New Villains’ Sinister Soiree Added to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party

Guests who are looking to add more treats to their Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party experience can participate in the “Villains’ Sinister Soiree: A Wicked Takeover of Cinderella Castle” Dessert Party. The event will include many perks, including a preferred viewing area for the 8:15 p.m. “Mickey’s Boo-To-You Parade,” a preferred viewing spot for “Happy HalloWishes” fireworks extravaganza, as well as a special dessert party at Cinderella’s Royal Table, hosted by Lady Tremaine. The restaurant will be transformed into a villainous atmosphere, with a piano player and haunting solos from Cinderella’s evil step-mother. The dessert party will include over-the-top desserts and non-alcoholic beverages, plus an autograph card and a souvenir Maleficent Dragon cup.
To check in for the event, guests must visit the Will Call booth outside the main entrance of the Magic Kingdom between 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Guests may begin checking in at the parade and fireworks viewing area, located in the central plaza by the Castle Forecourt Stage starting at 7:30 p.m. where they’ll receive wristband identification, which must be presented to enter the preferred viewing areas and Cinderella’s Royal Table. The dessert soiree will take place at either 10:15 p.m. or 11:45 p.m., depending on the day. It will take place at both 10:15 p.m. and 11:45 p.m. on September 1, 9 and 12 and at 10:15 p.m. only on September 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28 and October 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 31.
The cost is $99 per person (ages 3 and up), plus tax (gratuity is included). Admission to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party is required and not included in the price of the event. Reservations can be made by calling (407) 939-5262.
This is the INCEPTION of a disney party. It would be funny if it wasn´t tragic!! It´s just like if you pay more for an extra VIP spot on a parking lot which you have already payed for!!
So I must be the only one that was excited to see this pop up yesterday! I immediately got on the phone and booked this event! It will sell out for sure , I waited an hour on the phone so people are defiantly not worried about the price. If you have ever planned a vacation here then you know things are not cheap. I’m excited that I get to go in the castle because I probably never will get in there again. Disney isn’t making anyone purchase this special ticket. There are plenty of events in the food and wine festival that are well over $100 a person so this isn’t anything new to me. I can’t wait to enjoy this special event and not have to worry about my view for the parade, fireworks and meet all the characters!
I think about what it takes for Len Testa to raise an eyebrow. I think about having to buy a hard ticket that costs more than the hard ticket I just bought to get in. I think about how many variations on the “dance party” idea WDW’s been rolling out lately. I think about the terrible guest experiences I’ve read about re: Villians Unleashed.
And I find myself wondering if the folks in charge if WDW have lost their way.
I’m curious, what happened at the Villians Unleashed event to make it a debaucle?
Lines, lines and more lines. People waited over three hours for Maleficent for example. They ran out of goodie bags, merchandise and special snacks. People overall felt cheated and many think they over-sold the event, making it not exclusive at all.
I bought tickets for my mom and myself. I have been to MNSHP before (twice).
The best part of the party is the parade. I had told my mom we were going for the parade and were going to be camped out to get a good spot for me to take pictures with my DSLR. We were waiting in line for 7 dwarfs and got a terrible spot at the Christmas parade last year. (no pictures)
Now I do not have to worry about finding a great spot or this weekends mob scene.
I fortunately make a good salary and do not mind paying for premium.
They just jumped the shark on this one. And as Laurel just posted, hard ticket events imply exclusivity that would not require wasting time yo stake out good viewing spots. Clearly, this may not be the case. And after the Villians Unleashed debaucle Part 2? Smh
So this event sounds really cool but the idea of having to pay an $100 per person for a dessert party, after paying for the actual party, is insulting and obnoxious. I really hope that the event doesn’t sellout so wdw realizes enough is enough.
I was under the impression that limiting the number of tickets sold for a hard ticket event meant that one didn’t need preferred parade or fireworks viewing areas. Guess I was mistaken.
After this weekend’s debacle, I can’t believe anyone in WDW leadership had the you-know-whats to trot out the word “Villain” today
Justin- What are you referring to in your comment “this weekend’s debacle?”
Ellen: There was a Villains hard ticket event at the Studios. It did not go well.
@Justin Agreed. I went and enjoyed myself, however– it left much to be desired. I can’t believe (or maybe I can) that Disney would offer this after such a lackluster event, such as Villains Unleashed.
$99 for ages 3 & up? And admission to the Halloween party is separate and required? WTF?!? If this was an “upgrade” at a cost of $99 (but included admission)… maybe. But this is ridiculous.
I don’t mind hard ticket events; I often buy them. I have tix to the Halloween party, for example. But this is just plain crazy. The tix to get into the Halloween party are already $75 each, and they want another $100 for basically a couple of FP+ and some cake?
Disney’s been adding a lot more add-on experiences lately, and they’ve been getting more and more crazy. Now there’s a $100 hard ticket to an almost $100 hard ticket event? Come ON. What’s next, a $20 hard ticket for alcohol to the hard ticket for dessert to the hard ticket to the party???
I wish Disney would be as creative at coming up with new attractions as they are at coming up with new hard ticket events.
Move it to the Beast’s Castle and serve adult beverages and then they *might* have the beginnings of an idea.
Agreed! Give me some bottomless champagne and wine, and I’ll consider it.
Did Disney just add a hard-ticket event to a hard-ticket event!?
And for more $ than the original event?
You’ve got to be joking.