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The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! March 2017 Photo Report of the Disney Outlet Store

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Welcome to the latest edition of The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! the longest running monthly look at the Disney Outlet Stores in Orlando. Outlet Intern Julia Mascardo came across some pretty interesting stuff in March including more Turkey Leg merchandise, the first Outlet appearance of a Metal Earth product, and even discovered more nefarious tricks from the eBay pirates  that haunt the stores. 

Ready to see what we found? Let’s go!

First up was this truly fantastic Jungle Cruise glass. This design is based off a print from one of my personal favorite Disney artists, Shag. I absolutely adore the retro style. Bought one of these and it is now my everyday juice glass. Originally $14.95, now $9.99.

Jungle Cruise.

This next item was a tough one to pass up. On one hand, it’s based around the old 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea attraction, which is normally something I would buy no matter what just on principle. However, I’m not a fan of drinking out of these types of glasses, so ended up passing despite the great price. Originally $12.95, now $4.99.

20, 000 Leagues glass.

I could live 100 more years and still never understand how much merchandise is put out to support the Disney Turkey Leg. Yes, it is certainly one of the most iconic snacks in all of Disney, but it’s also kinda disgusting. This month saw what I can only describe as a Turkey Leg prop. I don’t know what you would do with it other than display it in your house, but I’m trying to wrap my head around someone actually doing that. Originally $13.99, now $7.99.

Turkey Leg.

Here’s a cute set of dishtowels that look inspired by it’s a small world. I would have bought one, but I did buy a set featuring the Orange Bird not that long ago. I’m domesticated, but not that domesticated. Originally $19.95, now $9.99.

Dishtowels. (photo by Julia Mascardo)

As you can see, lots of kitchen-related items hit the Outlet this month. Next up were these Mickey Bag Clips. We do eat a lot of chips (one day maybe I’ll tell the tale of the time I bought a $13 bag of Doritos,) and you can’t go wrong with the price, so I bought a set of these. Originally $6.99, now $1.99.

Mickey bag clips.

I also bought a set of these Mickey Corn Holders despite the fact that I have never used a corn cob holder in my entire life, and probably never will either. Maybe I got them so, subconsciously, when we have guests over the house they will see these and think I’m “one of those people” and stop coming over. Originally $6.99, now $1.99.

Mickey Corn Holders.

Several sets of themed salt and pepper shakers arrived. Disney has put out some truly amazing shakers as well as some next level bonkers ones, and these sit right in the middle of that scale. This one is themed to Donald, and I do like the little tail in the back although they should have put the “#1” in his signature. Originally $9.95, now $3.99.

Donald shaker.
Goofy shaker.
Chip and Dale shaker.

A couple months ago I bought the reduced price candy corn sold in Halloween bags, and this month the Christmas bags arrived. These bags are relatively small and are originally $7.99. Personally, I can’t imagine paying that price for such a small amount of candy corn. At the Outlets the bags were reduced to just 99 cents, so I got two.

Candy corn.

These “Frozen” treats were the same price. Got two of these as well.

Frozen candy.

I’ve mentioned many times that I’m not a big fan of the Ear Hat Ornaments, but I can see why people are. They are certainly unique. However this set themed to Peter Pan was originally $110. Can you imagine?!!! It has been reduced to “just” $39.99.

$110 ornaments. Wow.

These next two ornaments look to be themed to a DHS version of Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Both were originally $19.95, reduced to $4.99.

Mickey and Minnie.

Mickey and Minnie Christmas plush. Both originally $13.99 each, now $4.99.

Mickey and Minnie plush.

This Minnie plush was a bit larger than the one above, and has a small Rudolph (or Bambi?) attached to one of the gloves. This one was orginially $29.99, now $9.99.

Larger Minnie plush.

This Santa Yoda plush was originally $16.95, now $7.99. I actually have one of these that I bought a couple years ago.

Santa Yoda.

Okay here we go. First, for those that don’t know, at several places in WDW you can find these Metal Earth products. Usually they are in front of a display case that shows the pieces put together and they look absolutely amazing. Here is a picture I took this month inside the World of Disney store in Disney Springs.

Looks pretty cool, huh?

I’ve always wanted to buy one, but never did. Imagine how happy I was to see one not only show up at the Outlets, but it was based around my beloved Star Wars! Originally $16.99, now $5.99. Well of course I was going to buy this and put it together!

Note the “Disney Parks Collection” although I have no idea what a Landspeeder has to do with any Disney park.

I knew I was in trouble right away when inside the package is not just one, but two large pieces of of paper folded up with instructions. I was having nightmarish Transformers: The Ride 3D’s Evac figure flashbacks.

IKEA ain’t got nothing on Disney. Both of these pages were double sided.

5 minutes in.

After 5 minutes, I still did not have a single piece of the Landspeeder cut out of the two sheets of metal. Not one. I could not believe what was happening. This was INSANE.

Before I completely lost my mind.

10 minutes in.

After 10 minutes, I was able to get a grand total of one piece separated from the metal sheets. Even then, it felt like I broke it when I finally got it loose. I then went and got a razor blade. I figured maybe it would help me cut loose some of the parts, and worst case I could just use it on my wrists.

The madness was descending…

20 minutes in.

After 20 minutes, I still only had one piece separated from the sheets and said, “Awwwwwww HELL NO.” Life is too short for this. I crumpled up both sheets of metal and repurposed them into a Death Star. Then I went to put band-aids on my hands.

Long story short. If you buy one of these because you think they look cool, just buy a small frame to put the package in and display that. The worst part is, Disney sells ones featuring the Mickey Fun Wheel from DCA and even a carriage from the Haunted Mansion and they must be 10 times harder to put together than this one!

Never again.

This was another first. Star Wars action figures. As a kid who grew up collecting Star Wars figures, these were tough to pass up on. These multiple figure sets were originally $18.95 and reduced to $5.99. These set was for a generic snowtrooper and “Snap Wexley” from The Force Awakens. I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan and I had no idea who Snap Wexley was. Apparently he is the rebel character played by Greg Grunberg. For those who don’t know, Grunberg is childhood friend of Force Awakens director JJ Abrams and appears in almost everything Abrams directs. Sort of like how John Ratzenberger is Pixar’s “good luck charm.”

Star Wars.

Here’s BB-8 and two other characters. The small one looks like the creature Rey got BB-8 away from in the beginning of the movie. Have no idea who the other one is.

Star Wars.

I think these were the two characters Finn meets in the bar when he wants to leave Rey and the ground before they are attacked by the First Order.

Star Wars.

Here is a figure from the Star Wars Rebels line. This figure is much better than the ones I grew up with (YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!!!). Originally $9.95, now $3.99.

Star Wars.

I don’t really understand the whole “Alex and Ani” thing, but a lot of people in the Disney community love them. Here were some Alex and Ani Star Wars charm bracelets that were originally $39.95, now $19.99.

Star Wars.
There was a time when I could tell you what every logo in the Star Wars Universe referred to. Then the prequels came out and burned away a lot of my obsession for the brand. I still love Star Wars, but it’s not the same. In a way – for me – it’s like when a significant other cheats on you. You can forgive them, but many times you end up not being to get over it and it changes your relationship forever. See you next month for More Insane Tales From The Psychiatrist’s Couch Featuring Derek Burgan.
Now this is the Rebel Alliance logo. I’ll never forget that.
I’m actually going to say this one is for Universal’s Toothsome Chocolate Emporium.

Look at the picture below and guess how much these Dooney and Bourke Star Wars bags originally cost. If you thought “$250” you were correct. Just unbelievable. Originally $248, now PRICED TO SELL at $123.99. I joke when I say that, but these type of bags and highly sought after by the eBay pirates so maybe there is a large community out there who really enjoy outrageously overpriced bags. All I can tell you is that if I surprised my girlfriend with this as a gift, I would soon find it donated to a church thrift shop within 3 months.

Star Wars bags. (photo by Julia Mascardo)

Turns out the bag above was for the Star Wars fan on a budget. THIS Dooney and Bourke Star Wars bag originally cost $268. It was also reduced to $123.99.

Star Wars bag. (photo by Julia Mascardo)

Cute C-3PO dress for kids. Originally $34.95, now $14.99.


Talk about a shirt that might as well say ‘MURICA on it. Originally $24.99, now $7.99. This is a shirt from Epcot’s World Showcase and I’m pretty sure Mexico doesn’t have one featuring a soccer ball, a taco, and a bottle of Corona light.

World Showcase shirt.

This Alice in Wonderland shirt was pretty neat and featured a lenticular design on the front. Originally $36.95, now $14.99.

Alice shirt.

This could be the official shirt of Disney Theme Park Bloggers. Here we are, paragons of virtue, and yet we spend our entire days inside theme parks filled with people who don’t know the difference in square footage between a Moderate and a Deluxe. Originally $24.95, now $10.99.

Blogger shirt.

This one is for my pal @DCLBlog who hooked me up with Disney Cruise Line pressed pennies. I in turn hooked him up with a Figment MagicBand that I synced to my account for one day and, thus, was completely unusable to him. You would think a sanctimonious blogger like myself would have known that caveat. But alas.  I’m guessing this is a pure humblebrag business card holder. Not just a Disney Cruise, but a Disney Cruise to Alaska. Originally $24.95, now $4.99.


Pirates of the Caribbean inspired wear for your puppy. Originally $14.99, now $5.99.

Dog bandana.

This Pirates of the Caribbean themed wall plaque was originally $33, reduced to $9.99. This is an interesting design they have put on some PotC merchandise including shirts and magnets.

Pirates signage. (photo by Julia Mascardo)

I’m relatively sure someone at the Outlets reads these reports because every time I write something is confusing, there is a large sign the next month basically saying “HERE, DUMMY!” Literally last month I covered some awesome Jungle Cruise postcards that I wrote had no discount. I wrote that because there was no “Outlet Price” sticker on those particular postcards. There are a few items in the Outlets that are sold for full retail, not many, but some. Anyway, for the first time ever, this month in front of the postcards there was a big sign that said “ALL POSTCARDS $1.99.

Well you know I had to get this incredible postcard featuring the Haunted Mansion!


I did not get this postcard featuring the Hat Box ghost.


Really like these Mickey and Minnie Mouse postcard, but I’d actually like it more as a print to hang on the wall.


Speaking of Mickey and Minnie, here is an art print (along with Rapunzel) that was $49.99. This was behind the counter, so not sure of original price.


Two more pieces featuring Sleeping Beauty and Dumbo.


This was a pretty nifty notebook featuring Mickey Mouse. It velcros shut. Originally $9.95, now $4.99.


Classy Disneyland notebook. Originally $17.99, now $3.99. This was a real hard one not to get but I already have so many notebooks.

“Plenty of notebook pages, too few ideas to fill them with: The Derek Burgan Story”

Here’s one for all you that would like your car to smell like a Dole Whip! Originally $6.95, now $1.99.

Dole Whip.

Princess nail polish. Originally $3.95, now 99 cents. I did buy one of these but ran out of time to put it on and take a picture. Maybe I’ll remember for next month.

Princess nail polish.

Little Mermaid keychain. Originally $14.99, now $8.99.

“Look at this thing, isn’t it neat. Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete…”

This Rogue One pin was a special one in which 25% of the original $9.95 price went to the group UNICEF. It was reduced to 99 cents and I bought one.

Star Wars.

More Infinity figures showed up. these two feature characters from Star Wars. Originally $13.99 each, reduced to $6.99.

Star Wars.

Same price for these two featuring Alice in Wonderland and the girl from Tron: Legacy (I bought the latter.)


And here are a couple featuring Marvel characters. I absolutely love the cartoon style of these entire line and if they were $3 I’d buy one of each for a collection.


This next item shows the level of my insanity. This Electro figure was originally a NEXT LEVEL BANANAS price of $34.95. Who in their right mind would ever pay that for an Electro action figure is beyond my comprehension and you are talking to someone who has been obsessed with Marvel Comics AND action figures his entire life. However, the price was reduced to $2.99 and I bought it. What I will do with it is now the bigger question because NO ONE NEEDS A GIANT ELECTRO FIGURE.

Now what do I with it?

Really like this “peel and play” activity set as it reminds me of Colorforms when I was growing up. At least I think that’s how Colorforms worked. You get to put these Disney attraction inspired stickers on a background featuring Disneyland and DCA. How great is that. Originally $9.95, now $3.99. Definitely bought one of these.

Peel and play.
You had me at Soarin’….

Another “limited edition” MagicBand has made it to the Outlets. This one featuring last year’s MNSSHP. Originally $32.99, now $9.99. If you do buy a MagicBand at the Outlets they have to “activate” it at the register which generally takes an absurd amount of time because whatever machine they use rarely works. I’m not sure what this does, because they aren’t linking the MagicBand up to any specific account, but they have to “activate”  it. Several times while waiting I’ve wanted to say “just forget it” as I know the long line behind me wants to strangle me (although to be fair, I may just be projecting how I feel on people who are probably much more patient then me.)

Boo to you!

Malificent themed magnet. Originally $11.95, now $7.99.


A whole bunch of Tsum Tsums hit the Outlets this month featuring secondary characters from Moana, Beauty and the Beast, and Princess and the Frog. Below are the ones which were available at the Vineland Outlets. At the I-Drive location, there was a grand total of 1 Gaston and 1 Maurice and that’s it. And I mean TOTAL. I only found those because the eBay pirates must have come in earlier, hit their limit, and tried to hide them. That’s right they were actually tucked away in spaces high up, away from the other Tsums. You can’t make stuff like this up.

Tsum Tsums. (photo by Julia Mascardo)

There was also some Star Wars Tsums, including this one featuring Finn as a Storm Trooper.


And a Dewback.


Up until now only Hank from the Finding Dory line has appeared at the Outlets, but this month Destiny the whale joined him. All Tsums were still just 99 cents each. In a related note, when I was at Disney Springs I stopped into Once Upon a Toy and couldn’t contain myself. I bought some of the Tsums from the Splash Mountain line (Brer Fox, Brer Bear, and Brer Rabbit) along with the Jungle Cruise Skipper. All of theme were part of an Adventureland series that includes Tiki Birds and some Jungle Cruise animals. It is extremely rare for me to consider paying full retail for Tsums, but Splash Mountain? Okay, you got me Disney.


Closing with a box of Lion King Animal Crackers that actually tasted very lemony. They were reduced to $2.49. At that price it is still a major rip off. I just stayed at Kidani Village and they were selling these in the gift shop and while I can’t remember the price it was crazy. I went for the “reasonably priced” 1/2 ounce bag of chips.

lion king 249 double discount

Hey, guess what? Today is Friday which means tomorrow is Saturday and YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!  That’s right, the SATURDAY SIX.

Tomorrow is a very special SATURDAY SIX in which we look at DISNEY REFERENCES IN AVATAR YOU MAY HAVE MISSED. What a better way to get ready for the upcoming opening of Pandora: The World of Avatar then to see all the Easter Eggs James Cameron put into Avatar and you never noticed! See you tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel!

You probably thought Jake just had an indigenous fruit from Pandora, but did you realize it was a LAPU LAPU? Believe it or not Avatar is FILLED with Disney references!
Many people remember the floating “spirits,” but few know that thanks to a deal with Disney’s Food and Beverage team, the spirits were actually glow cubes. This very same cubes can be added to your drink at Satu’il Canteen in Pandora: The World of Avatar for the low, low price of $3.49 each.


There are actually two Disney outlet stores in Orlando. Both are in Orlando Premium Outlet shopping complexes, and they are called Disney’s Character Warehouse, presumably because The Land Of Misfit Toys was already trademarked. There is one Character Warehouse located on International Drive close to Universal Studios (4951 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819), and the other is on Vineland Avenue, right across I-4 near the exits to Disney World (8200 Vineland Ave, Orlando, FL 32821). 

Previous editions of Magic, Memories, and Merch: July 2013August 2013September 2013October 2013November 2013December 2013January 2014February 2014March 2014April 2014May 2014June 2014July 2014August 2014September 2014October 2014November 2014December 2015January 2015February 2015March 2015April 2015May 2015. June 2015July 2015August 2015September 2015October 2015November 2015. December 2015January 2016February 2016March 2016April 2016May 2016June 2016July 2016August 2016September 2016October 2016November 2016December 2016, January 2017 and February 2017.

We also did an edition of Magic, Memories, and Junk for a non-Disney owned Outlet Store, and for you merch addicts like myself, you may also enjoy a look at the official Disney merchandise available on the Disney Cruise Line, Castaway Cay, and at the Orlando International Airport.

If you liked what you read here, you may enjoy THE SATURDAY SIX articles every week on the TouringPlans.com blog and you can follow your humble author on Twitter (@derekbugan).

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12 thoughts on “The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! March 2017 Photo Report of the Disney Outlet Store

  • Um, those Mickey bag clips. Maybe it’s just me but my immediate thought was that those looked like something you would buy for a bachelorette party. They don’t seem like the best design plan on Disney’s part. But again, maybe that’s just me.

  • I bought a few of those metal Earth things and I successfully built Mickey’s fun wheel! After failing at Cinderella’s castle, I read somewhere that the trick to putting them together is using tweezers! Once I had those, it was so much easier. I also have Sleeping Beauty castle and I’m pretty sure it is an exact 1:1 scale replica of the real thing so I’ll try that one next.

  • The Metal Earth stuff is just torture. I have a partially put together R2D2 that has been sitting in a drawer next to some specially small needle nose pliers. I think it’s been there for more than a year now. Luckily, I have only gotten suckered into buying 2. Love that Jungle Cruise glass. I also got the some of the attraction/park Tsum Tsums, specifically the Adventureland and Splash Mountain ones. Great minds think alike;) The Frozen gummies in the xmas bag are terrible. Our son wouldn’t even eat them.

  • The Vineland outlet doesn’t stock MagicBands because of that activation requirement. We asked a manager once why they only had the accessories and no bands, and he told us their internet connection was so bad they couldn’t activate the bands properly.

  • Thanks for trying one of those Metal Earths – you made me a) laugh out loud and b) realize I can never buy one (I have been eyeing them for my friend’s 7 year old son who LOVES models and legos…pretty sure I will have to wait a few more years before I can get him one…or maybe I just tell him to make a Death Star too!)

    • Always look forward to The Magic, The Memories, and Merch!
      This time, you made me laugh out loud, too.
      So many times I’ve been tempted by those Metal Earths.
      You have confirmed all my concerns 😉

  • I still maintain that Santa Yoda in any form looks way too much like The Grinch for comfort.

  • I still have that Mickey’s Picnic golden book from when I was little!

  • I bought the WDW version of those “colorforms” last fall. They kept my 2 1/2 year old son occupied for a solid chunk of our 2 hour flight home. Worth every penny of the $10 I paid in the parks. Good purchase for $4


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