ResortsWalt Disney World (FL)

Ask It: Animal Kingdom Lodge vs. Wilderness Lodge

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Two Deluxe resorts. Both designed by the same architect. Both with impressive theming. Both with great dining options. Both with nearby and attached Disney Vacation Club properties. Today we’re asking:

Which resort is better?

  • Animal Kingdom Lodge (52%, 218 Votes)
  • Wilderness Lodge (48%, 201 Votes)

Total Voters: 419

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Laurel Stewart

Laurel is a former software engineer and current student. She likes pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, and Big Thunder Mountain.

21 thoughts on “Ask It: Animal Kingdom Lodge vs. Wilderness Lodge

  • AKL, all the way! Disney has created a fairytale pocket of Africa for guests to enjoy. From the incomparable dining experiences that tickle your taste buds with exotic spices, to ‘down time’ watching the wild animals roam free from your private balcony, to the warm and inviting hosts and hostesses happy to share Africa’s culture with you and your family… this is the true Disney experience. WL is beautiful, but it lacks the cultural experience. A shorter commute to the parks just can’t make up for it.

  • I literally cannot decide, cannot commit to one over the other! I think this is the hardest question you have ever asked in Ask It!

  • This is a great poll question and as seen by the comments and vote tally a really tough decision. Both resorts are amazing in their attention to detail, great restaurant choices, pools and special touches. I’ve not been able to stay at either resort so can’t comment on those aspects, but for me it came down to having the roaming animals right outside your window. No other resort can offer that and it tipped the scales for me.

  • Animal Kingdom Lodge by far

  • This would have been an easier choice pre-expansion of Wilderness Lodge, the removal of all the trees and the addition of the cabins took a lot of the charm from the resort. However, Animal Kingdom Lodge, for as wonderful it is with the animals, food, theming, etc. still misses top honors for me. WL still wins out!

  • My kids and I are at odds here. They love Animal Kingdom Lodge for the animals, I’m in love with Wilderness Lodge Villas, although I own DVC at AKV and it ranks a very, very, super close second to WL Villas.

    I have to say it’s the boat horns in the morning that tipped the scale for me. There’s just something so magical about knowing out on the dock there are other families coming and going to the Magic Kingdom all the time that puts me in a state of bliss. Well, that and Territory Lounge. 😉

  • Gotta be Wilderness 100%. From the second you enter the lobby with those majestic totem poles, you feel like you’re in Yellowstone which was Disney’s intent. And the location is fantastic for going to the Magic Kingdom

  • Both resorts have plenty of rainbows. If you can’t decide, AKL is considerably less expensive so there’s that :v)

  • I gave the slight edge to Animal Kingdom, because of the restaurants. Just stayed at the Wilderness Lodge last month for our 10 year wedding anniversary. The cast there was incredible, and so was the view from our room. You can’t go wrong with either resort.

  • Animal Kingdom Lodge hands down. 2 fantastic pools, plenty of interactive activities, 3 table service restaurants, 1 take out, 5 bars, giant rooms with savanna views right from the room and ZEBRA, GIRAFFE, Red River Hogs (so funny), and many other animals all right there to see.

    WL is cute, and a very relaxing place to visit, but AKL is a complete resort experience.

  • They are both great and have stayed at both of them. To me, Wilderness Lodge wins hands down because of Animal Kingdom Lodge feels really spread out and in the middle of nowhere. Have to take a bus to get anywhere. And even getting from one side of the resort to the other can be a huge walk. Wilderness Lodge is more contained, you can take a boat to MK, Contemporary (have a drink and watch fireworks at CA Grill) Fort Wildnerness for Hoop De Doo, etc

  • Love both, but Wilderness Lodge holds a special place in my heart.

  • Can’t beat having the animals right there.

  • This is a tough choice as these are my two favorites. The dining and savannas at AKL give it my vote despite the inconvenient location .

  • Have never stayed at AK because WL always wins out for us on location alone (and the water pageant, which is one of my most favorite things anywhere).

  • Love both, but the Wilderness Lodge wins for me because of the closeness to the Magic Kingdom, boat taxi to MK, Bay Lake, the big rockers, ease to get to rooms, love the theme a little more!

  • Would choose Animal Kingdom as we really enjoyed our stay there – but Wilderness Lodge is much closer to most of the parks. It seems we spend a lot more time on the bus when we stayed at Animal Kingdom.

  • Of the Disney Resorts I’ve stayed at, these are my two favorites, but head-to-head I would choose Wilderness Lodge. I love everything about it.

  • I’ll be happy to take either, but AKL always seems a little more special.

  • Had to go with AKL, Love both so much though


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