Here’s How to Celebrate Every Day in November at Walt Disney World
November is a great month, filled with well-known holidays and seasonal observances that begin during its thirty days. It’s a good month for taking a pause, some time to smile and think about something you may especially appreciate or – as cheesy as it sounds – be thankful for. And it seems to us that if you’re at WDW, you’ve got LOTS that fall into that category!
So, this month, we’re listing things you could appreciate, whether you’re visiting the Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, or just remembering your latest trip there! It’s a great way to add some awe and wonder – and give yourself a little extra pixie dust to make it an even more magical day!
November 1 – Give Up Your Shoulds Day
Some visits to WDW are filled with schedules of attractions you “should” visit. Today, don’t “should” all over yourself – instead, take a little space in your schedule for a nap, pool time, or a long meal in your favorite spot.
November 2 – Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
“Coco” helped more people learn about this observation, a time to celebrate the cycle of life and honor our ancestors. Visit the Mexico Pavilion in the World Showcase and discover more.

November 3 – Japanese Culture Day
A great day to visit EPCOT’s World Showcase. The Japan Pavilion has a great display of Kawaii culture in the Bijutsu-kan Gallery.
November 4 – National Candy Day
Stop at the Confectionary on Main Street, breathe in the aromas, and wonder at the variety of treats.

November 5 – National Love Your Red Hair Day
Merida, Ariel, Anna, Jessie…and Peter Pan. Who doesn’t love all of the red-haired Disney characters?
November 6 – Marooned without a compass day
Visit the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House and wonder at all the creative ways they made life on the island almost luxorious!
November 7 – Hug a Bear Day
This may be the only day of the year when you can openly hug Duffy and be thankful for him.
November 8 – World Pianist Day
Pause to listen and appreciate the artistry of the pianist at Casey’s Corner on Main Street.
November 9 – Go to an Art Museum Today Day
So many reasons to visit one of the mini-museums in the World Showcase and learn a little while having a great time.
November 10 – National Forget-Me-Not Day
Remember Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; without him, there would never have been a Mickey!
November 11 – National Pocky Day
If you don’t stop into the Japan pavilion and appreciate the variety of Pocky available, what ARE you doing with your day?
November 12 – Fancy Rat and Mouse Day
Honest, it’s a thing – and there’s one mouse in particular we should be grateful for, even if he’s not that fancy!
November 13 – World Kindness Day
Be nice to the person behind you in line. Or in front. Or the one who pushed the stroller into your shins.
November 14 – Loosen up, lighten up day
Don’t look at Genie plans; don’t buy an ILL; just wing it and have fun!
November 15 – National Drummers Day
Gather around the Tam Tam Drummers of Harambe in Africa at Animal Kingdom as they dance, drum and share their awesome talents.

November 16 – National Entrepreneurs’ Day
Think for a moment about where you’d be today if Walt hadn’t be an entrepreneur. Touring a Berry Farm maybe?
November 17 – The Little Mermaid Day
Today’s the day in 1989 when this incredible feature was released. Of course, you have to ride “Under the Sea.” (And sing along…)
November 18 – Mickey Mouse Day
“Steamboat Willie” premiered on this date in 1928. Which is why today is viewed as Mickey’s birthday. (And Minnie’s birthday, too!). So have a piece of birthday cake (or two) to celebrate! Then ride the Runaway Railway!

November 19 – National Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day
Stop in at Club Cool in EPCOT and give thanks you don’t have to drink the Beverly.
November 20 – National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
Any day that celebrates “fudge” is a good day. Back to the Main Street Confectionary we go!
November 21 – National Gingerbread Day
Select Gingerbread houses will return to WDW this year. And what’s the holiday season without a visit to the best of them all: the gingerbread house in the Grand Floridian lobby?

November 22 – National Go for a Ride Day
If only there were some sort of ride you could go on today…maybe a roller coaster or a trackless ride of some sort…any ideas?
November 23 – National Espresso Day
Joffrey’s Revive in Tomorrowland offers a double espresso, so add a little extra energy to your Magic Kingdom visit (or stop in at the TTC) – it’s like liquid pixie dust in a cup!

November 24 – National Sardines Day
Stand in line well after rope drop for 7 Dwarfs Mine Train or Slinky Dog Dash or Rise of the Resistance. Get it?
November 25 – Thanksgiving Day
List at least five things you’re thankful for. Mine list would include family, friends, health, hope – and WDW, of course. (Too cheesy? Well, it WAS all started by a mouse…and mice LIKE cheese.)
November 26 – National Cake Day
So little time, so many different cakes, cupcakes, cake pops to choose from. Which is your favorite?

November 27 – You’re Welcome Day
We say “thanks” on Thanksgiving; today’s a day to say, “You’re welcome.” Extra points if you sing the whole song from beginning to end while doing your best Dwayne Johnson impression.
November 28 – National French Toast Day
Tonga Toast at the Kona Café in the Polynesian Resort seems like a natural way to get the morning off to a good start.
November 29 – Chadwick Boseman Day
Mr. Boseman’s birthday is today. It’s a good time to admire the talent, dedication and spirit this man shared with the world.
November 30 – National Personal Space Day
Remind all of the people in line with you at ROTR to stay at least six feet apart from you and each other. Do so repeatedly and loudly. See what happens.
How do you plan to celebrate this month? Let us know in the comments.