PHOTOS: The Magic of Disney Merchandise Shops at Orlando International Airport Get a New Look
What a wonderful feeling it is to arrive at Orlando International Airport! Your Walt Disney World vacation is at its very beginning. Contrast that with the sad feeling when you return back to the airport at the vacation’s end. A stop inside the Magic of Disney merchandise locations can help kick off your vacation or help you ward off the end-of-vacation blues. These two merchandise shops were recently given a fresh new look.
Departed are the large decorations, photo opportunities, and bright colors. Arrived is a new bright look, simplistic and rather basic. There is more room for bigger airport crowds. Both locations are stocked with a good sampling of the merchandise found throughout Walt Disney World. Most of it is theme park focused with a few character-centric merchandise mixed in. Let’s look at the West Location which is near Gates 1-59.

Let’s also take a look at the larger location found in the atrium of the airport, near the Hyatt hotel. A large video wall near the store’s entrance now welcomes guests as they arrive in the terminal.

Is it a tradition of yours to pop into either of these shops on your travels to and from Orlando International Airport? What do you think of the new look?