Disney Vacation ClubResortsWalt Disney World (FL)

DVC Rentals: A Trip to the Riviera

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Any world traveler among us can attest, as summer approaches in the nearish distance, ones thoughts drift to the Riviera and to the Beach. And if the world you are thinking of is Walt Disney World – then we have seen some Disney Vacation Club rentals that are très magnifique!

But, before we move on: for a more complete listing of interesting DVC rentals, Touring Plans members can check our newly refreshed Disney Vacation Club Rental Deals page.

This week our list contains 100 dedicated DVC rentals picked from the thousands of dedicated rentals available.

One highlight this week is a 3-night rental for a 2-Bedroom Villa at Saratoga Springs for $410 per night – that’s 44% below the median price of $735 for that room!

Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort

The full DVC Rental Deals Page is available to Touring Plans subscribers – you can click over this way to subscribe now if you haven’t already!

Now, let us retourner to the ambiance of the Mediterranean, with a sampling of some bon prix studio rentals at Disney’s Rivera Resort – some as low as 40% below median price. To further whet your appetite and get some sand between your toes, we’ve thrown in a few Beach Club Villa studios coming in as low as 32% below median.

If you are not familiar with the Riviera resort, I highly suggest you jump over to read our Disney World Resort Rundown: Disney’s Riviera Resort  which I’m sure will get you excited for a stay there. As for the Beach Club: be aware those studios tend to go fast…

A Selection of Riviera and Beach Club DVC Studio Rentals

Room Type
Starting Date
Rental Nights
Cost Per Night
Total Cost
Difference vs Median Price
Riviera Resort
Deluxe Studio
Riviera Resort
Tower Studio
Riviera Resort
Tower Studio
Beach Club Villas
Riviera Resort
Tower Studio
Riviera Resort
Tower Studio
Beach Club Villas
Deluxe Studio
Beach Club Villas
Deluxe Studio
Riviera Resort
Tower Studio
Riviera Resort
Tower Studio
Riviera Resort
Tower Studio

If you’ve promenaded through the Riviera eating beignets and pomme frites, or maybe just booked a good DVC rental, let us know in the comments!

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John Tierney

Security. Genealogy. Dad. Husband. Securigenealodadsband. Also: Disney fan who likes deals. and numbers. and churros. You can find his tweeter @JJT and his Instagram is @johnjtierney

2 thoughts on “DVC Rentals: A Trip to the Riviera

  • How much is the Four Seasons, or Waldorf Astoria?

    • Hi Sam, This blog post is about renting Disney Vacation Club rooms and those hotels are not Disney sites so wouldn’t be an apples to apples comparison.

      From my own searches over the years, you can sometimes find deals over at sites like Priceline and Hotwire for the Waldorf, including hidden deals. But, prices vary widely as you might imagine.

      The Four Seasons will also appear on those sites, but the deals never had much appeal to me as even basic rooms there are multiples in price more than Disney or other resorts.


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