diaper bag on a daily basis anymore (he’s almost 2).
I brought disinfecting wipes for tables and things I just wasn’t sure were clean enough for Jr to touch at the parks… we just got home last night! Also I tried to bring toys that could be attached to the stroller with those ring things!! Saved me from chasing after things that he threw or dropped.
Great idea to attach the toys to the stroller. Love hearing all these parenting tips!
In my opinion, bringing an infant was actually much easier than bringing a toddler. Yes, we needed MUCH more stuff, but the nice thing was that I could strap her to me in the baby carrier and she would sleep or just look around.
As for disinfecting wipes, I’m all about those! I especially used them on the plane when we first sat down.
I appreciate the comment!
Disposable place mats are a life changer. Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but man are those things brilliant.
YES! They are absolutely worth every penny. One of the best parent purchases for travel/eating out!
My daughter was 2 the last time we went. I packed a couple pairs of earplugs, flip flops and stickers in our diaper bag. Ear plugs worked great during fireworks, though she did try to pull them out several times. Flip flops for after a rain storm, even brought a pair for my older son. Not fun walking around the park in wet shoes. Stickers to play with while waiting in line. I also made sure to pack a small bottle of lotion sunscreen and a spray sunscreen. My daughter will not wear a hat so I had to spray her scalp down several times a day. Her hair got a little messy but it’s better than having a sunburned scalp! If you don’t have a stroller rain cover, get a cheap poncho to use. Works great at keeping the stroller dry!
Stickers are a marvelous idea! I will definitely pack some for when we’re waiting in lines.
Good thought to bring extra sandals. My daughter wasn’t walking yet during our last trip, so I didn’t have to think about wet shoes at the time. Now, I’ll be sure to bring a pair!
I always forget about the importance of a stroller rain cover until it’s pouring. Thanks for the reminder!
Thanks for sharing these tips. My boys are school age now but I still carry baby wipes in the backpack – wipe off sticky tables, clean hands, etc. and snacks for long waits in line. We also take a nice umbrella Chicco stroller to hold a bag of spare clothes for everyone ! Even at 8 years old it was useful come 7 pm when he got tired and we could keep going in the parks.
Baby wipes are appropriate for any situation. I just love them!
I appreciate the comment!
Also, I would love to see a video of what stroller you take to the park and why.
Oh yeah, I am 100% with you on this one!! I bring so much stuff for the little one that a zombie apocalypse could hit and I’d be like, hey no problem, I have enough diapers/snacks/outfits for her. We’re going to Disney in 2 weeks and my husband was silly enough to suggest that we “travel light” and “not bring a diaper bag”. I had to go to the dictionary to find out what those terms mean. He even suggested that we not take the stroller! I’m more likely to leave my right arm at home than to leave the diaper bag and stroller behind. 😉
We are cut from the same cloth! I have to be over prepared when it comes to my little one. My family will look at my bag and say, “Do you really need all that?” Why yes I do!
I have a stroller breakdown article coming out soon where I review different strollers at the parks. Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading!