
Braille Features for Kids at Disney Playground

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File this one under the “isn’t it cool” category. On a recent tour of Disney playgrounds, my daughter spotted this interesting detail at the playground set at All Star Movies — an interactive feature to learn the Braille alphabet and numbers.


And although this is a commercially made set of playground equipment, having this particular version here is sure to be a magical moment for some guests, and is a great teaching moment about how Walt Disney World is a place for all people.

What do you think about details like this? Let us know in the comments.

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Julia Mascardo

Former writer, editor, and social media manager of TouringPlans. Embarking on new adventures with husband, kid, and cats.

2 thoughts on “Braille Features for Kids at Disney Playground

  • This is a great idea of an innovative playground Nice article

  • It is such a great idea! Playgrounds are increasingly becoming inclusive and it is important, not only because all kids should be able to access them, but also because it teaches kids to be sensitive towards their friends. This inclusivity will go a long way in creating tolerance in future generations.

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