Here’s How to Celebrate Every Day In September At Walt Disney World!
We’re just one month away from WDW’s 50th anniversary celebration on October 1! To help you get even more excited (if that’s possible), here’s our list of offbeat holidays for the month of September with suggestions about how to celebrate while visiting WDW. And because we’re counting down to The Big Day, we’ve peppered some historical Disney and not-so-historical quiz questions throughout! (Answers at the bottom.)
September 1 – National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day
You don’t need to justify any of your snack/dessert/beverage choices today!
September 2 – National Pierce Your Ears Day
Think about adding some bling to your Mickey or Minnie ears, too!
Q: When were Mickey’s Ear Hats created?
September 3 – Just four more weeks until October first!
National Skyscraper Day
Q: What’s the tallest building in the entire Walt Disney World Resort (hint: think hotels, too)?

September 4 – World Beard Day
Q: Can you name at least five Disney cartoon characters with beards? (The six of the seven dwarfs with beards don’t count!)
September 5 – Pluto’s birthday.
Wish him a happy birthday if you see him!
Q: When did Pluto make his first appearance?

September 6 – National Read a Book Day (Labor Day)
An excellent book to start with: “The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World (latest edition).”
September 7 – National Grateful Patient Day
There are nurses at First Aid stations at each park; if you need their services, be a grateful patient! And give a shout out to all the medical professionals working so very hard every day for us.
September 8 – National Ampersand Day
Q: What famous Disney duo is usually connected with an ampersand?
September 9 – National Teddy Bear Day
Q: We all know that Duffy was Mickey’s teddy bear, but can you name two of Duffy’s friends?
September 10 – Only three weeks left until October first!
National Swap Ideas Day
Use the comments section below to share ideas for new attractions you’d like to see at WDW in the NEXT 50 years!
September 11 – National Day of Service and Remembrance
According to Presidential Proclamation, this day “is an opportunity to salute the heroes of 9/11, recapture the spirit of unity and compassion that inspired our Nation following the attacks, and rededicate ourselves to sustained service to our communities.” It’s suggested that we observe the day by donating and volunteering.
September 12 – National Video Games Day
Take a break from touring and play the latest and greatest family-friendly video games at nearly two dozen different locations in Walt Disney World Resort hotels.
Q: What’s the name of the first video game featuring Mickey?
September 13 – European Heritage Day
Today’s the day to visit and learn about the European countries in the World Showcase: Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, and Norway.
September 14 – National Live Creative Day
Talk about being creative: when Walt had the idea for Steamboat Willie, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon to be released, he spent three months and just under $5000 to produce it – which is slightly less than $80,000 in today’s dollar after inflation. The return on his creative investment and the joy Mickey has brought to millions: priceless.
September 15 – International Dot Day
No one loves polka dots more than Minnie, so rock your dots today!
Q: True or false – Minnie wore polka dots in her “Steamboat Willie” debut.
September 16 – Get Ready Day
If you don’t have a plan before heading to the parks, today’s the day to use your Touring Plans app to get ready!
September 17 – Two weeks until October first!!
National Professional House Cleaners Day
Be sure to thank your Mousekeepers for all they do (and consider leaving a nice tip).
September 18 – National First Love Day
Remember your first trip to WDW and how you fell in love with it? Revisit places and memories that made it memorable.
September 19 – Talk Like a Pirate Day
Q: “What’s a Pirates favorite letter of the alphabet?”
Did you know: Pirates of the Caribbean was not an attraction when Walt Disney World opened because it was thought that since Florida was so near the Caribbean, it wouldn’t hold the same interest for visitors there as it did in Disneyland. After the public voiced their opinions to the contrary, PotC opened in WDW on 12/15/1973.
September 20 – National Pepperoni Pizza Day
Where’s do you think the best pizza can be found at WDW? Give us your thoughts in the comments below!
September 21 – Miniature Golf Day
Today’s the day to steal away for a quick 18 holes at Winter Summerland or Fantasia Gardens.
September 22 – World Rhino Day
Today’s must-do: Kilimanjaro Safaris at Animal Kingdom, and keep your eyes peeled for both black and white rhinos.
Q: What’s a herd of rhinos called?
September 23 – National Dogs in Politics Day
Q: How many of those in the Hall of Presidents had dogs?

September 24 – Only seven more days until October 1!!!
National Kiss Day
Get your picture taken kissing your SO in front of the beautifully decorated Cinderella Castle with all its 50thanniversary bling!
September 25 – International Rabbit Day
Q: Can you name the rabbit Walt and Ub Iwerks created prior to Mickey (full name only)?
September 26 – World Rivers Day
Q: Can you name the rivers at WDW?
September 27 – National Day of Forgiveness
Someone cut in line ahead of you? Hit your shins with a stroller? Block your view at the evening spectacular. Elsa said it best: Let It Go.
September 28 – National Good Neighbor Day
Be a good hotel neighbor and don’t let your door slam as you enter or exit your room.
September 29 – Broadway Musicals Day
Q: How many Disney musicals based on animated features have appeared on the Great White Way?

September 30 – National Ask a Stupid Question Day
Q: If Mickey has 3 fingers and a thumb on each hand, does that mean he has 4 toes on each foot?
Tomorrow’s the big day!! This message appeared in the Walt Disney World Employee Bulletin that was passed out on 9/30/1971, the eve of the official opening:
Tomorrow…we raise the curtain for the beginning of the October Preview Month of the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. Planning began in 1965. Now…$400 million and six years later and untold gallons of blood, sweat and tears, the public will visit this most ambitious creation in the history of the Disney organization…It will be a great and memorable day…for all of us. This does not mean that it won’t have its frantic…hectic…confusing moments. If your costume doesn’t fit…a tram breaks down, and other things don’t happen like they should, don’t get up tight. That, as they say….is show business.

Answers to the quiz questions
9/2: Mickey ear hats were created in 1955 by Roy Williams, the “Big Mouseketeer” for the Mickey Mouse Club TV show.
9/3: Coming in at 257 feet, it’s the WDW Dolphin Hotel! (Tallest within the parks: 199½ feet tall Expedition Everest.)
9/4: King Triton, Zeus, Merlin, Jafar, The Emperor in Mulan, Yen Sid, King Hubert (Sleeping Beauty), Flynn Rider (and more of course, like a bunch of guys in “Brave”).
9/5: Pluto made his first appearance in “The Chain Gang” cartoon. But he wasn’t called “Pluto” until he appeared in “The Moose Hunt” in 1931.
9/8: Lilo & Stitch!
9/9: According to Tokyo Disney Resort, Duffy’s friends include ShellieMay, his girlfriend; a bird named Tippy Blue; a cat called Gelatoni; a rabbit referred to as StellaLou; a dog called CookieAnn; and a turtle named ‘Olu.
9/12: The first video game with Mickey was simply called “Mickey Mouse” and was released in 1981 for the Nintendo Game & Watch.
9/15: True. And she’s worn them ever since, inspiring generations to do the same.
9/19: Dad joke warning: You’d think it was the “R” (arrrr!), but it’s the “C” (sea).
9/22: A herd of rhinos is called a “crash.”
9/23: 34 of 46 U.S. presidents had dogs in the White House.
9/25: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
9/26: The Rivers of America (Magic Kingdom), Kali River Rapids (Animal Kingdom), Na’vi River Journey (Pandora: the World of Avatar).
9/29: Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Tarzan, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Frozen. (There are more adaptations of Disney films, but they didn’t appear on Broadway…)
9/30: Yes. Yes, he does.
I’m gutted – our holiday to Florida from the U.K. to celebrate the 50th anniversary of WDW has just been cancelled – I’ve been planning this trip for years as I really wanted to be there on 1st October . I know they will be celebrating the anniversary for months and months to come but it’s not like being there on the actual day! Got trips planned next year instead (hopefully the borders will be open by then) – I understand why it’s had to be cancelled and I’m not sure how safe it is in Florida due to Covid at the moment – it seems really bad according to all the news reports. Maybe we’re better staying away – but nevertheless I’m still absolutely gutted. Thank goodness for this blog so I can get my fix of WDW things.