Big Top Souvenirs at Magic Kingdom Closes Again, This Time Indefinitely
Like something out of a storybook, but one without a fairy tale ending, the Big Top Souvenirs location at Magic Kingdom cannot catch a break. Last month this merchandise location, as well as its neighbor, Pete’s Silly Sideshow character meet and greet, closed for unexpected repair work. Pete’s Silly Slideshow character meet and greet reopened, and so did Big Top Souvenirs. Alas, the Big Top is closed again for unexpected damage, and this time it is unclear for how long it will be closed.

Have you ever picked up some treats or merchandise from this location?
Like I said, not picking on you. I really enjoy all the TouringPlans posts and I look forward to them each week. Keep up the good work!
Hi Len, I appreciate you pointing this out, so I could correct it. Each of us are only human, and do make mistakes. I have corrected it, and greatly appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.
“Pete’s Silly Slideshow”?? Not to pick on you, because grammatical errors happen all too often in TouringPlans posts. Please get someone to proofread before posting. Thanks.
Thanks for reading and for sharing that post. Often times posts like the one from Disney are scheduled well in advance and corrections are not made when unexpected changes happen. If we are mistaken we will update our post. Thanks again for taking the time to comment.
This was posted today, and it lists Big Top Souvenirs as one of the places to find this new merch, so it can’t be closed for long.