SATURDAY SIX: The Best BATHROOMS at Walt Disney World
This week’s SATURDAY SIX takes a look at the best bathrooms in Walt Disney World! Over the years we’ve looked at the best attractions, shows, and hotels at WDW, but what about a subject more important than all those things combined? Finding the best toilet at the Disney Parks is a science, and we reached out to a true expert in the field. That person declined, but we did get Bryan Curtis from the world famous Outhouse of Mouse website; a site dedicated to covering Disney toilets.

Bryan squirreled himself away for two weeks, using that time to chart out exactly which bathrooms are the BEST at the Disney Parks. We have seen the detailed notes, many of which will be used as evidence in the upcoming commitment trial. Today, Bryan is here to give his Top Toilets.
BRYAN: A word on the very scientific method in which these were determined: A restroom with no wait brings me much the same joy as an attraction with no wait. After all, the busier an attraction becomes, the filthier and more stench-ridden it becomes. The same logic pertains to restrooms. Theme is great, but clean, spacious, and under-populated is even better. So, there’s one particular restroom – owned by one particular long-haired blonde that everybody loves – that will not find its way onto this list for that reason. Now, without further ado let’s check out the best bathrooms in the Disney parks, starting with…
# 6 – Restroom in the Wild
Animal Kingdom is to be enjoyed at a relaxing pace so that guests might take in and enjoy all of the beautiful flora and fauna that is found everywhere they look. Please try to remember this as you rope-drop and run at full speed to Flight of Passage in Pandora.
However, for those not attempting to break the 40-yard dash record, perhaps they are on their way through DinoLand USA heading towards Everest. That’s where this restroom comes in handy.
Whether Finding Nemo – The Musical is playing or not, this restroom is open for business. If the show is not going on, you won’t find another soul in the area. The bathroom itself is huge, giving the same sense of jawdropping size when one first walks into a DVC Grand Villa. If Nemo is about to start – or is just getting out – you’ll encounter a crowd. So it is best to keep on walking and hold it until Asia. At all other times, the place is all yours.

# 5 – Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster Restroom
Currently, Hollywood Studios may not offer so much in the way of rides, but if you are a restroom fan, boy do I have a treat for you. Counting the park entrance, there are 11 stand-alone restrooms in the park, compared to just 4 rides. There is no other theme park that can boast that kind of ratio. The tagline for DHS could even be “We’re #1 at #2!”
But what is the best of the best? Well, just walk this way right down Sunset Boulevard and take a left for some sweet emotion. If you walked here from the park entrance, you would have already passed five restrooms. That’s part of the reason why this restroom is not busy – most people have made their stop before making it this far. They are on a mission to get on one of the few rides in the park.

# 4 – Innoventions West (AKA Club Cool’s Can)
What’s more refreshing than a cold glass of Beverly on a hot day, he asked ironically? Perhaps it is the need to immediately separate that Beverly from your body. Many do it in a projectile way in a nearby garbage can, but the rest of us gather up what little dignity we have left and head to the “loo.” The closest restroom to Club Cool is in the nearby Innoventions West. You often have the run of the place because there is generally nothing happening in Innoventions West. This restroom is so elusive, it doesn’t even show up on the park map. However, you’ll find it on the My Disney Experience app, listed at Fountain View Restrooms. But really, who’s looking at that app all day?
Since there are very few visitors to Innoventions West, besides the occasional character interaction, this restroom doesn’t get a lot of action. From Club Cool, head left and go through the sliding doors to Innoventions. You’ll find it there on the right.

Bonus points must be awarded for what just may be the WEIRDEST bathroom in all of Walt Disney World.

# 3 – Indoor Odyssey
This is the restroom that started the whole journey of Outhouse of Mouse. Do people know about this one at all? It turns out, most people know about the former Odyssey Restaurant outside restrooms, but few people remember the inside restrooms, just beyond the door. That means you’ll rarely encounter a line.
The Odyssey used to be a restaurant. Then it wasn’t. However, the building survived and is used for occasional events and merchandising opportunities. The outdoor restrooms are easy to find, and in plain view for anyone stumbling home after a marathon drinking session around World showcase.
But the indoor restrooms are the real attraction here. Located on the Future World side of the Odyssey building, go through the doors (just remember, as long as there’s a festival, the doors are unlocked), and you’ll find them.

# 2 – Restrooms of the Caribbean
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s got to go. Okay, it’s not as catchy as the original tune written by Imagineer X Attencio, but is possibly more relevant to the task at hand. Even though Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the most classic attractions in all of Disney-dom… an experience that is truly never-to-be-missed… even with certain redhead-related events increasing attendance… and even though there are signs everywhere, this restroom is often overlooked.
Perhaps it’s the lure of the gift shop that pulls guests away from the call of nature. Or maybe they are already thinking ahead to lunch at Tortuga Tavern. There’s a good chance many are glued to their phones constantly refreshing My Disney Experience to see if a FP+ comes up and did not see the many, many signs to point the way. No matter the case, the restrooms are big and sparsely populated.
As you exit the attraction and head into the gift shop, bear to your larboard (left) side. You’ll find the restrooms in a little hallway right there.

# 1 – Journey Into Imagination with Restrooms
Of all the fantastic restrooms at Epcot (of which there are many), this one is king of the mountain. This restroom is generally crazy deserted. Like Walking-Dead ghost town deserted. Like never to see another living soul deserted.
This might be because they are tucked away around the corner of the Imagination! Pavilion. And it might be because there is rarely a crowd for the attractions within said pavilion. And it might be because of the abundance of restrooms in relative close proximity to this one.
Whatever the reason or reasons, this restroom is never to be missed by you, the informed public. A special bonus – you can hear “One Little Spark” background music from inside the restroom. Always include this pitstop in your touring plans.

Honorable Mention: Second Floor of The Land Pavilion
Until very recently, the 2nd floor Land restroom would have been in the top six. It may have even been number one. But with larger crowds brought on by the Soarin’ update, there seems to be more people finding their way to this location.
With its prime location across from two attractions plus a popular lunchtime location in Sunshine Seasons, the 1st floor restroom is severely overcrowded. Head upstairs for a better experience. It’s just down the hall from Garden Grill Restaurant. It might be a little busy, but it will always be less crowded than your first option.

Double Secret Honorable Mention: Arendelle
When Disney converted the Norway Pavilion in Epcot over to Arendelle, many overlooked one of the best features of the new area: the restrooms. Some of the best design work you see in any Disney park bathroom.

So there you have it: The Best Bathrooms in the Disney Parks! See you next weekend for the latest installment of the SATURDAY SIX, where we’ll look at something fun from the world of Disney and Universal. If you enjoyed yourself, be sure to check out The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! articles, or, for your listening pleasure, check out the E-Ticket Report podcast. You can also follow Your Humble Author on Twitter (@derekburgan).
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Special Thanks to spirt animal Brandon Glover, Bryan Curtis of Outhouse Of Mouse, Orlando artist extraordinaire Joel Carroll, photo wunderkind Mike Sperduto, the bio-est of all reconstructs @bioreconstruct, and blogger to the stars Megan Stump for their invaluable assistance with this article. Be sure to also check out Brandon on The Park Blogger podcast with goofballs co-hosts Aengus Mackenzie and LitemAndHyde , while fellow Potterheads may enjoy Meg’s work on the Central Florida Slug Club.
FINAL PLUG! Did you know The 2018 Unofficial Guide to Universal Orlando has a special edition of the SATURDAY SIX in it? Finally, someone came up with an actual reason to read a book. ORDER this baby now!

Seriously, the Arendelle restrooms are the nicest in all of Walt Disney World! We randomly used them on our last trip, and it was like stumbling into a different world! That is a little hyperbole, but it was nearly empty and gigantic.
The Imagination restrooms deserve the top spot for sure. The old-school decor and BGM makes it a great reminder of old EPCOT Center. Plus, it’s also really empty!
We need a “top bathrooms to avoid” article now!
Well we can start with the breezeway bathrooms in-between Adventureland and Frontierland..
My most recent experience with the Imagination bathroom was that, although it was indeed deserted and that was nice, it also seemed not to have been visited by facilities staff very often, and that wasn’t so nice.
Interesting article, and helpful information. However, I have to admit that my first thought on reading this was to wonder if anyone called security on the photographer for trying to get pictures inside restrooms. I think if I saw someone doing that, I’d find it a tad creepy.
We’re theme park bloggers. Creepy is part of our job description.
Another plus for the restrooms outside of Finding Nemo – best tasting water fountains right outside the restroom.
Why don’t they have mirrors in their bathrooms?
There are mirror in the restrooms, just not above the sinks. This is so the sinks are open for those that need to use them for washing and not be blocked by people grooming.
For some reason, I’ve always had good luck at the bathrooms between the Plaza Restaurant and Tomorrowland (during non-parade times). I guess most people are trying to get to Space Mountain.
WUT? No trails end, fort wilderness?
The original plan for the drawing that starts off the article was to replicate that photo with Disney characters. Unfortunately I don’t think it’s well known enough outside of a certain fanbase.
Well, at least they dont have credit card scanners on the stall doors……………….yet. Might be carrying empty water bottles and biodegradable dog bags before long.
I’ve used all of the restrooms mention here bit we all know the best restrooms is the upstairs one in the Liberty Tree Tavern.
I can tell you they have more bad restrooms then good and at resorts the lack of restrooms.
Love this article! Please bring Bryan back for more.
We will be going to disney june 23 this year and this article has really helped .thank you
We LIVE to serve!
I have one criteria for my favorite bathrooms: hot water at the sinks. Not many to choose from unfortunately.
In 20 years of and 30 or so trips, i didn’t know several of the rest rooms In this blog even existed. As I am always on a search for uncrowded, clean, restrooms, you can bet I will seek these out in my next visit.
The best part of the ladies’ Rock’n’Roller Coaster bathrooms is the giant mirror obstructed by nothing. If you need more than a quick moment of primping, this is the best bathroom.
The innoventions bathroom has been our secret favorite since we discovered a few trips ago. The AC makes it a life saver in the heat.
I would also like to add the restrooms on the first floor of The Contemporary near The Wave entrance. Not necessarily for their size or theming, but for their paper towels! The best at Walt Disney World.
In addition, the restrooms near The American Adventure Pavilion are spacious and have excellent theming! Check out the lighting sconces and mirrors! Fabulous!
Please also consider the restrooms just outside Starbucks at Animal Kingdom–near Creature Comfort. Cleanest restrooms we have found!
Thank you for writing this as I have often wanted to write about this!
Love it! We often joke that my son could have written an article like this as it seems we must stop at every washroom.