The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! September 2016 Photo Report of the Disney Outlet Store
Welcome to the latest edition of The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! the longest running monthly look at the Disney Outlet Stores in Orlando. Hard to believe it’s Fall already, and as a Floridian I mean that it’s literally hard to believe as it still “feels like” 100 degrees down here on a daily basis.
So what happened in September? Well, there was good news for many of us who waste way too much time on social media, as Disney is considering a bid to buy Twitter. Judging by the Mouse’s history of technology (, Mobile ESPN, Epic Mickey, etc), once they take over Twitter it won’t be long before they shelve it entirely and move on to something else. Meanwhile over on the Florida roadways, which are the closest equivalent to a real Mad Max Fury Road experience as you can get, a huge WDW sign came crashing down. Those who follow Your Humble Author on Twitter go to see a look at what really caused the accident. Maybe the greatest news of the whole month though was that Sitch’s Great Escape is days away from going “seasonal” at the Magic Kingdom. This brings us one step closer to my dream being fulfilled as well as the chances of the attraction actually being re-themed to Wreck-It-Ralph (as rumored by Jim Hill on the Disney Dish Podcast.) Happy days are here again!
Now while all of you were passing your kidney stones the fun way Outlet Intern Julia Mascardo and I were hard at work to bring you the quality Outlet coverage you expect deserve!
Enough jibber jabber! Who is ready to hit the Outlets? Remember that clicking on any picture will open a full size version of it (don’t say we didn’t warn you.)
First up was a nice surprise as the 2016 EPCOT Flower and Garden MagicBands arrived. Featuring Figment, a Sorcerer Mickey topiary, Spaceship Earth and a monorail, you better believe I bought one of these. Originally $29.95, reduced to $14.99. Unlike the Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party Magic Bands, which seemed to still have 4,994 available out of the 5,000 made, there didn’t seem to be that many of the Flower and Garden bands.

Next up, it was like I died and went to Tsum heaven, as not only were the Tsum Tsums still on sale for 99 cents each (original price is $5.95, and they are usually reduced to $2.99) but they had THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN collection! These included the “Dog with the Keys,” one of my favorite characters in Walt Disney World. In fact I had just bought a great plush featuring Pluto as that very same dog earlier in the month. This is legitimately one of the top five things I have ever seen at the Outlets.

There was also “The Redhead.”

The “Pirate Captain.”

A “Skeleton.”

Last was a parrot, who the kids in my family are insisting is Skully from Jake and the Neverland Pirates no matter how many times I tell them, “IT’S NOT SKULLY!”

Not to be outdone with almost the entire line of Pirates of the Caribbean tsums, the entire B-Squad from the Avengers were also on sale, including Hawkeye here.

Here’s War Machine.
[Stark and Thor don’t laugh]
James Rhodes: “Boom. Are you looking for…” Why do I even talk to you guys? Everyone else, that story kills.
Thor: That’s the whole story?
James Rhodes: Yeah, it’s a War Machine story.
Thor: Oh, it’s very good, then. It’s impressive.
– Avengers: Age of Ultron

Falcon (how great are those wings?)

I had absolutely no idea who this was and my guess at the store was that villain in Guardians of the Galaxy. Turns out it’s the BLACK PANTHER. I’m gonna have to take a mulligan on that one.

I’ve told you all many times my philosophy of “if you see something you really want at any Disney store, buy it, because you may regret it if you don’t and never get the chance again.” Well, this summer at Once Upon A Toy at Disney Springs I bought this May The 4th Be With You R5-M4 Droid and this month is shows up at the Outlet just to stick it to me. For Halloween season, Once Upon a Toy now has the R2-B00 Droid and now I don’t know what to do. Originally $12.95, the R5-M4 was now $4.99 (and YES I BOUGHT A SECOND ONE.)

For those of you looking for a big Rancor doll. Originally $27.99, now $19.99. Growing up, I was one of the guys who was always Star Wars, not Star Trek. One of the things that I think separated Star Wars from the pack was during the Rancor scene in Return of the Jedi. Most movies would have cut the scene after Luke killed the Rancor (SPOILER ALERT,) but Star Wars showed the Rancor’s keeper upset that the creature had just died. I’m sure a more eloquent person can explain how that was a great example of world building and how much better Star Wars was at that compared to anyone else in Sci-Fi but all I can tell you is that THIRTY YEARS LATER I’M STILL BUYING STUPID R2 DROIDS AT ONCE UPON A TOY.

This Darth Goofy keychain was originally $11.95, now $5.99. I don’t understand people who can have such gigantic keychains in their life.

Everything Must Go sale on these Storm Trooper mugs we’ve seen in the past (reduced to $5.99 back then.)

Speaking of technologies Disney has taken a complete financial bath on…we’ve seen many of the Marvel “Playaction” toys in the last couple months, but here’s a Star Wars one with “Force Push” action. Originally $39.95, now $12.99.

I don’t even know where to begin with this one. Looks more like a Transformer than Luke Skywalker. Originally $24.95, now $16.99.

Get a load of this. This is a reproduction of a Princess Leia as Boussh action figure that’s like three times bigger than the normal 3 3/4″ figure. This is bonkers. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love it, but this is nuts. Original price was $94.95, reduced down to $51.99.

These toy lightsabers were originally $24.95, now just $9.99. I kept trying to get a couple of them to stay “up” for pictures and most just went straight back down.

Last month we saw the Marie the Cat and Tigger mitten/hat combos, and this month we have their tails. Each of these (including the Cheshire Cat) has a velcro strap to tie around your waist. Each was originally $19.95, now $3.98.

I got the Marie tail for our little princess, and here she was wearing it at the Grand Floridian.

I’m still in awe of how many items were made for the Disneyland 60th celebration, all of which have apparently ended up here in Orlando. One of our treasured MMM readers has said that many of these items were never actually for sale inside Disneyland, which makes me want to appoint a blue ribbon panel and get to the bottom of this. Right now the leading theory is Bob Iger is trying to personally torture me. Anyway, this Disneyland 60th bucket filled with gummies was originally $9.49, reduced to $1.99. I ended up buying several because kids love gummies.

Here we combine Disneyland 60th AND Starbucks. Originally $19.95, now $5.99.

Here’s one you don’t expect to see coming to a Disney Outlet Store, a Dr. Who cup featuring the Daleks. Although with the “DELETE DELETE DELETE” phrase they may be able to repurpose these cups for pro wrestler #Broken Matt Hardy. Originally $13.95, now $4.20.

Finding Dory drinking containers. Originally $8.99, now $2.99. Kids are amazing. We saw Finding Dory at the theater a grand total of one time, and yet the kiddos in our family remembered that the blue whale’s name was Destiny and white one was Bailey. Yeah, I can quote Jaws and Step Brothers, but that’s after watching them a 1,000 times. If you were to ask me the name of the police chief in Zootopia played by Idris Elba I would have absolutely no idea (another one we saw just once so far.) I bet they know his name.

Toy Story cup featuring Buzz Lightyear, his dad, and the aliens. Originally $9.95, now $3.99.

Is this a top ten weirdest coffee cup ever? Shakespearian Insults. Originally $14.95, now $4.50 (some of these prices make absolutely no sense, another test by Iger I’m sure.)

Who needs a coffee cup commemorating Queen Elizabeth II becoming “the longest reigning British monarch?” This being sold in America must be some sort of rib. Originally $29.95, now $12.60.

A couple Captain America: Civil War coffee cups. This was the tall version. Originally $14.99, now $5.99.

Here is more of a wider version. Same price.

Here is a really cool toy set featuring the Quinjet and Captain America, however if you remember this is the toy that got Marvel and Disney in a little hot water a year ago. Why? Because the scene in the movie that this toy is replicating actually had Black Widow on the motorcycle. This led to Mark Ruffalo (who played The Hulk in Avengers: Age of Ultron) and many others taking to social media to rally against the overall lack of Black Widow toys. That’s your history lesson for today kids. Originally $29.95, now $24.99.

I remember when these Rocket Raccoon dolls were everywhere at Disney World when Guardians of the Galaxy came out. Originally $24.95, now just $4.99.

I love this Milano starship toy. Didn’t have an original price, but marked down to $21.99.

This Rocket-Firing-A-Gun toy was also ubiquitous across Disney property not that long ago. Originally $49.95, now $4.99.

High end Wasp toy that has been “reduced” to $17.99. Really looking forward to Ant-Man and the Wasp when it comes out. The cartoon Avengers does a great job with the Wasp and I can’t wait to see her more in the MCU.

For those of you who have kids 3-8 years old and they like superheroes, one great thing at Target, Toys R Us, WalMart etc is that Marvel, DC, and even Star Wars have a series of figures that all look like they came from the same line. There’s almost zero accessories (so not much to lose) and they are larger than life. So you can actually have Captain America and Batman team up and it looks normal. Here’s The Hulk from that size of toy line, Originally $19.95, now $11.99.

Here’s something from the Planes: Fire & Rescue line. Originally $11.95, now $4.99

And another. Same price.

I have yet to see either movie in the Planes franchise, but I did see an episode of The Simpsons here they poked fun at it. Speaking of which, you all read my award winning SATURDAY SIX on 6 Times The Simpsons Totally Nailed Being a Theme Park Fan, right?

Fun Disney Railroad set. I like that the figures come themed to the set, like conductor Goofy. Not sure of original price, but it has been reduced to $49.99.

Several new pins this trip, including this “My 1st Visit to Walt Disney World” that features the old Sorcerer’s Hat from DHS. Both of these pins were marked down to $5.99.

A comic book-like Minnie Mouse along with a cute Figment pin were both $2.99 each.

This Good Dinosaur pin was originally $14.95, now $6.99. Thankfully since it was sandwiched between the awesome Inside Out and the incredible Zootopia, no one is going to remember Pixar’s first flop.

This Monster’s Inc Spring Break pin was reduced to $6.99 while the Jack Skellington was just $3.99.

Old Timey Walt Disney pin, now just $3.99.

Now we get to look at some Alice in Wonderland items. As always, you may want to pour yourself a stiff drink first. Let’s start with this pin. Don’t ask me but it was originally $15.95, now $6.99.

I actually did pick up this Alice desk set. Originally $29.95, now $14.99.

This Alice tumbler also not bad, and I like that “drink me” tag. Originally $14.99, now $8.99.

Finally found Len Testa’s Christmas gift. An ultra realistic Alice doll. Pretty sure that even the actress playing Alice would be creeped out by this. Originally $34.95, now $13.99. Hopefully I can find an equivalent Johnny Depp as Mad Hatter figure for Laurel Stewart to make a matching set. Holy Grail would be a Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen for Seth Kubersky.

Sometimes when you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back into you.

Disney has like three versions of Alice merch going at all times. The photo realistic stuff from the new movies, like above, the old school Alice from the Disney cartoon, and these Old Timey-like ones that are designed to look like the original Alice book (I presume.) This woman’s shirt was originally $34.95, now $10.48.

Do people really wear those types of hats with short sleeve shirts? Originally $32.95, now $14.99.

Dark Side shirt featuring Luke battling Vader from Return of the Jedi. Originally $39.95, now $19.99.

Force Awakens shirt featuring Rey. Originally $38.00, now $11.40 (what I wouldn’t have done for that price to be $11.38)

A couple Tommy Bahama shirts hit the Outlet. Rare sighting. Each of these was originally $110 (which we bloggers call “Wallen Money”) and reduced to $59.99.

Each shirt had a small Mickey logo.

I liked this sticker book featuring the 2016 Disney artwork. Originally $12.95, now $4.99. Lots of really neat backgrounds, including the old Earrful Tower from DHS.

I also bought a couple of these Jake and the Neverland Pirates activity sets. Originally $9.95, now $3.99.

I was tempted to buy this cool Pirates of the Caribbean print set. Comes with 8 prints and was originally $50, reduced to $19.99.

This white bag (featuring hidden Mickeys in the fake belt) was originally $39.95, reduced to $19.99.

This bag and wallet set was pretty cute. The bag was originally $90, marked down to $39.99 while the wallet was originally $50, marked down to $25.99.

Got this Anger flashlight for my Florida Hurricane Supply Kit. Originally $11.99, now $2.99.

Rapunzel change bank. Originally $15.99, now $5.99.

Sleeping Beauty bank, same price.

I like the style of this Princess photo frame. Really pops with color. Originally $24.95, now $9.99.

This was an interesting “Key to the Magic Kingdom” photo frame. Not sure of original price, but it was reduced to

Here is a magnet that is designed to be like one of those cookies that can double as roofing shingles (although away from those and going to rice crispy treats). Marked down to $5.99.

I have to assume this Mickey cupcake thing was a dog toy, or there are some really weird collectors out there. Originally $13.99, now $5.99.

Busy month for fake food items. Both of these key chains were originally $12.95, now $5.99

Enjoyed this Cheshire cat keychain that conceals a mirror. Originally $12.95, now $5.99.

I’m guessing the next couple items came from the boutique in Marketplace Co-op at Disney Springs. First up is a sleep eye mask for people on plane trips. Originally $12.95, now $3.99.

These Mickey Mouse electric toothbrushes were originally $29.95, marked down to $11.99.

While you’re flying, why not use one of these Mickey or Minnie luggage tags? originally $9.95 each, now just $4.99.

Lastly we have this Olaf pen that was originally $10. If your parents were buying you $10 pens growing up we lived completely different lives. Now “just” $2.99.

There are actually two Disney outlet stores in Orlando. Both are in Orlando Premium Outlet shopping complexes, and they are called Disney’s Character Warehouse, presumably because The Land Of Misfit Toys was already trademarked. There is one Character Warehouse located on International Drive close to Universal Studios (4951 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819), and the other is on Vineland Avenue, right across I-4 near the exits to Disney World (8200 Vineland Ave, Orlando, FL 32821).
Previous editions of Magic, Memories, and Merch: July 2013, August 2013, September 2013, October 2013, November 2013, December 2013, January 2014, February 2014, March 2014, April 2014, May 2014, June 2014, July 2014, August 2014, September 2014, October 2014, November 2014, December 2015, January 2015, February 2015, March 2015, April 2015, May 2015. June 2015, July 2015, August 2015, September 2015, October 2015, November 2015. December 2015, January 2016, February 2016, March 2016, April 2016, May 2016, June 2016, July 2016, and August 2016.
We also did an edition of Magic, Memories, and Junk for a non-Disney owned Outlet Store, and for you merch addicts like myself, you may also enjoy a look at the official Disney merchandise available on the Disney Cruise Line, Castaway Cay, and at the Orlando International Airport.
If you liked what you read here, you may enjoy THE SATURDAY SIX articles every week on the blog and you can follow your humble author on Twitter (@derekbugan).
Derek – love your blog
I am curious as to which 60th items were in the outlets but not at Disneyland? Every single 60th item i’ve seen on MMM, I have also seen here at Disneyland. In fact, many of the 60th items you show are still currently available at Disneyland for full price (which is why I think there are no real Disney outlets here – why sell the same products for less down the street? Although it would be nice to have an outlet here for WDW products…). Disneyland maintains the full prices in order to take advantage of the Disney “spending high” that people get on property.
I would be really surprised if R2-B00 does not make it into the outlets. There are always racks and racks of them at The Star Trader here at Disneyland (just like R5-M4 before that, and R2-D60 before that, etc. etc. I think R2-D-Rogue-One is next). The jumbo SW figures in your outlets is amazing – hopefully others will show up.
Got the eye mask and a luggage label when I was there (sigh – wish I was still there). Just don’t get Tsum Tsums. They don’t look anything like who they are supposed to represent to me. I feel the same about the Vinylmation. What do you do with them once you have bought them?
The train set was originally $80. I bought it (stupidly) when the Disney Store online had a coupon code a couple of years ago. I gave it to my 4 year old for Christmas. It only lasted a couple months 🙁 why did I not realize a preschooler would deatroy it. It really smoked too! Ah… Regret.
Do you ever do any personal shopping at the outlets? I always manage to see a few things that I’d love to get my hands on but I’m nowhere near Orlando! 🙂
That Alice doll’s eyes are going in different directions. *shudder* They should have just punched her face in like those cool effects that follow you in the Haunted Mansion.
Are any outlets located near Disneyland?
Lois, as far as I know there are none.
Lois – there is a Disney “outlet” labeled as such at the Citadel mall in Commerce, CA (about 15 minutes north of Disneyland), but its description as an outlet is really false advertising as it is more of a regular Disney store with a only few sale items. Also, there is a Disney outlet at the Las Americas mall in San Ysidro at the US-Mexico border. This store will often have Disney Parks items found in the MMM blog, although it is nowhere near the size/selection of the outlets in Orlando. Also, it is a 1.5 hour drive south of Disneyland so not sure if that qualifies as “near.”
Thanks guys. I have started to hit one Orlando one each trip, since I have been reading the articles but that is once a year if I am lucky. Actually doing Disneyland soon to see NBC overlay and I wondered if the same stores were available. Does not sound like it would be worth the time.
I picked up an item in outlet last trip at half the original price that is still on website at full price and will periodically go on sale but not as low as I got it. I assume still in parks at full price as well.
Why is the award statue in the back throwing a woman? Best wife toss or something?
That’s actually a man being tossed and it’s a SLAMMY award.
Can you clarify which outlet or store you went to for these pictures? I would like to go there when I’m next at WDW, but I can’t tell which of the stores you mention is the source of your information. Thanks.
Each month pictures come from both Outlets. Generally, if a photo says in the caption (photo by Julia Mascardo) it came from Vineland, the rest coming from International Drive. There is a LOT of overlap between the two stores. The Vineland location is also about three times bigger than the International Drive store, so if you can only go to one you’ll get a bigger bang for your buck at the location closer to Disney.