The SATURDAY SIX Looks at Snacking Your Way Through Quarantine with DISNEY FOOD
This week’s SATURDAY SIX takes a look at snacking your way through quarantine with DISNEY FOOD! With all of us being at home practicing self isolation, we need to find ways to get our “Disney fix.” For some it is creating rides at home. Others watch Disney movies (including having a group experience by the shared movie viewing on TouringPlans’ Virtual Movie Night). If you’re like us though, you miss the Disney food. At the SATURDAY SIX headquarters, when it’s time to satisfy a craving, we crack open the collectible fridge.
Now, what exactly is the collectible fridge? In many ways, this fridge is a mythical container not unlike the Ark of the Covenant seen in Indiana Jones. Except, instead of holding the Ten Commandments, inside is sugar and spice and everything nice (but mostly sugar). Let’s take a look shall we? First let’s check out check out the freezer section.
Here we have several Disney related chocolate bars, including one from the Disney Cruise Line. (We also have one from a Royal Caribbean sailing.)
Here are some snacks straight from the Universal Orlando Resort, including some of their incredible character-themed candy bars.

There’s a lot of things about me you don’t know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn’t understand. Things you couldn’t understand. Things you shouldn’t understand. – Pee Wee Herman, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure

When it comes to keeping yourself hydrated, the collectible fridge has you covered with offerings from the Wizarding World, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and more.
Sometimes you need a little more than just water, so there are items such as Buzz cola from the world of The Simpsons, Ecto Cooler, and bottles of Coke from Disney Springs.
While the collectible fridge can be a source of great pride, it can also bring along with it great pain…

Today, we’re going to check out some of the items in the collectible fridge that you can have in your house. Each of the following items has been found at our local supermarkets, Target, and Wal-Mart.
# 6 – Mickey Mouse Party Cups
Growing up, these small “party cups” were a staple. Granted, we didn’t have Disney ice cream cups, we just had generic ones.
Each box comes with 10 cups, split up evenly with 5 vanilla and 5 chocolate.
There are cute drawings of Mickey and Minnie on the cups.
I may be misremembering, but I think the party cups of my youth came with a built in spoon that popped out of the lid. The Disney cups do not include a spoon. The ice cream itself tastes as generic as you can imagine. This is not Ample Hills quality, but it is something that you can quickly get at the store for under $7.
# 5 – Mickey Mouse Ice Cream
Edy’s ice cream is a step above the usual quality in your local super market. Over the past year they have put out flavors related to Disney brands, including The Incredibles and Monsters Inc, but most recently they released one for Mickey Mouse. On the tub, it is billed that this particular ice cream is “great for birthdays!”
The front of the tub shows chocolate Mickey heads in the ice cream. I was wondering how realistic that was, and upon taking off the cover I felt like Ralphie Parker getting disappointed after decoding Little Orphan Annie’s secret message in A Christmas Story.
HOWEVER, even the first scoop revealed a large chocolate Mickey head. There was plenty mixed into the ice cream and overall the taste was solid.
# 4 – Millennium Falcon Ice Cream Sandwich
The Falcon ice cream sandwich is a fun one. Not only is it a fun design with some great detail (notice the radar dish imprint on the cookie) but despite being “plain vanilla” it tastes it really good!
# 3 – Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich
Speaking of ice cream sandwiches, who doesn’t like a Mickey shaped ice cream sandwich? One filled with cookies and cream ice cream to boot?!!! This is one of our favorite snacks at the theme parks, and we are truly blessed to live in a time where we can buy a version of them for at home.
The taste of the Mickey ice cream sandwiches at the theme parks is better, but this is good enough for sure.
Let’s take a quick look at the ice cream sandwich we all love from the parks.

One interesting thing about the collectible fridge, is everything inside it was bought at a premium price. Odds are that you’ll be able to find any item in this list for a price much better than one I paid for it.
# 2 – Mickey Waffles
If you have a Disney vacation and you don’t get Mickey waffles for breakfast, you’re doing it wrong. The Eggo Mickey waffles that we can buy at the store are much different than the ones we are used to at Walt Disney World. That said, they still have a little piece of magic in them, and that’s something we all could use a bit of right now.
Just add butter & syrup and you’re ready to go!
Of course we can’t go without looking at the Mickey waffles at the parks.

# 1 – Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bar
The Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bar may be the most iconic snack at the Disney theme parks. (You can even get them on a Disney Cruise.) The version you can buy at the stores is slightly different. The bars at the park are a bit larger (4 ounce versus 3 ounce). The main ingredient for the Mickey bars at the parks is “milk fat and nonfat milk,” whereas the store bought bars use “skim milk.” Now, I don’t know exactly what all that means, but I’ve internally rationalized it as the store bought bars being more “healthy.” [EDITOR’S NOTE: We can not stress strongly enough that Derek’s advice on nutrition should be avoided at all costs.]
It’s the easiest way to put smiles on faces of people who miss Disney…
Here is the Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bar from the parks.

Honorable Mention – Disney Goldfish Crackers
Our next item is actually found outside of the collectible fridge, and is the item which has been around the longest. The Mickey Mouse themed Goldfish crackers have been around for well over a year, and they have even come out with new items lately. Previously you only buy the Goldfish in the traditional size bag, but recently a large box (shaped like a milk carton) has been made available. Because Goldfish doesn’t use artificial flavoring, the taste of the Mickey shaped Goldfish is just like the normal cheddar flavored fish shaped crackers. (PRO TIP: As of the week of this writing, Goldfish are BOGO at Publix)
They have also started making versions that feature not just a Mickey cracker, but also have a Minnie design as well.
Last year when Toy Story 4 came out, there was a limited run of Goldfish themed to that movie.
Went into archives for this picture of the Finding Dory themed Goldfish. Now that I think about it, the Finding Nemo brand lends itself pretty well to Goldfish and probably should be available all the time. Then again, maybe kids think they are eating the “real” Nemo and it becomes a turn off. I’ll have to put some more time into thinking about this.
So keep your head on a swivel when out shopping, because you’ll never know when you’ll get you’re own version of SUPERMARKET SWEEP.

So there you have it: Snacking your way through quarantine with DISNEY FOOD! See you next weekend for the latest installment of the SATURDAY SIX, where we’ll look at something fun from the world of Disney and Universal. If you enjoyed yourself, be sure to check out The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! articles covering the latest from the Disney Outlet Stores. You can also follow Your Humble Author on Twitter (@derekburgan).
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Special Thanks to The Elite Brandon Glover, the bio-est of all reconstructs @bioreconstruct, Captain Cruiseline Scott Sanders of the world famous Disney Cruise Line Blog, my personal protege Hunter “Elvey” Underwood, the SAT SIX Fun Squad of Parkscope Joe and Nick, hot shot Michael Carelli, and Hermione Granger’s tutor Megan Stump for their invaluable assistance with this article. The SAT SIX is inspired each week by goofballs Aengus Mackenzie and LitemAndHyde and you Potterheads will enjoy Meg’s other blog work over at the Central Florida Slug Club.

Not exactly a supermarket find, but I’m surprised you didn’t mention the fact that you can get Dole Pineapple Soft Serve Mix and make your own Dole Whip with a soft serve or even regular ice cream maker at home (though obviously you’re not going to get those lovely swirls with a regular ice cream maker). I really need to get around to making my own Dole Whip Floats.
Thanks for putting these treats together. I’ve got a few new ones to try. Where’s your Mickey toaster ?? I’ve had two, both broken and only on display now. The goldfish Mickey were a great addition to my football game snack mix this fall.
Great article! I see I need to be looking for a few more items here, as I’ve not seen some of them.
Those Mickey ice cream sandwiches are currently regular price of $9.99 per box at my local Ralphs (Kroger in the Midwest), fortunately they go on sale often.
You can get Mickey sandwich at your local supermarket!
Now I finally understand why you sing God Bless America prior to some sporting events!
Said a jealous Canadian.
For the ice cream cups, if by “spoon” you mean “little flat piece of spoon-shaped wood”, you are remembering correctly.